The Analysis of English Translation of Chinese Tea The Analysis of English Translation of Chinese Tea

The Analysis of English Translation of Chinese Tea

  • 期刊名字:陕西教育(高教)
  • 文件大小:256kb
  • 论文作者:张竹莉
  • 作者单位:新疆克拉玛依电大外语部
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
  • 下载次数:

教学方法「The Analysis of English Translationof Chinese Tea张竹莉{摘要] By the use of various categories of translating methods:音译(Transliteration), 意译(Free Transation),音意兼顾(Transliteration combined by free translation ), Culture-orieated translating approach and others, the author analyses theEnglish translation of tea names and interprets tea knowledge as well.[关键词]音译(Transliteration), 意译(Free Translation),音意兼顾(Transliteration combined by free translation)Since China joined in the World Trade Organization, tea hasSome tea names are translated according to the backgroundbecome one popular kind of beverage worldwide and can be com-knowledge combined by tea shape.青沱(Age Bowl Puer) isn'pared to coffee. Therefore, the translation of Chinese tea intot translated into“Green Bowl Puer) in that“青” means thatEnglish becomes a necessity and the following methods are used:this tea is raw and have been stored for years while“它” meansfree translation, free translation + transliteration and so on.the shape of the tea is like a ball or bowl-like and it belongs to PuerI音译( Transliteration): Transliteration is defined as readingtea.“青饼”(Age Cake Puer) owns this English translation forout or writing out another language's pronunciation of words or the same reason as above-mentioned except that“饼”in Chinesephrases by one language (my translation from P67,实用翻译,means cake.浙江大学出版社). When tea names are proper nouns or made-V. Culture-oriented translating approachout nouns without much meaning, this kind of translation methodsThe cause for“红茶” being translated as Black Tea has sev-is often used.eral stories. One is that during the tea process, the color of tea普洱茶( Puer Tea),洞顶茶( Dongding Tea) are all examplesleaves? gets darker and darker and gradually turns into Black. An-of tastitration.“包种茶” is translated into "Pouchong Tea”other story is that the westerners comparatively pay more atten-and“乌龙茶”is transliterated into "Oolong Tea".tion to the color of tea leaves which is the reason theycall“红II.意译(Free Traslation):“The free translation oftea is茶" black tea while Chinese pay more atention to the color ofteadifferent from the ordinary meaning of FREE TRANSLATIONsoup which is red.opposite to Literal Translation which is just to express the mean-ing of tea categories in English (my translation fom p68,实用deletion-word method like“白茶乌龙“( White Oolong, here翻译,浙江大学出版社).“茶”is omitted from translation) augmentation- word translationSome typical examples of this method are黄山毛峰( yellowmethod like茉莉绿茶(Jasmine ScentedGreenTea, here “"scen-mountain fuzztip),玉露(Jade Dew),白牡丹( White Peony), ted" is added ); according-to-tea-shape translation method like肉桂茶( Cassia Tea),玫瑰绣球(Rose Bulb),水仙茶( Narcissus),煎茶(Green Blade) wbose tea leaves look green and like the弗手茶(Finger Citron),寿眉(long life).blade ofa knife.II.音意兼顾(Transliteration combined by free ranslation)VI. ConclusionTo make further division, people combine the two methodsThrough the above-mentioned analysis about various kindsfor more syllabic tea categorics which can either be free transla- of tea translation, people can see that the translation oftea narnestion+ transliteration or transliteration+ free translation.contains hard work. On the one hand, the translator needs toa. Free translation +? transliteration :know all the knowledge of tea-making process and the origin of部分发酵茶(rillyfermcoled lea) ually clled Oolongtea nanes; on the other hand, the translator ought to tally graspTea can be subdivided into球形乌龙(Pelleted Oolong),熟火dfferent translation methods and integrate the varous methods to乌龙(roastedolong),白毫乌龙(White TippedOolong),桂translate tea names.花乌龙(Osmanbus Oolong),熏花乌龙(scented Oolong),调味乌龙( Spiced Oolong).b. Tantiteration + free translation :君山银针(Jun Moun-” 中国煤化工电茶[M1.北京:中华书局.tain Silver Needle) 武夷岩茶(Wuyi Rock Tea) 工夫绿茶( Gongfu Green Tea)安吉白茶( Anji White Leat)六安瓜片[3]利风别大为明行U小m让入寸田盟肛2002.TPHCNMHG理工理工大学出版社.2003.(Liuan leaf)凤凰单丛(Fenghuang Unique Bush)IV. Bakground-orienedtshape+ Proper nouns作者单位:新疆克拉玛依电大外语部28 2007.12族比教育
