简爱的性格分析 简爱的性格分析


  • 期刊名字:青年文学家
  • 文件大小:778kb
  • 论文作者:张秀文
  • 作者单位:甘肃武威职业学院甘肃武威733000
  • 更新时间:2020-09-18
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青年文学家简爱的性格分析Jane Eyres character analysis张秀文甘肃武威职业学院甘肃武威733000Abstract The novel Jane Eyre molded the leading lady, such character run through her whole life in the novel. In additionJane Eyre who is a self-respected, independent woman with strong to author's vivid depiction, the rebellious spirit, the pursuit onrebellious spirit and passionate pursuit for love. This article analyzes freedom and independence was created clearly at the beginning ofJane Eyre's character from Jane 's different agethe novel. Meanwhile, the agony of childhood brings about her摘要:小说《简爱》塑造了一个自尊、自力、自强、叛逆、 strong eagerness of love and warmth of life, and it paved for the具有反抗精神、感情炽烈的女性形象,本文从简爱不同的年龄 development of her character阶段入手,从行为,思想方面对简爱的性格特点进行了分析2.2, Character during pubertyKey Words self-respected; independent; rebellious; spirit; freedIn the boarding school, Ewood, where Jane became mature andew into an adult, and also she experienced her uncommon puberty关键词:自强自尊;反抗精神;自由平等作者简介:张秀文,女,1979年7月生,甘肃武威人,武威 punishment. The living condition was as poor as the description in the职业学院教师。研究方向:英国文学ovel:“… the water was frozen… but I still felt hungry, as the quality[中图分类号]:106[文献标识码]:Awas so small-.Even if she was so unfortunate, using the eyesight asarrow, the little girl was judging evil activities in Ewood, especially[文章编号]:1002-2139(2012)-06-0070-02she despised the greedy, hypocritical headmaster Brocklehurst whoakes a living on maltreating childrenPart 1. IntroductionIn Ewood school, Jane got acquainted with two people whoThe novel"Jane Eyre"was written in 1847. In 30s and 40s influenced her greatly. One is Helen who believes in Christianof 19th century, the contradictory of capitalism was very acute, faithfully. Helen,'s mind is full of virtue, kindness,tolerance andbearing, she adhered to that reverend tolerance could take her into thea common woman who was in lower position and suffered social highest, furthest spiritual world. She said: "Anyway, the bible tellsdepression but wanted the ambition and requirement of freedom and us to do good even people hurt us, Sometimes you have to put up withquality, whose fate convey the strongest sound of remonstration to hard things in life Jane had tried to follow her but she failed, shepursue economic and social rights at that momentouldn t follow her purely spiritual persuade"---it just shows Jane'sIn British literature, Jane Eyre is a new woman imageebellious character which pursues equality, freedom. independenceContrasting with many woman characters in contemporary novels, and human dignity. Therefore, contrasted with Helen's character, Jane'sJane Eyre is not a beauty or a girl with noble background, and she is acute and rebellious character was shown completely. The other peoplevery common in appearance. As we know, in the 30's-40' s of 19th was the teacher, Miss Temple, from whom Jane really got carecentury, wealth and family status are the basis of marriage and socialhappiness she had never before. Temples influence made Janestatus, she eventually achieved happiness from love with Rochestereved that loving others is a kind of virtue, and she also learnts, it is not because she is luckyare owing to her typical and personal character and rich spiritualOn the other hand, Temple also made Jane confident andcourageous, when she was misunderstood by Brokehurst, andwas announced by Temple she was not lying, Jane believedPart 2 character analy sisFrom that moment, I felt I was accepted, and set to work to learnJane's character varied and was shown colorfully from her as much as I could, and make as many friends as possible". Andin difficult lifethen, when she decided to leave Ewood, she thought"I decided it2.1, Character during childhoodwas the moment for me to change my life too Suddenly, I wantedane spent an unhappy childhood, Firstly, she entered freedom.In another saying, that is the moment Jane's life wasGateshead Hall as a poor orphan, then she was treated very badly changed into anew periodby Mrs. Reed and cousin, frequently she was blamed, hit or placed2.3, Character during adultin confinement. As a child, she always gazes at their behavior andof thornfild. janee lovewords with serious eyesight, she is full of hatred to their treatment story with Rochester, there she practiced her strong self-respectedand bully. So, we can say that Jane owns acute discernment, and rebellious character and slowly became mature, when she firstlywhich beyond her age to see through old generations evil motives, appeared in Thirnfield, her attitude is restrained and protectiveso the rebellious spirit was shown in her earlier life ---and actually She didn,'t expose her true feeling and was afraid it would be hurt中国煤化工72页)CNMHG青年文学家虽为不同形象,却在本质上是一个人我”。花木兰不再深琰唱的是汉人的歌,可野蛮人听得出里面的伤感和怨愤。有时闺不出,相夫教子,唯命是从,充当别人的妻子或是佣人,而他们觉得歌里有几句匈奴词句,唱的是他们永远漂泊不定的生是女扮男装,代父从军,奋勇杀敌,成为巾帼英雄。她不是受人活。这正是汤亭亭的点睛之笔,在美国生活的日子正如蔡琰在逼迫,而是完全出于自愿,只身上白虎山追随神仙老夫妇学习匈奴人中漂泊不定地生活一样,没有归属感,但渴望归属和认武艺,艺成之后,学岳飞刺字,奔赴沙场,建功立业,表明花同,而这首《胡笳十八拍》却说明美国华裔可以发出自己的声音木兰已经意识到自我的存在价值,她依靠自己的力量挑起旧时蔡琰成功地用胡人的音乐演绎出了汉人的心声,唱出了美国华本应是男儿承担的重担,彻底颠覆了女性只能是男人身上包袱裔女性的不满心声,是成功言说自我、颠覆“他者”扭曲化和的形象。作为父权的象征,由木兰父亲来行使刺字的权力,暗刻板化形象,永垂青史的女勇士示木兰必须承受父权时代身为女性的灾难,也只有经受过痛苦六、结语的洗礼,木兰才能运用所习得的苍龙真功除掉荒淫的权势者财大气粗的财主、领导农民起义、打败蛇身巨人、智取皇太子综上所述,《女勇士》中的五个女性形象具有共性和异性勇追魔王、解救小脚女人们她们或悲哀地接受命运,或觉醒于命运、或真刀实枪地抗击命但是,汤亭亭创造性地将中国传统的花木兰改造为具有美运、或用文字和音乐言说命运,却都在用死亡或生存的方式叫国特点的女勇士。汤亭亭的女勇士未婚先孕、与传统价值观背嚣父权、夫权、王权、族权及帝国文化霸权。同时,这五个女道而驰。同时,汤亭亭在文中塑造的“我”质疑“长舌妇是非多”,性形象又构成一个错综复杂的有机整体。从“无名姑姑”的死在学校特立独行,把房子、花朵和太阳画成黑色,在幼儿园里到“花木兰”的生到“勇兰”的生再到“月兰”的死最后到“蔡琰”同谁都不讲话,喜欢黑人同学,几近疯狂地逼迫另一个华裔学的生体现了由生到死再到生的重生,这喻示着处于种族和性别生妹妹开口说话,否认“女孩是米虫”、“养鹅比养女强”,要求双重边缘的华裔妇女构建新型的性别身份的艰难历程。而从勇享有同白人男性平等的择业权。“我”的成长经历透视着一种呼的牺牲到觉醒到武力抗争到用文字和歌声言说自我又突出体声——反对帝国文化霸权,要求获得女性话语权。花木兰和“我”现了女性形象的升华。汤亭亭站在美国华裔女性的视角,在《女的故事融合在一起,华裔女性不再是从属的“他者”,而是堂堂勇士》中塑造了全新的美国华裔女性形象,由此颠覆了作为白正正的自主的“我”,表明女性主体意识已经几近自强自为阶段。人的他者所持的刻板印象,解构了“害羞莲花”、“龙女”、“华人妓女”的他者话语,映射出美国华裔性努力建立自我主体意识五、“诗人蔡琰成功言说自我、永垂青史的女勇士要求自我言说权和追求两性平等的乌托邦社会的艰难历程汤亭亭所刻画的蔡琰同中国汉末女诗人一样博学多才,通参考文献音律,后被掳至南匈奴。悲愤、孤独、思乡之中,蔡琰把自己的情感寄予《胡笳十八拍》之中,吐露了自己被俘入胡、别儿[1]l、(美)汤亭亭,女勇士[M],李建波、陆承毅译,桂林归国的不幸际遇,反映妇女遭受的灾难和痛苦。《女勇士》中蔡漓江出版社,1998(上接第70页)Wherever or whenever she was, she prepared for being attacked byIn the ending of the novel, confronting the choice betweenothers. Rochester is the victim of the familys benefits. Although his Rochester and John, Jane chose true love determinedly. The authorsocial status is far from Jane's, he had same view with Jane towards arranged suching: the original poor tutor got inheritancethe society. If we want to analyze Jane's activities in Thornfield,, whereas wealthy master became a blind man without anythingwe have to inevitably mention a ball held a ball held in Thornfied. however, Jane still went back lover's sideThe ball is not only a climax of the novel but the cream of the wholertconclusionnovel. It reflected Jane's strength of moral quality and spirit, whichtake readers into a spiritual world. And also, Jane didn't fell selAnyway we could feel such an image of a woman with strongabased, she was self-confident and independent in spirit, she was self-esteem, independence and rebellious character from the story ordissatisfied with such arranged social disciplines because had strong the orphan's life. on one hand, Jane's character has its representativerebellious spirit in her charactermeaning, she represented British women who wanted freedom andWhen they got ready for getting married, a mad woman equality in lower social position in 30th-40th of 19th century, sheppearance would make Jane go back her original position to become also represented rebellion to social injustice at that timeRochester's mistress who couldn,t be admitted by society. As she saidBibliographyyou 'll remind yourself That man nearly made me mistressI must be ice-cold to him ".therefore, we could find that her self[1], Wu, weiren. History and Anthology of English Literaturerespected and rebellious character made her persistence. She would Foreign Language Teaching and Research Pressrather escape and even become a beggar and nearly be starved to[2]、 Charlotte, Bront Jane eyre,1997外语教学与研究出版社death inside the road than accept defective love, she tried her best[3]、杜宗义1987《新编外国文学教程》中国人民大学出版社to protect her self -esteem and person moral, there her rebellious[4]、温祖荫1981《欧组堂逗建教育出character was molded more clearly版社中国煤化工CNMHG
