Stylistics Analysis of A Rose for Emily Stylistics Analysis of A Rose for Emily

Stylistics Analysis of A Rose for Emily

  • 期刊名字:科技信息
  • 文件大小:631kb
  • 论文作者:田烨
  • 作者单位:西安外国语大学
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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2012年第3期SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATIONO职校论坛O科技信息程.虚拟工艺、虚拟生产、虚拟运营等数字化教学资源,搭建校企数字3)企(行)业(用人单位)评价信息反馈。学校建立每年-次的毕业传输课堂,将企业的生产过程工作流程等信息实时传送到课堂,企业生跟踪调查制度 ,全面反馈企业对毕业生质量的评价信息。通过对毕兼职教师在生产、工作现场直接开展专业教学,实现校企联合教学。充业生及用人单位 的走访、邀请企业代表座谈等方式,反馈毕业生对学实飞机维修及相关专业课程的文本资料.视频、音频课件、教学录像、校教育 教学工作质量的评价信息,定量分析专业人才培养质量毕业图纸、图片、多媒体动画等,建成专业教学资源库,为航空维修专业人生 就业质量.及时反馈给专业系和学校教学管理部门。才职前培训和职后提升提供自主学习的网络教学平台。4)适时修订人才培养标准。专业建设指导委员会每年召开专业建5)改革学习成绩评定 方法,突出职业能力考核。改变原有的课程设研讨会 ,以教育教学质量反馈信息系统为依托,以满足社会对高技学习成绩评定有理论成绩与实训操作成绩组合的方式同等对待。根据能人才 的规格需求为标准,在科学论证分析的基础上,适时修订人才高等职业教育是培养生产-线高端技能型人才的原则,学生动手操作培养 方案,及时调整专业建设方向。能力和职业操作规范应当是课程考核的重点,学习成绩评价向实际操6结束语作能力倾斜。通过军民共同参与、校企合作建设,将飞机维修专业建设成融教4加强教师队伍建设 ,优化专业教学团队学、职业技能培训与鉴定、飞机维修岗前培训 与在职培训、中国民航基于飞机维修省级精品专业教师队伍建设基础,以创建省级专业CCAR-147 部民用航空器维修人员基础知识与基本技能培训、飞机维修教学团队为引导,以满足中国民航CCAR-147部民用航空器维修合格技术交流合作服务于- 体,省内- -流 、国内知名的整体办学水平高行培训机构对专业师资要求为目的,进一步优化专业教师队伍。通过培业特色明 显、就业质量高,与省内其它专业形成错位发展优势互补,满养与引进相结合,建成-支高素质高技能、专兼结合的飞机维修专业足湖南省“双 十工程"高新技术产业民用航空维修公司、空军航空修理“双师素质"教师队伍。加强专业带头人骨干教师、课程带头人的培系统、航空兵部队等用人 单位的生产管理与服务-线优秀高端技能型养。提高专业教师高职称高学历高学位以及“双师素质"教师比例。专门人才需求的专业。 为国家经济发展方式转变和现代产业体系建设每年专业带头人带队到国内相关院校和民航企业研修或调研,选派到提供充足的优秀飞机维修专业高端技能型专门人才支持。种中国民航大学进行飞机维修基本技能培训,到民航维修公司进行空客、波音飞机机型培训等,开阔视野,了解国内外民航的技术发展水[参考文献]平,力争获得省级专业教学团队。[1]刘清泉,肖秋国,陈丽娟,等,“材料化学"湖南省特色专业建设的思考(- -):人才培养方案].当代教育理论与实践2111):87-89.5实施第三方评价 优化人才培养评价制度[2]周婉婉,卢双盈职技高师高水平学科专业建设特征研究[].职业技术教育,建立就业(用人)单位、行业协会学生及其家长研究机构等利益2123-33相关方共阿参与的第三方人才培养质盘评价制度。建立对毕业生知识(3)杯微、却墙清,饶克 材料成盟与控制工程专业建设探索,经济研究导报,结构、操作技能和职业素养等方面信息反馈的机制,适时修订人才培2011(3):334- -35.[4]刘晓君张宇.省级专业建设质量保障体系构建探索与实践J.高等建筑教养方案,使毕业生的综合评价稳步上升。育20115):16 18.1)建立教育教学质量信息反馈。每个学期采取学生网上全面测评[5]葛绪君高职院校特色专业建设及人才培养改革的探索与思考1].职业教育与学生抽样问卷调查结合的方式,反馈学生评教信息。建立信息准确、研究 211):32-342.可操作性强的信息反馈系统。2)社会(学生家长)评价信息反馈。建立与学生家长联系网络,建作者简介:陈律(1978- ), 男,讲师,硕士,长沙航空职业技术学院飞机维修立通过学生家长收集社会评价信息的反馈体系,定期开展信息反馈工专业带头人。作。每学年采取“走出去、请进来”的方式,召开学生家长座谈会,个别访谈,收集社会评价信息,并形成总结报告。[责任编辑:周天凤](.上接第360页)The author doesn't use reporting clauses as long as it readers at this moment can tell that the poison was actually for her loverdoesn't make readers confused.Homer. These above are verbal ironies. And there are some ironies ofAnd to make the conversation natural and real, the author uses some situation. Readers believe that the poison she purchased was to kill hergrammatical mistakes to achieve the ffect. The example is following:lover, but few would think Homer Barron' s dead body would lie in the“It's simple enough,' he said. 'Send her tword to hawcleaned up. Give her a certain time to do it in, and if she dont. .oulasts love, that congquers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded'Danmit, sir,' Judge Stevens said,‘ will you accuse a lady to her him." And Emily's love for Homer Baron is ironic to some extent.face of smelling bad?"Rather than“ill death do us apart," Emily kept her lover around herHe uses “she don't", “dammit" instead of “she doesn't" and through extreme methods that was to murder him, create a so -called“damn it."mariage by hersel, and to sleep with him every night.The deception is used in the article in many places. First,In conclusion, A Rose for Emily is a modernist work, and Faulkner“Perhaps he considers himself the sheriff . I hawe no taxes in employs many methods including methods of the modemism in this piece.Jfferson." In the first sentence said by Miss Emily, she tried to express I just analyze the article from the narrator, the writerly text, the languagethat she didn' t think he as the sheriff but the author employs meiosis to ( figurative language, direct speech and figure of speech ).科“A Rose for Emily" with a rose which represents romance and happiness.[Reference]But there wasn't any rose in the whole story and Miss Emily didn' t have []Faukner, Wlliamn. A Rose for Emily [M]. Columbus: Mermil, 1970.any romantie love story or happy life. Only in almost the end of the story, [2]Wright, Laura, and Jonathon Hope. Sylistie A Practical Coursebok M].“upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose -shaded Beijing Foreign I2000[3]张柯,刘静,中国煤化工程箱小说(评本)C.上.lights," rose sems to appear a litle while but it doesn't give nice海:华东理工大feeling to readers but on the contrary, it brings some deathlikeYHCNMHGatmosphere. In part II, after Emily bought the arsenic,“there was written[责任编辑:汤静]on the box, under the skull and bones:‘For rats.'" It is ironic because368
