The analysis of the legislation on health and safety in Britain The analysis of the legislation on health and safety in Britain

The analysis of the legislation on health and safety in Britain

  • 期刊名字:科技信息
  • 文件大小:428kb
  • 论文作者:汪琳
  • 作者单位:广东外语外贸大学继续教育(公开)学院
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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In all there are four things we should pay attention2.8 The Unordinary2.8.1 Human Beings(Mentally handiapped,infantile atism,schizophre-3.1 Make nonjudgmentalness and treat things and people a equally ania)possible.Representatives: Rain Man(Guber -Peters Compang,198),Forrest Gump3.2 Get an overall knowledge and information from various channels be-(1994),0ne Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975),A Beautiful Mind (Dream-fore we do any judgment if we have to.Works SKG, 2002)3.3 Observe things from a descriptive perspective rather than an inter -Although most of the movies here aim to express the capacity and talentspretive and evaluative one.of these people, it is still not hard for us to find that in those films, people's3.4 Obey the Platinum Rule in interculural communication and makeatudes towards these people are not 80 kind and not easy for us to accept.good use of transection.Gump was laughed at by his classmats while Raymond was disliked by hisIn a word, what we should equip with to conquer these stereotypes is ayounger brother at the beginning The people in the cuckoo g nest were treat-fair big heart and an open atitude.ed 8 prisoners rather than human beings with free and independent wills.Moreover, their hero- McMurphy was finally made into a‘idiot " . Through allReferencesthe details, we can feel the coolneas of the society towards these special peo-[1]张狂著.《跟着电影去旅行》.北京:中国画报出版社,2004年.le.[2]胡克,游飞著.《美国电影分析》.北京:中国广播电视出版社,2.8.2 Non-human beings (robots, animals)Representatives: Edward Scissorhands (20th Century Fox, 1991), AL.[3]李迅,祝虹著.《欧洲电影分析》.北京:中国广播电视出版社,(200), King Kong (Universal Pictures, 2005)2007年.Edward, a robot made by an old scientist, was left unfinished after the[4]周黎明,梁良著.《西片碟中碟(英语片)》.广州:花城出版社,scientist ' 8 death. He was so kind and warmn-hearted but was lived lonely in2004年.the castle. He was always ready to help others using his sissorhands, for ex-[5]周黎明,梁良,杨一郎著.《西片碟中碟(非英语片)》.广州:花城ample, to trim people hair and their gardens. Finally, he was still forced to re-出版社,2004年.turmn to the lonely castle and left the girl he loved forever just because of his[6]徐光兴著.《中外电影名作心理案例集》.上海:上海教育出版社,abnormal hands. The huge chimpanzee in the movie King Kong at first fell in2006年,love in with a beautiful actres and was then brought to a flourishing city. But中国煤化工相伴一生的电影课)、北京:中in the end of the movie, he was shoot to death just because he was an animal.国民3. Conclusion民:5HCNMH #一生的电影课).北京:中国Human beings cannot help holding stereotypes and prejudices towards[9]孟建,李亦中等主编.《冲突.和谐.全球化与亚洲影视》.上海:复must contact and interact with others. Once we communicate with others, we旦大学出版社,2003年.are surely inluenced by them and become the victims of stereotypes. If we- 162-
