An Analysis of the Character:Jim Casy An Analysis of the Character:Jim Casy

An Analysis of the Character:Jim Casy

  • 期刊名字:教育教学论坛
  • 文件大小:544kb
  • 论文作者:刘晶晶
  • 作者单位:石家庄信息工程职业学院
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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[专题研讨] .An Analysis of the Character :Jim Casy刘晶晶(石家庄信息工程职业学院,河北石家庄050035)Abstract:As to character analysis of The Grapes of Wrath, we must pay attention to Jim Casy .For without him, thenovel is a book without theme ,2 science without philosophy, and a man without soul.Key wordspinal;philosophy;fithDuring the Crisis period ,Steinbeck.mainly uses dif- the over soul: ‘one big soul everybody's a part of with itsferent archetypal characters to trumpet his philosophy infaith in the common man and in self- reliance.The philoso-anger and to reveal as representatives the unbearablephy is most often spoken by the' "prophet,' "Jim Casy ,and ithardship of Okahoma farmers , and their desperate strug-is acted out by the Joads and their fllowsThe cruel slay-gles.As to character analysis of The Grapes of Wrath,we ing ends only the life of Jim Casy , while his philosophies ofmust pay attention to Jim Casy,a Christ preacher in the"love to ll"become the spiriual guide of the novel,novel as the spiritual guide of the novel,and go into greatB .The Transition of His Faithdetail in this chapter to analyze his personality and hisCasy used to be a preacher but later he lost his beliefsignificance,for without him,the novel is a book withoutin god because he saw many events in which people weretheme,a science without philosophy,and a man withouthorned and god didn't intervene to offer his help,he saysBoul.he doesn't know nobody named Jesus.He knows a bunch ofAJim Casy: The Spiritual Guidestories ,but he only love people.John Steinbeck passionately describes a time of unfairFrom the moment Jim Caay reveals that he isn'tpoverty , unity ,and the human spirit in The Grapes ofpreaching anymore-" Ain't got the call no more.Cot a lot ofWrath.He brings to the reader a variety of diverse ansinful idears- -but they seem kinda sensible "There is thegreatly significant characters that experience growthimplication,soon bome out,that he is to function as somethrough turmoil and hardship.However,the essence of eachsort of spokesman for reorientations ,for new ideas , and forcharacter's individuality , which stands for the entire mi-new religion.As he talks on it becomes clear that he hasgrant population of the Great Depression era,Jim Casy is abeen and is experiencing a sort of spiritual rebirth;and informer preacher and long-time friend of the Joads, thefact the theme of rebith,suggested in the seeds droppedmost important character of the noveL.However,it is sur-by the turtle,is now picked up by Casy .Steinbeck dwellsprising that he,as one of the most important characters infor a moment upon the habits of the turtle , always” goin'The Grapes of Wrath, along with Tom and other memberssomeplace," to implant the idea of Jjim Casy's future lead-of Joad family , does not appear from beginning to the endership.Jim is so bothered by this thought that he applies itHe disappears from the time of his arrest until Tom meetsagain to the passing dog that ignores Tom's friendlyhim again outside Hooper Ranch.Yet we rarely forget him;whistle.' "'Goin' someplace, "he repeated: “That's right,he'sthe Joad family reminds ue of him repeatedly .Both Tomgoin' someplace.Me- -I don't know where I'm going 'Jim isand Ma often ecall Casy's ideas and words and hisclearly searching for a place ,a new and worthwhile func-philosophy.tion.The subject of Jjim's reorientation is brought up again;Jim Casy declares his rejection of conventional reli-for he still claims to have' 'the spirit “but he has beengious notions of sin, hellfire , and emphasizes the salvationforced to examine himself on a number of mattersof individual souls by the doctrine of universal love andconnected with religion as he has formerly practiced itForthe transcendental over soul.With Christ,Jim Casy also one thing, his sensuality has disturbed him;he has not,forshares a lot of other characteristics,such 88 Casy's sacri-xam中国煤化工nd his relish for it-一fice of himself to save Tom and Floyd.Jjim Casy's social partic-meetings with the ginlsphilosophy which Steinbeck develops in the novel can befromYHc N M H Go cntredict wihthetraced to American Transcendentalism , with its concept ofcontext of his religion.But he ponders: "Maybe it ain't a(下转120页)-123-[课题成果]经合组织和欧盟的主张,遵循以下四个标准:- -是卖方3.推行电子发票。欧盟对于电子发票是这样定义提供给税务机关的买方居住国;二是买方使用的银行信的:是借由电子资料交换将电子发票由卖方系统传至买用卡的签发国;三是买方税号的所在国;四是网络服务方系统,在EDI制度中,纸张将被使用电信网络转播站供应商或网址的物理地点所在国。而且将来判定消费的计算机化工作所取代。推行电子发票,卖方可以根据地时可以同时使用多个标准。冈相应的交易信息采用计算机系统自动生成发票,借助3.调整营业利润与特许权使用费的划分方法及标EDI传到买方,并自动计人买方账户,所有过程无须手准。结合前面所述的有关数字化商品有偿提供的应税工操作。行为类别判别的方法和标准,凡是属于销售商品和提供由于“以票控税”的税收征管指导思想一直没有改劳务而取得的所得,应被认定为经营利润;凡是有偿转变,因此,发票制度是否良好运行,对国家的税收收人有让受法律保护之工业产权的许可使用权而取得的所得,极大的影响。电子发票的推行对税务机关而言可以根据应被认定为特许权使用费。网电子发票所记录的交易信息监控网上交易的情况,保证四、织补税收征管体系之网,将电子商务纳入其中国家税款不流失,也有利于税务机关推广使用网络纳税1.发展信息技术,增强追踪功能,逐步实现税收电申报,进而节省征管成本,简化申报作业。而且还能够抵子化。加强对电子商务税收的网络监管,发展信息技术御电子商务成为合法避税港的风险。冈是关键环节,只有通过高端的网络技术,才能对虚拟化4.建立电子认证监督审查机构。目前世界各国的电空间的电子商务进行网络追踪,从而获取准确的交易情子商务监管都不严格,或者说没有形成像传统贸易那样报。从长远的角度来看, 电子商务税收应达到完全的电一个安全可靠的监管体制,也不像传统贸易那样存在诸子化,即由电子税收系统进行无纸化操作。这样不仅可如工商局、税务局等多个“婆婆”,电子商务还基本处于以提高效率,节省税收成本,方便交易者,同时也有利于天高皇帝远的“无法无天”的状态,因此,建立-个专门网络资源的充分开发和利用,实现更完全意义上的电子机构对负责对电子商务的经营管理等进行监督管理是商务。必要的,这一-制度将可以作为从业注册登记以的配套制2.积极推进电子商务企业的登记备案制度。首先,度。实际上目前这一职能基本由网络运营商来承担。应该实行“网络开店"的工商注册制度。虽然我国于2007参考文献:年在北京试行过该项制度,但是从几年的经营实际看,[1]李晓春.税收征管如何适应电了商务0].工作研究,2000,似乎此制度已被束之高阁。笔者认为,在工商部门应当设立一个单独的电子商务企业的注册或登记处,并且明[2]MBA智库百科:ttp://wiki.mbalib. com/wiki/% E6% 9C%确规定无论是新创办的电子商务企业还是在原有经营8D%E5%8A%A1.的基础上新增电子商务交易类型的,都应当进行注册或[3)郭金鹛.跨国电子商务的税收法律问题研究[D].上海社科院,硕士论文,2007年,第35页。登记。其次,步入电子商务以后,企业形态发生了很大变[4)郭金鹏:《跨国电子商务的税收法律问题研究,上海社科院,2007:35-36.化,出现虚拟的网上电子商务企业,这就要求所有的电[5]赵云凤巧用电子发票应对电子商务对现行税收征管制度带子商务服务商向税务机关申报网址、电子邮箱号码、网来的冲击却].消费导刊,2007,(11).上商品品名、种类、交易结算方法及网络银行账户等交易信息,而且须保证企业的税务登记号在其网站的显眼基金项目:此论文为河北行政学院课题位置得以展现,不得私自删改。++-++-+++-+-++++(上接123页)sin.Maybe it's just the way folks are.Maybe we been whip-Jesus.I know a bunch of stories , but I only love people"pin' the hell out of ourselves for nothin“And he wrestlesSince the life of the poor people was gtting worsewith definitions of sin and virtue.It is the nature of' 'spiritand worse , and the everyday praying to god did not seen to“which connects with definitions of sin and virtue.It is thechange the situation,they begin to wonder whether godnature of”spirit' which most puzzles and consumes him.Attuly existed,it is at this point that Casy makes a conclu-one point he asserts, "It's love.I love people 80 much I'msion that Jesus does not he transfer his religionsfit to bust, sometimes“It is signifieant because Jim Casy isbelief中国煤化工e fllow his belief,atbeing shaped for the reader into a humanist.But it is in thetheYH.CNMHG; might save them,butquestion of“Jesus* that his supposed heresy rests.he realty1s nou wnat uney expecued .they must fight forAn' I says,Don't you love Jesus' Well,I thought an'themselves.thought, an'finally 1 says,No,I don't know nobody name'-120-
