An Analysis of Personality in Wuthering Heights An Analysis of Personality in Wuthering Heights

An Analysis of Personality in Wuthering Heights

  • 期刊名字:科技信息
  • 文件大小:892kb
  • 论文作者:Liu Feng
  • 作者单位:International School
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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科技信息人文社科浅谈文明语言的艺术魅力西昌学院图书馆张亮[摘要]语言是人类交流思想、沟通感情、表达愿望、传递信息的载体,是人际交往的重要手段。困书馆是一个服务性机构,开晨膜务工作离不开语言,文明语言能启迪学生的心灵与智慧,影响学生的行为与思想。[关键词]文明语言围书馆语言是人类交流思想沟通感情、表达愿望.传递信息的载体是人们就会 先办归还手续.再办借阅手续。所以,你的书如已还的话,只能在际交往的重要手段。图书馆是一一个服务性机构.开展服务工作离不开语库里,而不可能被别人借走" ,这样处理学生容易接受.既然库里没有,言,文明语言能启迪学生的心灵与智慧,影响学生的行为与思想,文明那回去找找。 同- -件事,怎么会产生不同的结果呢?很简单,只因前者无。语言以其独特的艺术魅力在学校图书馆中发挥着神奇的作用。札,后者知礼;前者缺乏文明修养,后者具备文明礼貌。可见,文明语言一、文明语盲沟通心灵其效果和影响是截然不同的。图书馆的馆员每天与学生接触,为他们提供图书情报资料,而学生最容易引起矛盾的事情是超期书,特别是一些教师,借的书大部分从这座知识的宝库中寻找他们所需要的信息。这种供求关系处理得好,是教学用书,需要长期备用,再来借新书,电脑会出现“有超期书未还,图书资料的潜在价值就能更充分地被利用。刚入学的新生与新进教师借阅被停 止”,这样教师就不容易接受。这就需要我们用文明的语言耐不熟悉图书馆,不大清楚馆里有哪些资料,对自己的需要时常宁愿自己心地 做好解释工作:“设置借阅限期只是为了提高图书的利用率。如果费时费力去摸索寻找,也不愿开口向人,而工作人员不知道他们需要什确 实需要,把到期书先还再重借或特殊处理" ,道理讲清楚了,教师会理么资料,既浪费了时间又不能合理利用图书馆。这就是缺乏沟通,而沟解和支持的。通的桥梁就是语言。如果馆员能够及时地上前,“您好!”“需要帮助吗?"三.文明语言影响对方“您要找哪本书?”“我用计算机帮您查!”简简单单的一句话,就可以缩学校图书馆是精神文明的窗口,是校园文化最具有代表性的一部短馆员与他们的距离感.消除隔阂.使两者的关系和谐融治,营造出一分.是培养教育学生的圣地,工作人员是为人之师,一言-行一举一动种亲密友好的气氛,这就是文明语言的艺术魅力。学生有什么困难和需能对学生起到示范性感染性、教育性的作用。文明的人文环境对学生要也愿意讲,而馆员也才能充分利用所掌握的图书馆的业务知识辅导的自律、修养起到积极的影响.优美的语言对学生能起到潜移默化的作学生,更有效地发挥馆藏的作用。用。文明的语言是社会进步的重要标志.既是对别人的尊重,也是对自二、文明语言缓解矛盾己的尊重。图书馆是学生的第二课堂.在这个课堂里.馆员与学生同处.文明的语言可以缓解矛盾.消除矛盾。-般来说,学生来图书馆是于- 个环境,双方都在 有意无意地影响着对方,而馆员的影响则更为明为了借某本书查找某方面的资料。但如果找了半天没找到,心里肯定显。 “您好! "“请稍等!”“我马上就帮您查。"“请把书拿好。“再见!”很懊恼,这时如果我们面带笑容说:“您需要的书我可以帮您查- -下,如“对不起! ......在这样的文明环境中.身临其境的学生能不受果已借出.还书时给您留薯,立即邇知您,可以吗? "书虽然还是没有借到感染 和熏陶吗?谁还能说得出不文明的语言呢?我们图书馆的馆员是到,但心情当然会高兴的。有的学生由于借书有时出现漏还现象,认为:服务 者,但更是教育者和精神文明的培养者。还过了,和某某书- -起拿来还的。这时如果语言不文明.极容易使矛盾实践告诉我们.文明语言的艺术魅力是显而易见的,重视学生语言激化,“还了怎么还会在你的卡上.你肯定没还"。双方各执- -词,互不相文明.这是我们实施素质教育的最好体现,对学生这一 -方面的指导是一让,气氛骤然紧张。但你换-种态度,使用语言文明,矛盾就会得到缓个 长期的过程,因而始终需要我们学校图书馆工作人员去进行不懈的解:“您别着急,好好想想。如果您的书还了,那- -定会在库里.谁也借不探索、 长期的努力。创文明校.做文明人,以学生为本.做好f图书馆服务出去,我这就去帮您找- -找。 ”如果没找到,可以跟学生做进一一步的详细育人工作,在人际交往中,多- 一点“甜言蜜语”吧! 那会使人与人之间的解释,“我们库里的每本书都有一个条形码,如果没有还掉的话,那么当关系 更加融治,人们的心灵更加接近。有人拿着该书办借阅手续时,微机就会出现[该书已借出]的提示,那我(上接第153页)brother of Iabela, the bheir to the estate of Thrusherose ing her ilnes is an admirable aspect of his character. His love and devotion toGrange and most importandly a foil to Hathelif, everything about the two her are beyond question. His willingness to talke responsibility for young Lin-boys/men is diferent and their one common point, being their love for Cather- ton after Isabella's death shows his generous nature particularly龋Heathelif,ine Earnshaw. Edgar's world is pampered, condfort and wealth, 80 he grows in- who he abhors, is the boy's father. He is willing to allow Cathy mary Linton ifto a tender, constant, but cowardly would allow her to be conaoled after his own death..*Just as his sister Isabella Linton serve a Catherine's foil, Edgar LintonTo sum up, Edgar Linton is a gentleman omamnented with weakness andserves 幽Heathelif's. Eilgar is borm and raised a genleman. He is graceful,Conclusionwell-mannered, and ingillel with civilized virtues. These qualitie CauseCatherine to chooee Edgar over Heathelif and thus to initiate the contentionThe distinct personality of charncters has an inseparably connect with thebetween the men. Nevertheless, Edgar's gentlemanly quaities ulimatelyspecial living environment and character of the author. Emily is the daughterprove useless in his fighting with Heathelif. Edgr is particularly humiliated of an lrish clergyman whose background is Methodist but who is himself firmlywhen he confronts with Heathelif in Chapter xI, where he openly shows his of the Church of England. In 1820 he became perpetual curate of Haworth,fear of fgting Heahelift. Catherine, witnessing the scene, taunts him, saying, Yorkshire, and thus for his children home became a somewhat bleak nothem"Heathelif would as so0n as ift a finger at you幽the king would march his parsonage on the edge of the moors. Childhoods' living environment madearmy sgainst a colony of mice." (Bronte, 154).passionate, creative and imaginative Emily hold unique character. These areWhat' s more, Edgar's weakness is also expressed in his fear ol Cather- just the dee root that she gives so unforgettable personality of characters.ine' s temper.It was this fear that forced him to give in to Catherine's requert thatReferencesHeathclif be alowed, visit at the Grange. His fear is again evident a he[1 ]Branta Fmilu u。re alwedtovineForeigpgives in to Catherine's request that two tables be set up in the dining room1994.中国煤化工译海口;海南国际新闻出rather than have Heathelift eat in the servant's quarters. Though the basictheme of his character i weak, there are still a few ocaions on which Edgar版 中心CHCNMHG国社合科学出版社,1983.proves to be decisive. For example, he warns Isabella that he will have pothingto do with her if she marries Heathelif,[4 ]侯维瑞,李维屏.英国小说史[M].南京:译林出版社,2005.During the whole life of Edgar Linton, his cirilized living gentle nature[5]刘维成Wubering Heigha[ M].oreign Languagr Teaching and Rand pleasant manner have never disappeared. His devotion to Catherine dur- esearch Pres, 1995;- 154-
