会话分析与听力理解 会话分析与听力理解


  • 期刊名字:绍兴文理学院学报(哲学社会科学版)
  • 文件大小:713kb
  • 论文作者:倪秀英
  • 作者单位:绍兴文理学院
  • 更新时间:2020-09-25
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第22卷第5期绍兴文理学院学报Vol.22 No.52002年10月JOURNAL OF SHAOXING UNTIVERSITYOct .2002会话分析与听力理解倪秀英(绍兴文理学院外国语学院 ,浙江绍兴 312000)摘要:听力理解中有很多题目牵涉到话语分析能力。对这些题目,学生往往注意字面内容,而忽视其内在的含义。文章通过分析会话题中较常出现的各种题型,探讨其蕴涵的理论根据,以提高学生听力理解能力。关键词:话语;会话含义;听力教学中围分类号:H319.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1008 - 293X(2002)05 - 0108 - 04奧斯汀(Austin. How to Do Things with Words. 1962)和塞尔勒(Searle. Speech Acts. 1969) 提出了言语行为理论(speech act theory)。他们认为,语言不仅仅是给予信息和描写事物,还用于“做事”(language is notonly used to inform or describe things, it is ofen used to" do things",to perform acts)。 他们还认为话语(discourse)中包含三种行为,即言中行为(locutionary act)、 言外行为(illocutionary act)和言后行为( perlocutionary act)。语言的生命在于话语,人们在交际的过程中离不开语言,即离不开话语。对话是人们日常生活中获取语言信息的基本手段之一- , 属于交际语言的范畴,涉及日常生活的方方面面。言谈是在- -定的社会语境中产生的,要使人们用言谈达到互相理解和沟通的目的,必须正确理解话语中的三种行为,特别是言外行为。然而由于受--定的语境限制和其他因素的干扰,人们在交际中往往引起误解。这就要求对话的双方特别是听话者能够根据当时的语境推断出话语中的真正的含义。著名语言学家H.D.CGrice把这种隐含在话语中的意义定义为“会话含义”。在听力理解中,这种话语分析尤其重要。在听力对话测试部分,话语分析题占了很大比重。因此,用话语分析来帮助提高学生在这方面的应试技巧就十分必要。1听力理解中话语分析题常用提问方式What does the man/ woman imply?What can be inferred (concluded) from the conversation?What does the man/ woman mean?What can we leam about the man/ woman?What had the woman/ man( previously) assumed?例1 A) She wants him to spend some time with his friends .B) She sympathizes with him.C) He should work harder than ever.D) She doesn't want to give him a hand.录音原文:M:I know I'm going to fail the exam. It' s not that I haven' t worked . This term I' ve done nothing but sit in thelibrary.W: In fact you' ve been most unfriendly.Q: What does the woman imply?在此例中, woman的言中行为是The man hasn't been中国煤化工或言外之意是: Heshould spend some time with his friends.因此A)是正确的。YHCNMHG收稿日期:2002-01-14 .作者简介:倪秀英(1969-).女,浙江上虞人,绍兴文理学院外国语学院讲师。第5期倪秀英:会话分析与听力理解109例2 A) He thinks the chairs should be replaced by new ones.B) They should keep the chairs the rest of their lives .C) The woman should not complain about their life .D) They should move to another place.录音原文:W: Mark, we' ve had these chairs since we got maried. They are very confortable. .M: That doesn't mean we've got to have them the rest of our lives. Anyway they' re flling apat.Q: What conclusion does the man want us to make from his statement?在此例中,man的言中行为是我们没必要一生都保留这些椅子,而且它们快散架了。而他的言外行为或言外之意是他们应该买-.些新的。因此A)是正确的。例3 A) He doesn't want to go to lunch either.B) He is now a widower.C) He has made another appointment.D) He is a successful businessman.W: David, if Mary doesn't want to go to lunch, we don’t have to.M: She'll be fine. Remember, I haven' t dated anyone else since her mother died.This is a lttle difficult for her. Are you ready to go?Q: What have you leamed about the man?在此例中, man的言中行为是:自从孩子的母亲死后,他还没与人约会过。这表明他是位鳏夫。因此B)是正确的。2会话分析的依据2.1 会话含意理论著名语言学家HD. Grice指出,话语的意义分为自然意义和非自然意义。也就是话语的字面意义(Literal Meaing) 和会话含义(Conversational Implicature )。他在1975 年进-步提出了合作原则( CooperativePrinciple)"1):Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted pur-pose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged .根据Grice的合作原则,要求交际双方相互合作,使交际成功。因此,对话的双方须遵循量的准则(Quantity Maxim)、质的准则( Quality Maxim) 、关系准则( Relation Maxim)以及方式准则(Manner Maxim)(2]。但是,在实际的交际情形中,违背上述准则的情况时有发生,这就造成了理解的困难,阻碍了交际的顺利进行。就关系准则而言,要求话语交际者的讲话要有关联。W: Do you think we should invite Peter over for dinner?M: His mother' s here for a visit.上述对话中,Man的回答似乎与Woman的问题不相关,违反了关联原则,隐含话语的真正含义是Man认为“Peterwillbeunabletocome."因此,在做听力会话题时,如果发现讲话人在话语中故意违反了合作原.则,听者就必须根据语境推断出说话人表面违反合作原则的目的,推断出说话人在话语中有意超越字面意义的隐含意义。此外,Grice的礼貌原则(BePolite)提出人们在言语交际时故意违反上述四个准则,有时是出于礼貌的需要,故意转弯抹角,不愿坦诚相告。Geoffrey Leech 在1983发中国煤化工- 步的阐述,在此不再展开。总之,了解-定的会话含义理论,可以帮助听者知:YHCNM HC章法可循。2.2语 篇分析( discourse analysis) 的基本概念话语的-切分析活动都是在语境的基础上展开的。话语分析中的语境特征的分类主要有:发话者、受话者、话题、背景(言语事件发生的时间和地点)、交际渠道(人与人之间传递信息的途径和方法,主要指言.110绍兴文理学院学报(哲学社会科学版)第22卷语和文字)、语码(ode)等等。此外, 分析话语的上下文(co - tx)也是很重要的环节。下面举几例以说明:例1分析发话者、受话者、话题:录音原文:w: Ican see you've had quite a life. You must be very happy .M: well... my friends are all dead you see. And relatives. And there is no one to look after me they say.Q: What have you leamed about the man?此例中,发话者指出受话者生活很幸福(happy),而受话者则说“My friends are all dead you see . And rela-tives.there is no oneto lok after.“他们讨论的话题是生活(ife),我们可从中推断出“He is veryold.'例2分析背景:w: I want some wring paper. And have you got any air - mail envelopes?M: Yes, maedam. How many would you like? We have packets of 25 or 50.Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?上文中,witing paper, air - mail envelopes, packets of 25 or 50这些信息使我们得出结论为对话是在商店里(shop)发生的。例3分析交际渠道:W: So what' s new with you,Tom?M: well, I meta really nice woman. She works with my sister. We' ve been going out for a couple of monthsnow and, well, things look good,Q: What is the man talking about?从上文的交际渠道分析,这个男的是在谈论他的女朋友(ifriend)。2.3对话者的 意图人们用言语进行交际,具有一定的目的性。在对话中,对话的-方可能请求对方帮助,或向对方提出建议或征求对方对某- - 事物的意见等等;而另- 方也许表示同意,或许拒绝,并作出相应的解释。因此在听力测试中,学生要注意情景与对话语义的整体理解,抓住关键信息,领悟对话的意图。这是提高话语分析能力的关键。这须从以下几方面着手:注意说话人的语音语调,有些反语是通过语调来表示的。注意句中的-些转折词,如:but, although, unfortunately 等,绝大部分正确答案都在转折词之后。例1:转折词M: Hi, Jane. This is Paul. I've got a couple of tickets for the fashion show. Would you like to go tonigh!?W: I'd love to. But my paper is due tomorrow.Q: What is the woman probably going to do tonight?很显然,选择项C:Workonherpaper是正确的。注意一些常用句式。如虚拟语气结构,表示与现在或过去事实相反:I wish the exam were cancelled! Ifonly we had scored one more point! If my car had been repaired, 1 would be happy to lend it to you. Had I known .your address,I would have called on you immediately after I arrived .例2:虛拟语气结构中国煤化工MHCNMHGM: I had to have Mr. Sloan come over and adjust my TV again last night.w: Maybe it's not your set. IfI were you, I' d have someone else to check it out.Q: What does the woman think the man should do?第5期倪秀英:会话分析与听力理解111在此类虚拟语气结构中答案往往在主句中,即:I' d have someone else to check it out.又如一些表示费成的句式:0nly if he'd pospone the exam! You can say that again. Iagree. I'llsay.I'mfor it. Of course/Sure. That's just what I was thinking. Why not? etc. 表示否定的句式:In no way. By no means.At no time. On mo acount. Under no circumstances. Not at al Not in the least. Definitely not.表示强调的句式:So you have heard her play. So she has fnished them. So he has graded it (my term paper). Then he does have hiscar.(其提问形式往往是What had the man /woman previously assumned?).例3:否定句式录音原文:w: I don't think you quite apreciate the way we do things here. You are, if 1 may say SO, a stranger.M: Thank you, but it's by no means my first trip to the Middle East. .Q: What have you leamed about the man?结论显而易见:He has been to the Middle East more than once .此外,由于听的过程,较其他技能而言,是一个被动的过程。听者必须在较短的时间内,对有限的信息作出准确快速的反映,因此仅仅掌握-些听力策略是不够的,还应涉猎更多的文化背景知识和语言知识。后者在会话题中时有反映。如:M: The Student Club is planning a Chinese Speech Competition during the Chinese New Year. How about gttingsome help from the school authority?w: Good. That will get the ball rling.Q: What does the woman mean?由于学生对这一- 表达“get the ball rlin" 较为陌生,在练习时此题的答对率较低。正确答案应是:“School authority' s help will get the competition to start .因此教师在此应作为--个引导者,帮助学生搜集惯用的语言表达和文化背景知识,这对提高学生的听力理解水平将大有裨益。话语分析是一门博大精深的学问,本文举了在听力理解话语分析题中较常见的一- 些例子。分析这些例子的目的是透过语言的表层现象来探究其内涵,从而使学生在听力理解时可借助这些知识提高听力理解水平,达到事半功倍的效果。参考文献:(u]illian Brown,Ceorge Yule . Discourse Analysis[M]. Cambridge Univesity Pess,19893 .31.[2]何自然。语用学与英语学习(M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1995.Discourse Analysis and Listening ComprehensionNi Xiuying(Dept. of Foreign Languges, Shaoxing Univesity, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, 312000)Abstract:There are a lot of conversation questions in lstening comprehension that need discourse analysis . Students often focus onthe lieal meaning of sentences and ignore their convrsatinaol inplicature . This paper atempts to analye typical convesation questions inlseing comprehension and discuss the eoresponding theory in the hope of helping students to impove the comprehension biiy.Key words:discourse; coaversational implicature; teaching of listening中国煤化工MHCNMHG
