Indirect Indicators of Gas HydrateOccurrence within Submarine Sediments Indirect Indicators of Gas HydrateOccurrence within Submarine Sediments

Indirect Indicators of Gas HydrateOccurrence within Submarine Sediments

  • 期刊名字:中国地质大学学报
  • 文件大小:
  • 论文作者:Zhao Xingmin,Wu Bihao,Wang Yap
  • 作者单位:Institute of Mineral Deposits,Experimental Institute
  • 更新时间:2022-09-22
  • 下载次数:

Gas hydrate, a new kind energy resources discoverd over the past ten years, has aroused much attention from many countries around the globe, because the gas hydrate has played a very important role in energy resources exploration, submarine geohazards precaution, and changes in global climate. So far, gas hydrates have been found in about sixty places on continental margins and polar regions in the world, but the majority of them is recognized by all kinds of indirect indicators owing to their limited existence conditions, only minority of them is collected. Thereby, the indirect marks of gas hydrates play an important role in exploration of the clathrate compounds, and the authors discuss them.
