Analysis of The Call of The Wild Analysis of The Call of The Wild

Analysis of The Call of The Wild

  • 期刊名字:都市家教:上半月
  • 文件大小:283kb
  • 论文作者:于婷婷
  • 作者单位:内蒙古大学外国语学院
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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Analysis of The Call of The Wild010070 Foreign Language School of Inner Mogolia Univercity Yu Tinging内蒙古大学外国语学院于婷婷Abstract: The Call of The Wild is the most famous novel witten Buck realizes from the moment be steps off the boat and watches the violent deathby Jack London. In this novel, London depicts the story of a powerful odf his fiend Cuty. The wildemess is a cruel, unceaing wod, where only the stogdog called Buck, which happened in the Gold Rush Times when a prospers. It is, one might say, a perfect Darwinian word, and London' S depitiongreat number of people came to Alaska to find gold. It cells us how of it owns much to Chales Darwin, who prpoed the theory o evolution to axplainBuck leams to srugle and strive, and how his wildness is aroused. By the delopmpent of copetion for scance reoures.s The tem den weed to descaibenarating Buck’s experience, London shows us some of the temporary Danwin' s theory, alhough he did not coinil, is‘"he surival of the ftest”" asocial characters: the indispensable struggle for mastery and the nature of phrase that descibes Buck’s experience perfetly. In the old, warmner word, hehumanbeings - wild etc. It reflects the major thoughts of that time. This might have sacrificed his life out of moral considertions; now, however, he abandonsessay will analyze this theme一the indispensble struggle for mastery.any such considerations in order to survive.Key words: Gold Rush Wildness Mastery StruggleOn the other hand, London embodied the sprit of American West, and hisportayal of adventure and fontier life seemned like a breath of fresh air in comparisonBuck lived a comfortable and cozy life in Judge Miller' s estate in with nceenth century Victrian fction wtich was ofien overly concemned with whatCalifoni?'had begn to seem like tivial and inelevent social noms. Although The Call of theof stoong dogs to pull sleds aniscs. Buck is stolen and sold tocold Klondike. After living Wild is frt and foremost a storythere for a while, Buck reoves the instinets of his wild ancestrs: he leams to fight,in most arnimal advenures. It shows contenporary thoughts of that special tine, thescavenge for fod, and seep bencath the snow on winter mights. At the sane time, ndispenseble sugle for mastery. London' s special life experience helpe him witehe develops a fere rvaly with Spit, the lead dog in the team. One of their fgts s0 vid story of Buck. In his adolescent yers, London led a rougbh lie spending timeis broken up when a pack o does invades the camp, but Buck begins to underut as a pirnle in San Francisco Bay, taveling the Far East on sealing eedins, andSpitz’s authority, and eventually the two dogs become involved in a major fight Buckmaking his way across America as a tramp. Finlly temporarily tired of adventure,killl Spiz and takes his place as the lead dog Too heary work makes the teamn weak London reumned to Oakland and gaduted fom high scool He was even admiteand cannot walk on any further. His owner sold him to three young inexperienced University of alioromia at Benkley, but he strayed only for a semester. The KlondikeThey make the dogs do more work and thee dogs are ekausted to he poin. At this gold nshCon Camada' sYukon' Trion)adegan andin 1897 Landon left clelmoment Thomton seved Buck, beamne his owme, and develops deep fendscli with t sck his foune in he snoy North The gold nush did not make London rich butitfumished him with plenty of mateial forhis carer as a witer. It is that expeiene thatWhile Thorton are searching for gold, Buck manges far a feld, bfinding helps London make 8 great masteice.wolves and hunting bears and moose. He always reums to Thomton in the end, oneWe can learm a lot from Buck' s life, and it will play a important part in our lifeday,he comes back tocamp only to find that Ychat Indin heve atlctheirhore span. Arouse or wild nature coperate with ou partmers and sugge for ouslves.and kllll his mastr. Buck atecks the Idian, kiling several and sttering the ra, That' s the way to surive in this frious opetion wodand then heads of into the wil, where he becones the leader of a pack of wdlves. HeBibliography:becomes a legendary figure, a Ghost Dog, fathering counless cubs and inspiring fear[1]The Call of the Wild (Jack London ) Penguin Books Ltd (UK)inthe Yechat. Thal' s the story ofBuck.The Calll of the Wild is a story of trasformaton in which the old Buck-[2]The Selected Short Stores of Jack London by Tsinghuamust adjuat to the hasher ralies of life in the foty North, where sunivl is the only University Pressimpentive. Kill or be klldl is the only morality anong the doges of the Klondike, s[3]崔光建《野性的呼唤》中人性和野性文学教育2009 (6)的《长生殿》( 写唐代李隆基和杨玉环的爱情故事,作品借帝妃之间的就之大成的剧种,具有多种声腔,囊括了二簧、西皮、吹腔、四平调、爱情悲剧,揭示了安史之乱前后尖锐复杂的社会矛盾,也用感人至深的昆腔、 高腔、秦腔及各种民间小调。音乐体制以板式变化体为主,兼有艺术形象宜扬了生死不渝的至情观) ,和孔尚任( 1648 -1718,字聘之,曲牌联套体, 以西皮、二簧为主要腔调。继承了多声腔剧目并进行了移号东塘,山东曲阜人,孔子64代孙)的《桃花扇》( 偝复社名士侯方植改編。 已知传统京剧剧目有1288出,如《宇宙锋》、《打渔杀家》城与秦淮名妓李香君的爱情悲剧,追究了南明王朝覆亡的深刻政治原因,《三击掌》、 《四进士》、《秦香莲》、《霸王别姬》、《贵妃醉酒》寄寓了深沉的兴亡之感),都以生动的形象,总结了历史的兴亡教训,《拾玉镯》等,均为其优秀剧目。京剧的伴奏乐队分文、武场。京剧的歌颂了民族气节,具有强烈的现实意义,而且结构精巧、曲律谐和、文行当, 大体分生、旦、净、丑。京剧角色的服装头饰对人物的身份、职辞优美,同为中国戏曲五大名著。位、年龄的装扮,从式样、色彩、图案上有严格的区分。并利用夸张的明清的舞台艺术,已经走上了全面发展和高度综合的阶段。表演色彩 与线条对人物的面部进行勾画,脸谱艺术是京剧舞台艺术的独特风艺术上,角色分工更为细致。由南戏的七大角色发展为“江湖十二二角色”,格。 此外京剧表现手段唱、念做、打具有突出的程式性与虚拟性,使在舞台美术方面,突出重视服装、脸谱和化妆。服装道具分为衣、盔、生活动作舞蹈化,对生活的表现也更加神形兼备。京剧自诞生(1790年)杂、打四箱。至清代地方戏如雨后春笋,剧坛面貌环绕新,出现了诸至今已有二百多年,作为中国古典戏曲的最后典型,如今已成为中国四腔杂陈,百花争放、争芳斗艳的繁荣景象。进而出现了花雅争胜的局面。大国粹之- -, 倍受广大人民群众喜爱。处于正声的昆曲虽有清政府所采取的种种措施保护,但历经三次激烈交戏曲作为戏剧艺7中国煤化工日益为人们所锋,终以花部取胜告终。乾隆初弋阳腔演变的京腔胜;乾隆44年秦腔认识, 其艺术形式的高现形式的程式胜;乾隆55年徽班胜,于是在北京出现了京秦、徽秦合作的繁盛局面;性, 及其对时间空间处YHCNMH G音乐、舞台美道光年间湖北楚调进京,又形成了徽汉合流,最终导致了京剧的诞生。术方 面构成了-一个独立完整的戏剧体系。我们有理由相信中国戏曲的明京剧的诞生标志着中国戏曲走向繁荣,京剧是一个集戏曲艺术成天更美好!209都市家教
