JJF 2006-2022 通信用可调谐光滤波器校准规范 Calibration Specification for Tunable Optical Filters of Telecommunications
本规范适用于(1530~1610)nm波长范围的通信用可调谐光滤波器的校准。<br /> ...
2024-03-15 01:00:01浏览:14
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ITU-T K.131-2018 Design methodologies for telecommunication systems applying soft error measures
2024-03-14 23:00:01浏览:14
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IEC 62325-451-3-2017 电力市场的通信框架--第451-3部分:欧洲市场的传输容量配置业务流程(明确的或隐含的拍卖)和情景模型 Framework for energy market communications – Part 451-3: Transmission capacity allocation business process (explicit or implicit auction) and contextual models for European mar
This part of IEC 62325 specifies a package for the transmission capacity allocation business process through explicit or implicit auctions and the associated document contextual models, assembly models and XML schema for use within European style markets.<br />This International standard is based on the European style market contextual model (IEC 62325-351).The scheduling business process covered by this International Standard is described in Clause 5.<br />The relevant aggregate core components (ACCs) defined in IEC 62325-351 have been contextualised into aggregated business information entities (ABIEs) to satisfy the requirements of these business processes.<br />The contextualised ABIEs have been assembled into the relevant document contextual models. Related assembly models and XML schema for the exchange of transmission capacity allocation information between market participants are automatically generated from the assembled document contextual models....
2024-03-14 13:30:01浏览:19
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YD/T 2906-2015 通信用CSFP光收发合一模块 CSFP optical transceiver used in communication
本标准规定了CSFP光收发合一模块的术语定义及缩略语、技术要求、测试方法、可靠性试验、检验规则、标志、包装、储存和运输要求等。<br />本标准适用于100BASE-BX和1000BASE-BX CSFP光收发合一模块(以下简称“模块”)。...
2024-03-14 03:45:01浏览:15
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ISO/TR 18317-2017 智能传输系统--用于灾难和紧急通信优先使用的通信网络--用例场景 Intelligent transport systems — Pre-emption of ITS communication networks for disaster and emergency communication — Use case scenarios
This document provides the outcome of discussions on use case scenarios and assumed requirements for using ad-hoc wireless networks under disaster and emergency conditions including related priority, security and urgency aspects of communication requirements....
2024-03-05 15:00:01浏览:11
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JJG 963-2022 通信用光波长计检定规程 Verification Regulation of Optical Wavelength Meters in Telecommunication
本规程适用于(1270~1650)nm波长范围的通信用光波长计(以下简称光波长计)的首次检定、后续检定和使用中的检查。<br /> ...
2024-02-22 11:15:01浏览:31
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YD/T 3027-2016 基于公用电信网的宽带客户网络防雷技术要求及保护方法 The technical requirements and protection methods of lightning protection for broadband customer network based on telecommunication network
本标准规定了基于公用电信网的宽带客户网络防雷技术要求及保护方法;本标准同时给出了保护导则、SPD协调保护、保护必要性的评估及缓解措施。<br />本标准适用于安装在用户楼宇中的基于公用电信网络的宽带客户网络,宽带客户网络中的宽带电信服务可由光缆、无线、有线同轴电缆或xDSL线缆等提供。...
2024-02-04 22:30:01浏览:19
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IEC/IEEE 62704-4-2020 测定30mhz至6ghz无线通信设备中人体空间平均比吸收率(SAR)峰值--第4部分:用有限元法计算SAR的一般要求 Determining the peak spatial-average specific absorption rate (SAR) in the human body from wireless communication devices, 30 MHz to 6 GHz – Part 4: General requirement
This part of IEC/IEEE 62704 describes the concepts, techniques, and limitations of the finite element method (FEM) and specifies models and procedures for verification, validation and uncertainty assessment for the FEM when used for determining the peak spatial-average specific absorption rate (psSAR) in phantoms or anatomical models. It recommends and provides guidance on the modelling of wireless communication devices, and provides benchmark data for simulating the SAR in such phantoms or models.<br />This document does not recommend specific SAR limits because these are found elsewhere 1 (e.g. in IEEE Std C95.1 [1] or in the guidelines published by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) [2])....
2024-01-31 10:15:02浏览:17