Comparison and Analysis of Fabric Deodorization Test Methods
- 期刊名字:东华大学学报(英文版)
- 文件大小:887kb
- 论文作者:WEI Meng-yuan,XUE Wen-liang,LU
- 作者单位:Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles
- 更新时间:2020-12-06
- 下载次数:次
268Joumal of Donghua University (Eng. Ed.) Vol. 29, No. 3 (2012)Comparison and Analysis of Fabric Deodorization Test MethodsWEI Meng -yuan(魏孟媛).2, XUE Wen-liang(薛文良)”*, LU Wei-min (陆维民)',MA Jie(马洁)°,CHEN Zhi-fei(陈智菲)1 Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Shanghai 200135, China2 Engineering Research Center of Technical Textiles, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, ChinaAbstract: The test methods of deodorization fabric are studied indaily life: alkaline, acidity, and organic. So in this paper, thedaily lifte. In view of diterent deodorization fabrics and sourcetypical gases were used for testing by detector tube method andgases, tbe detector tube method and gas chromatography-MameGC-FID method 11-3]. Although GC-FID method is widelydendorsineratesorfabriememoowerecoosentotestmneused in the qualitative and quantitative testing of organicdeodorization test were discussed. Through the two methods, thesubstance, the parameter of GC-FID should be optimized in theresidual concentration of odorous substance after adsorption can betest, because of the lower relative molecular mass of ammoniameasured,and the deodorizing rates of deodorization fabric can beand fommaldehyde. Meanwhile, the low solubility of hydrogengot by calculation. The results show that the two test methods aresuifide in kinds of solvents makes it be tested only by detectorboth appropriate for deodorization test of method.Key words: deodorization fabric; deodorizing rate; detector tube; gaschromatography-flame ionization detector ( GC-FID)1.1 MaterialsCLC number: TS107.3Document code: AThe blank sample, cotton interfacing, bamboo-carbonArticle D: 1672 5220(2012 )03 026804fabric with silver ions, bamboo-carbon fabric, and hempstocking were chosen to study the test method of the fabricdeodorization,and were indicted by 1, 2, 3, 4,and 5Introductionrespectively: l -blank sample, 2 -cotton interfacing ( ShanghaiTextile Industry of Technical Supervision, China), 3 -bamboo-There are a lot of microorganisms around people and theycarbon fabric with silver ions ( Wuxi Paiho Textile Ltd,act frequently in a certain temperature and humidity ,China), 4- bamboo-carbon fabric ( Wuxi Paiho Textile Ltd. ,decomposing the protein, carbohydrate, higher fatty acid, andChina), 5-hemp stocking ( Donghua University, China) .something else from human body. While the odor 0Ammonia/ nitrogen standard substance: the concenrationdecomposition spreads in the air and goes into the nasal cavity ofof ammonia for 75. 9 mg/m3 under 9.5 MPa,produced byhuman body, it is adsorbed by smell cells of the upper nasalShanghai Weichuang Standard Gas Co, Ltd., China;cavity causing membrane potential which is sent into the brain asformaldehyde/ nitrogen standard substance: the concentration ofpulse signal along the nerves. Therefore, people can feel theformaldehyde for 133. 9 mg/ m3 under 9. 5 MPa, produced bydirty smell[1]. The dirty smell refers to the unpleasant odor forShanghai Weichuang Standard Gas Co, Ltd, China; hydrogenmost people. And the root of the dirty smell is mostly from thesulfide/ nitrogen standard substance: the concentration ofdecomposition of microorganisms. Faced with the dirty smell,hydrogen sulfide for 151. 8 mg/m3 under 9.5 MPa, producedwe use variety of methods to eliminate stink for comfort [2-4]by Shanghai Weichuang Standard Gas Co., Ltd, China;including developing antibiosis deodorization fabric Is, 6]physical coating [7,8] , and photo catalyst [9, 10] and so on. Soethanol alcohol: analytically pure, produced by SinopharmChemical Reagent Co., Ltd., China; ammonia solution:far, more and more deodorization fabric products enter theanalytically pure, 28% by weight, produced by Shanghai Anpumarket as the demands of people. But it's hard for consumers toScientific Instrument Co, Ltd, China; formaldehyde solution :distinguish them. From the rights and interests of consumers andchromatographically pure, concentration for 1.0 g/L, producedenvironment coordination, the deodorization test methods andby Shanghai Anpu Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., China.relative standards should be studied and defined as soon as.2 Equipmentpossible. So that it can make the deodorization product tradeTetrafluoroethylene air bag: 5 L, produced by Americamore standard and protect the legitimate rights and interests ofTedlar Company.consumers.Hydrogen sulfide gas detector tube: measuring rang 0.4-Although early researchers used different methods to182. 1 mg/m3 , produced by Japan GASTEC Company.measure the deodorizing performance of the products as well asAmmonia gas detector tube: measuring range 0. 4-59.2developing the deodorizing textile, these methods were notuniform,and the testing procedures were very m3 , produced by Japan GASTEC Company. .Therefore, there is lack of appropriate method to indict theFormaldehyde gas detector tube: measuring range 2. 7 -deodorizing performance in the textile trade. In this paper, the133.9 mg/ m3 , produced by Japan GASTEC Company.detector tube method and gas chromatography flame ionizationGC-FID: Agilent 7890, produced by AmericaAgilentdetector ( GC-FID ) method were chosen to snudy theTechnology Company.deodorizing rates of fabric and the influencing factors onGas flow meter: model of RK-1650, range of0.3- 3.0Ldeodorization test were discussed. On this basis, the method ofmin, produced by Japan KOFLOC Company.testing the deodorizing performance for the textile was built.1.3 Detector tube methodPut the prepared sample into the empty air bag and seal up1 Experimentalthe bag. Open the valve, fll in 3 L ammonia standard gas andclose t中国煤化工ount of odorussubstanceThe odorous substance is divided into three categories inconcentrationTYHCNMHGnd put down theReceived date: 2011-09-27* Correspandence should be adressed 10 XUE Wen-liang, E-mail: xWI@ dhu. edu. cn.Joumal of Donghua University (Eng. Ed.) 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