An Analysis of the Natural State in Leviathan An Analysis of the Natural State in Leviathan

An Analysis of the Natural State in Leviathan

  • 期刊名字:大众文艺
  • 文件大小:347kb
  • 论文作者:杨华
  • 作者单位:四川外语学院
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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理论研究An Analysis of the Natural State in Leviathan杨华(四川外语学院4001 )Abstract: in the chapter 13 of Leviathan, by amalyzing human natur, power, sovereignty can supervise the performing of theThomas Hobbes gives out his hypothesis of the Natural state, in which covenants and punish the people who breach them anpecople' s lives are guided by lw of nature. Without a common powerto build up the domestic order.keep all in awe,he law of nature cannot be observed all the time. ThusB..Ana logy between the I nternat iona Ilong time peace and comfort will never be achieved, and even the security Anarchical Society and the Natural Stateof people cannot be guaranteed. This situation can also be applied to theAs people make contracts with one another and agreemodem international anarchical society. This paper will make an analogy to abide by a common power, the natural state comes tobetween the natural state in Leviathan and the modern intemationl society an end, and then comes the idea of analyze the reason of intemational conflics.In the anarchical international world a country isKey word: Levithan; lw of nature; natunal state; international like a person in the natural state. To pursue their ownanarchical and property they would try every means wi thoutany restriction, thus arise the continual competitionThomas Hobbes is a famous political philosopher and conflicts among nations. So every country canin the seventeenth century. His book Leviathan is his' only enjoy a relative and vulnerablemost controversial book which gains him much fame. To country’ s becoming stronger means another country’the present day it still plays an important role in the becoming weaker and more vulnerable, every country willwestern political philosophy. For a better understanding live in constant fear of being attacked or subdued byof the international society it is still worth studying other countries. Therefore they will always try tonobecome stronger and get more power, which will lead to aA. The Theory of the Natural Statemalign circlethe more competition of power the moreIn the natural state all the people are equal tuncertainty of safety.According to the theory of the natural state, wi thoutman sometimes manifestly stronger in body or of quicker a common power the malign circle_ in the internationalmind than another"I, yet the differences are not so anarchical state will never stop. In this situation longsignificant as they seened to be. For as to the strength term cooperation among Countries is impossible. On oneof body, the weakest has the ngth to kill the strongest, hand, there is the problem of profit distribution. Amongeither by“ secret machination or by confederacy with the cooperating countries the country that gets thothers that are in the same danger with himself" 2. And bigger share of profit will certainly become stronger,nobodybelieves that any other will be wiser. By this which means it will exert dangers on other countries asequality, every nan is capable of ruining one anotherenseofsecurity is largelydecided byfor his om survival. Thus every man lives in the danger the comparison of national power. So in the cooperationof being killed or subdued by others. So there come the wistate of war and the la of naturethe absolute profit that a country cares most. On theIn leviathan Hobbes states that the first principle other hand, there is another problemn in the cooperationf the law of nature is“to seek peace and follow it" .among countries- the problem of keeping rational all thef all people behave in the same way and try every time. As the human beings are jealous by nature, theirpossible means to achieve their om goals, none of them pursuance of fame and glory means that relative benefitcan succeed, rather they will fall in the endless feais more valuable than the absolute one. And also asof being destroyed or subdued by others. The second isbeings are easily driven by passion and horror,,it“that a man be willing, when others are so too, as far is just an ideal for then to keep rational all the time.forth as for peace and defense of himself he shall think Thus reason is only to smooth the present passion, andit necessary, to lay dowmn his right to all things; and cooperation among countries is short and contented with so much liberty against other men asSince every country enjoys the same rights as thatne would allow other men against himself". Hobbes has people enjoy in the natural state, a country may make oralso listed several other laws of nature in Leviathan, breach a covenant. Then alliance is effective only whenJt they all can be put in one sentence: whatever youthe contract is beneficial to all the countries thatrequire. that others should do to you, that you do yemade the covenants. The realization of alliances of thecovenants countries manifests that in a certain period cooperationwith each other and promise to perform them. But without and alliance are possible amongcountriesan absolute power to supervise the performance of thethe same enemies and share the same interest. But thecovenants,no one can guarantee the performance of the problem of interest distribution still exists. Once theircontracts, for the contracts may sometimes be not common enemies disappear, they. will come back to theequally beneficial to every contactor. So even there arnatural state and care about their own interest only.covenants, self conservation will always be the firstCooperation, competition and conflicts among theprinciple of human behavior, and the state of war willcountries are the real condition in the internat ionalnever come to end.society. Every country can only depend on itself to fightn awe, the against the possibledangers and protect its people andapplication of the law of nature can never be guaranteed. propert:So people give part of their rights to a person or an every c中国煤化Iie Deans to becomeagency. and give it some power to govern their society. nore poscd this competitionThus the idea of a country comes out. In Leviathan a will beTYHCN M H Ger countries. Thuscountry is a supper power, and more importantly, people all the countries will be living in a kind of hostileendow it with a soul - sovereignty which is absoluteand suspicious environment and can never enjoy long timeand cannot be divided and transferred. By its absolute peace and comfort.15理论研究浅谈冬不拉演奏中如何增强音乐表现力张建铃(甘肃省阿克塞哈萨 克族自治县群众文化艺术馆736400 )摘要:在冬不拄演奏中如何增强音乐表现力?首先,熟练掌握弹奏曲调有的含蓄而内蕴;有的外露而奔放:有的沉稳而和运用冬不拉弹奏技术,尤其是乐曲的基本弹奏技巧。第二,增强学缠绵; 有的粗犷而强悍,融合了东方与西方音乐的元素,是哈萨生对音乐内容的感受和理解,提高文化修养,做到理性和感性同步。克民族历 史与现实精神世界的真实反映。歌词和曲调水乳交触,第三,培养良好的心理状态,是增强音乐表现力的重要保证。飞翔在广袤的草原上,因而形成了“歌和马是哈萨克人的两只翅关键词:冬不拉;演奏;音乐表现力膀"的写照,和从生到死“唱若来唱着去”的民族特色文化。因此就要求教学者既要教授音乐理论和冬不拉的弹奏理论,又要讲冬不拉是哈萨克族弹弦乐器。是哈萨克族民间最流行的传统冬不拉作 品的理解和表现力。冬不拉演奏是感知、审美和传情的乐器,分为高、中低等十几种。作为拨奏弦鸭乐器之一-的冬不 艺术,学习曲目就要反复读谱,背谱,了解作者的意图和作品内拉,是流行于中国新疆伊犁哈萨克族地区的民间拨弦乐器,在甘含的感情及作品风格, 特色、调式、和声、结构、力度、高潮等肃省阿克塞哈萨克族自治县也广泛流传。优秀的冬不拉演奏往往乐 曲整体特点,在此情况下运用熟练的技巧,演奏出的乐曲才会产生强烈的艺术感染力,使人身临其境,情景交融,塑造出鲜明富 有感染力。生动的艺术形象。作为学冬不拉者,如何提高音乐表现力,笔者第三,培养良好的心理状态,是增强音乐表现力的重要保就自己在冬不拉教学中的实践,谈- 一些体会。证.冬不拉以简朴轻盈的构造,蓄纳天地万籁之声,淋漓尽致地首先,熟练掌握和运用冬不拉弹奏技术,尤其是乐曲的基传 达出草原特殊的音乐语汇,表达着哈萨克人民的悲欢离合和喜本弹奏技巧。冬不拉是哈萨克族弹弦乐器。是哈萨克族民间最流怒哀乐。 演奏者的良好心理状态应当是临场发挥时能够沉著冷静行的传统乐器,分为高、中、低等十几种。冬不拉易学易带,深而又热情大方, 既能全神贯注地投入,情感又能得到自然的流受哈萨克族喜爱。木制音箱,音积有扁平和飘形两种,琴杆上有露, 甚至超水平地发挥。而紧张的心理状态往往引起演奏者动作九个缠皮线的品位,张两根弦。可奏出三度、四度、五度、六度僵硬, 思维停顿,发生错误。教师应当在学生一开始学习冬不拉和八度的和音。音量较小,一股用于自弹自唱、独奏和合奏等。时 就帮助其分析紧张的原因,克服紧张的心理状态,增加演奏时哈萨克族的音乐工作者,对冬不拉进行了改革,增加了品位,改感情的投入, 仔细体会乐曲的美感。当然,扎实的基本功,对乐用钢丝弦,扩大了音域,增大了音量。制成有高低音不同的冬不曲内容的充分把握 有助于建立起演奏者的信心,但感情的投入同拉。如四弦十二品的最高音冬不拉、四弦+五品的高音冬不拉、样必不可少。 学会将生动的音乐发自内心自然地流露出来,才会二弦十三或+四品的中音冬不拉、二弦十七品的次中音冬不拉和感动听众。 音乐表现不是将表演作为外在技巧的显示和夸耀,而十品的低音冬不拉等。演奏东不拉,将琴斜置于怀中,左手持琴是用 与作者同样的思想感情和心态去体会和展示音乐艺术的魅按弦,右手弹拨。左手按弦时,多用食指和拇指,其次是中指和力达到忘我的程度,感动自己,并通过这种交流形式感动听无名指,小指很少使用,右手主要用中指和搬指拨弦,其余三指众少用,有时也使用拨片弹奏。一般以外弦奏旋律,内弦作和弦衬总之, 音乐表现力的提高是无止境的,它要求我们在演奏托,有时也相反,还经常用内外弦同时弹奏旋律。学生对冬不拉中尽可 能地投入自己的情感,努力挖掘作品的内涵。但这些并不艺术的深入学习和进一步掌握也是从这里开始的,没有它,完美是一朝一夕 就能达到的,它涉及许多方面的问题。这就要求教师的音乐表现力就是一句空话。因此,各种指法的训练及练习曲的要合理安排学习曲目, 因材施教,不断提高学生的音乐素养,使勤奋学习是完全必须的。只有具备了扎实的基本功,才有可能弹他们受到良好的艺术熏陶, 帮助学生克服紧张心理状态和不良习奏不同力度、速度、不同长度、难度的作品,才有可能传达作品惯: 同时,也应当建议学生严格要求自己,勤奋练习,多听多的意境。看,丰富各方面知识和舞台实践经验,不断总结提高自己的水第二,增强学生对音乐内容的感受和理解,提高文化修养,平, 使冬不拉的演奏艺术得以继承和发展。做到理性和感性同步。冬不拉的主要演奏形式是阿肯弹唱,阿肯弹唱丰富了草原文化的底蕴。冬不拉伴奏下的歌声,充溢着强烈作者简介:的民族气质、性格,理想与追求,散发着浓郁的生活气息与地域张建铃生于 1974年8月3日男籍貫甘肅本科学历现任助风情。歌词中有大量的谚语、比喻、哲言,睿智而通俗,机警而理馆员 主要研究哈萨克族民俗民间艺术, 从事哈萨克族民间乐器演幽默,生动而风趣,朴素凝炼,浅显易懂.奏和研究。.C. Comment on the Theory of the Natural State the fundamental aspect of the world politics.Hobbes' theory of law of nature and the naturalstate gives us a new angle to observe the international 注释anarchical society. It tells that though there are 1.lbid,. 202.periods of peace and alliances, the universal and 2.Ibid, 202.absolute competition and conflicts among countries are 3.Ibid, 205the basic structural characteristic of the modern world. 4.Ibid.205Because of this there cannot be effective constraint 5.Ibid., 205.of countries' behavior. They will behave in their ownway according to their own benefit. To some extent this Bibliographyis also the nature of the international relationship. 1. Li zhenzhong, British Studies- An Introductory Coursebook for Socio-Knowing this will help us gain a better understanding of culturally Oriented Postgraduate of SISU, Sichuan Intemnational Studiesthe world.University, 2006.Though Hobbes' theory of the natural state is 2. 霍中国煤化工),h:/ww ahuienot perfect, his theory still have great influence on comthe diplomatic practices. It tells us even in today' s作者简TYHCNMHGeconomy depending world, international anarchy is stillthe fundamental structural characteristics in the world杨华, 女,四川外语学院研究生部,专业:英语语言文学专politics; inter-state disputes and struggles are still 业, 方向:主要英语国家社会文化。16
