Re-pondering on Translation Process under Text Coherence Re-pondering on Translation Process under Text Coherence

Re-pondering on Translation Process under Text Coherence

  • 期刊名字:校园英语(教研版)
  • 文件大小:607kb
  • 论文作者:吕丽丽
  • 作者单位:山东大学
  • 更新时间:2020-11-11
  • 下载次数:

校园英语Re-pondering on Translation Process under Text Coherence吕丽丽(山东大学威海)摘要:“翻译过程实际上就是语篇连贯的识别和重构的过程"。这describes cognition mode as backup soures and so on. If the指出了翻译中的两个主要问题;首先翻译是从原语语篇到译语语篇的meaning expresed in a text is conformed to cogitin mode, then .过程。其次肯定了连赞这一语篇的基本特征在翻译过程中的重要性。the text is coherence.本文从影响语篇连贯的内外因素(文化语境,认知模式等)出发探讨译3. The guidance of the interior conditions者如何识别和理解原文语篇的连贯性及怎样重构译文语篇的连贯。;1Cohesion is one of the important means to form text coher-关键字:翻译;语篇;连贯1. The close relationship between text coherence and trans-ence, which embodies in the surface structure of texts, includinggrammatical means such 8 anaphora, replacement, omission anlationText coherence means various kinds of relationships existingvocabulary means such 器re -occurrence and co - and out texts between semantics and structures. Coherence isThen how to grasp these cohesion mechanisms? Translatorsone of the basic features of texts and the main difference betweenshould make static analysis on the interior factors from microcos-texts and non-texts and without it there will be no text at all .Themic point of view so as to make out the communicational functionprocess of translation can be regarded as recognition and compre-of these cohesion means and how the author makes use of them to .hension of coherence in source language texts and reconstructionachieve his or her purpose of coherence.Coberence is one of the important nules in construction ofof coherence in target language texts . In the process of transla-texts and also an important feature of texts, s0 text coherence istion, translators have to communicate with the author as a readerthe first factor that should be paid attention to in the process offirst so a to get a coherence comprehension of the source lan-translation. We discussed how the exterior and interior factors ofguage text and find out the comimunicational intention of the 8u-text coherence guide translators to comprehend coherence inthor and then in order to reproduce the communicational functionsource language texts and reconstruct coherence in target lanof the source language text, translators must reconstruct coherenceguage texts. With the guidance of the theory of text coherence,of the same value in the target language text. ln this process,translators can easily achieve equivalence in meaning and func-translators are inevitably influenced by two aspects which are thetion between source language texts and target language texts.exterior conditions of text coherence--- context of culture, cogni-参考文献tion mode and context of situation and the interior conditions of([1] Campbll,Kim, 1995, Coherence, Continuity and Coherence.text coherence- -- -- -cohesion mechanism.Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers2. The guidance of the exterior conditions[2] Hlliday, MAK&RHsan 2003, Cohesion in English . Foreign Lan-Considering from individual aspect, cognition mode is the guage and Rearch Pressfixed cultural factors in context of culture, such as customs,[3]陈明瑶,2005,论语篇连贯与话语标记语的汉译.上海翻译,第4habits, behavioral mode and the dynamic or stable knowledge 期structure in people s mind accumulated through education. The4]黄国文, 194,语篇分析概要.长沙:湖南教育出版社knowledge structure exists in some fixed mode and at the same学学报,第3期[5]靳宁,贾德江,2006,翻译过程中的译者语篇连贯思维,南华大time changes from time to time. It is waiting for being selected[6]王东风,1998,语篇连贯语翻译初探外语与外语教学,第4期and meanwhile, is connected with speakers' plan and decision.门杨志亭,2004,英汉翻译中的语篇连贯与翻译策略,天津外国Therefore, linguists use many dfferent theories to describe the语学院学报,第3期cognition mode, such a$ frame theory, which describes cognition[8]张德禄,刘汝山,2003,语篇连贯与衔接理论的发展及应用,上mode as a static knowledge systen, schemata, which describes 海: 上海外语教育出版社cognition mode as structure figure with fixed form, script, which上接第99页isfying”译成“对于耳官,那是满足了”不如“可功底外 ,必须要有科学严谨,-丝不苟的态度 ,要形成译者的谓是大饱耳福”简洁精美,而且后者也有“化境”之昧。再比如风格 ,不可随意添加,尤其是在进行跨文化翻译时。译者态度"honest- to godnes school" ,黄译成“天晓得学校”。首先让人直接影响译 文质量。翻译不可能做到完美,但是译者-定要有不明白什么是‘天晓得学校”,其次意思理解错误,"honest-to-科学严谨,一 丝不苟的态度,才能做到最好。goodness"是褒义,指“真正的,实实在在的"(approving,simple参考文献:and good)。再比如“一个人走进饭店,饥肠辘辘,可是饭菜久待[1]淋语堂.吾国与吾民[M]北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 1998.2不至”,林语堂写道“one can do abolutely nothing except pray σr社,2006.1[2]黄嘉德译吾国与吾民1林语堂著. [M西安:陕西师范大学出版curse in the most elegant manner" ,黄译成“则- -无办法,只有默祷上帝..”。此处黄把"pray"译成“默祷上帝”,王少娣(2009:军外国语[3]王少娣共语肯的在古士白领向上甘翻译的互文性分析[]解放中国煤化工期56)认为林语堂的文章多带有东方主义倾向。黄翻译时随意添作者CN M H G人,翻译硕士,庆房地加,没有充分考虑文化差异因素。产职业学院。刚蚁,土安从争大于天厢,四州文写作,英语口语教学新四、结语以上分析可以看出,译者除了有扎实的双语功底和文化闻工作。100
