The Analysis of African-American English The Analysis of African-American English

The Analysis of African-American English

  • 期刊名字:科技信息
  • 文件大小:397kb
  • 论文作者:杨明霞,唐秀峰,袁媛
  • 作者单位:曲阜师范大学外国语学院,曲阜师范大学外语教研部,泰山医学院外国语学院
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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科技信息O外语论坛OSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INPORMATION2011年第15期The Analysis of African- American English杨明霞1唐秀峰2袁媛3(1.曲阜师范大学外国语学院山东曲阜273100;2. 曲阜师范大学外语教研部山东曲阜273100;3.泰山医学院外国语学院山东泰安271000)[擠要]美国黑人英语作为英语中最重要的种族变体,以其独特的语音 、词汇、语法等特点与标准荚语存在较大的区别黑人英语的形成是由多种因素引起的,它受到时间、地域、种族.社会和社会集团等因素的制约,形成了具有自己特色的一种语言形式.[关键词]黑人英语;标准英语;种族变体1 Introduction3.1.2 Phonetic varistion on vowels(1)The confusion of lil and le: Blacks seldom make the diferenceAfrican-American English is a variant of English, users are mostlybetween 1i/ and lel. For example, "pin" /pin/ is read /pen/, "tin" /in/ islower African Americans living in the community. Looking the African-American English a8 inferior is a social concept based on nacialread /ten/. The pronunciationof the vowels is identical with each other,discrimination and this social concept is inconsistent with linguistics. Thewhich is pronounced as the sound between Iiv and lel.(2)In the dialect of African-American English, the double vowe!voice,morphologyntax and voceabulary eysem of African -Americanis the pure blending sound, not is the gliding sound. For example,English is significantly diferent from the charateristics of Standard"right"/rai/ is read as /ret, “my" /mai 1 is read as /maw.English, however it is consistent with principle of "language is a system.2 African- American English in Grammatical Variationof rule".The most obvious and fundamental difference between African -2 The Definition of African- American EnglishAmericanEnglish and StandardAmerican English is the granmarstructure. Grammar is the moet constant and most different part. TheThe words "African -American English" wereproduced in 1969. fllowing are the main features of African American English in granmerArican-American English usually refers to the English which is used inaspecl.the norhem cities, and it is aloo known a Blaeck Vemacular English,or 3.2.1 The replecement of adverbAfro-American Vemacular English. African-American English is not aIn the dialect of African-American English, some grammar featuresgeographical concept nor is the concept of race. Most of blaecks of are showm on the verb physical appearance. In Standard English, peoplemiddle -clags don't speak African - American English, and except 80usually use adverb to emphasize the action that took place at this time orpercent of African Americans speak African-American English, there ae the Continuous action. However, African-Ameican Englishuse "be" toalso some whites (especially the plantation owners in the Soutb), Puertoreplace the adverb. For example,Ricans in New York city and some Indians to speak African-AmericanAfrican-American EnglishStandard EnglishEnglish. Therefore, not all blacks speak Black English. But the peopleHe be studyingHe is studyingwho speak African-American English are majority blacks.3.2.2 The disappearance of“-g" inflection3 Features of Atrican- American Englishome blacks who live at the botton of society and have a loweconomic status omit“- a" sometimes, such as the plural noun, theThe voice, morphology, syntax and vocabulary systems of African- possessive noun and the third person singular verb. For example,American English are significantly diferent from the features of StandardMy mamma tlk all the time =My mamma tlks all the timeEngliah. However, it is consistent with the principle that "language is aHe dance well=He dances wellsystem of nules". African- American English is the result the cooperationWe see many student in the lasroom=We sce many students in theof language rules, there is clear system and self- regulation. The fllowing claesroomare the main features of Afnican- American English from the aspeet of the.2.3pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.One very unique feature of African -American English is the3.1 African-American English in Phonetic Variationormission of linking verb or the auxiliary verb "be". If an action or state3.1.1 Phonetic variation on consonantsposesses a fixed time, or in the static situation, and nhot often oceurs or(1 )On the sound "“h"18/, Aincan-American English diferns from thereoccurs, then "be" in the sentence can be omitted. For example,Standard English in several aspects:African- American English Standard English(a)When Blacka speak the prefix voiceleas consonant“th" 10/, theyMary sick todayMary is sick todaypronounce“t" IHI. For example, the pronunciation of “thin" /0in/ is readThey walking nowThey are walking now龋/tin/, "thanks" /0exnks/ is read a /uegks/.This my sister- in-lawThis is my sister-in-law(b)In the blecks’ dilecl, the voiced consonant “h"/JwasYou too short for meYou are too short for mepronounced“d" ld. For example,“this" 1is/ is read as /dis,“that" 163.2.4 The use of "He"eV is reaed as /det.When African Americans use pronoun to stand for the gender, they(e)If the"th" is in the middle or end of the word, it was pronouncedusually use "he". "he" not only stand for positive gender, but also standuU. For example, "birthday" /b:0dei/ is read as /bafdei/, "nothing"/ n^Ofor the negative gender. For exarmple,in/ is read a8 /nAfig/, "mouth" /mau0/ is read as /maul/ ,"both" /bou0/ isHe a beautiful woman =She is a beautiful as /boud/.He my mother = She is my mother.(2)The oison of nv eound: Many Blackes often omit the middleor 33 Ani 1中国煤化工- riationending consonants nN. For example, "help" /help/ is read /hep/,“felt" 1GeneArican Americans is infelu is read Hietl, "tool" /tu:/ is read /tu:/,“coal" /kau/ is read kow/ and line withaction which is diferentso on.YHCNMHGetion”all "goober",(3)The omission of lr/ sound: In these words, suchas "court, core, "carry" is called "tote", “wifecar, sure, door" and 8o on, the had Bound often is omitted by blacks."old uns". "scare" ie written幽“scaire", "before" (下转第285页)281科技侑息O教学研究0SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION2011年第15期弓|人情境熏陶语感吴秀谦(安溪县金谷中心学校福建安溪362403)[摘要]语感这东西如水到口,冷暖自知,这种对于言语的敏感,在几童时代的教育很要紧。语感是靠后天长期的语言感知和实践积累而.成的。在小学语文教学中要注意培养儿童的语感能力。语感的培养离不开听、说、读、写的训练。下面就在语文教学中进行语感的培葬谈一些粗浅的做法;[关键词]语感;情境教学;刨设情境语感是人们对语言文字的敏锐感受。敏锐的语感是学好语文的重字 ,增强语感的效应。如教学《十里长街送总理>一-文时 ,我将教室布置要条件,也是一个人语文水平的重要标志。语感分为接受性语感和表戚周总理的灵堂中间悬挂着周总理的遗像,两边挂着挽联.每位同学达性语感。接受性语感是对成晶文的感知时,能准确而迅速地读懂语发给一 朵小白 花挂在胸前。我介绍周总理生前忘我工作的情漿和关心言文字本身,把语言文字所代表的状态和具体形象的东西。在感知和人民生活疾苦的动 人故事,冉配上哀乐和动情的朗读。而后由学生自理解成晶文语言文字的基础上.进行必要的联想和想象.感知文章所由 诵读,这样学生仿佛身临其境。通过情感共鸣.把自己对生活的直接表达的思想感情,所要描写的人物形象便跃然脑际。读同样一篇文章,感受 同作品传给我们的间接感受连接起来,展开形象思维活动,对文语感强的人会激动得热泪盈眶.而语感弱的人却无动于衷。表达性语章所 描绘的情景就会像过电影般地呈现。庄严肃穆的灵车,致敬默哀言是当接触到客观事物时,能将这个事物用恰当的语言文字准确、形的人群等灵 车的焦急和耐心,送灵车的崇敬和揪心,望灵车的爱戴和象地表达出来。语感强的人在修改自己的文章时,能找出病处并加以怀念 ,形成了鲜明的内心视像,促进、增强、提高了接受性语感能力。修改。而语感弱的人却会将原来精美的语句去之无存。郭沫若曾说过,3领略词句 ,实践感悟语感这东西如水到口,冷暖自知。这种对于盲语的敏感,在儿童时代的教育很要紧。语感是靠后天长期的语言感知和实践积累而成的。在小敏锐的语感是和对生活敏锐感受密切联系在-起的。 文章是生活学语文教学中要注意培养儿童的语感能力。语感的培养离不开听说、的反映,生活内容越丰富,语感能力就越强。培养学生的语感就必须引读、写的训练。下面就在语文教学中进行语感的培养谈- -些粗浅的做导学生接近生活 ,体验生活,积极生活体验。在教学(初冬》一文时。我提问学生“谈淡的光"和光芒”这两个词有什么不同,举个现实生活的例子来说。学生回答:带乳色灯罩的等打1多读多背,读中感悟开后发出的光是柔和的.不刺眼的.就是“淡淡的光".而璜钨灯发出的读的本身就是揣摩体会的过程,多读可以领悟主旨.品评语睐,感光是强烈的 .刺眼的,就是“光芒”。学生的回答即是结合对自己的生活悟语情。古语“书读百遍,其义自见"也是提倡多读,要让学生有表情、 经验对“淡淡的光"和“光芒”的具体生活体验和感曼。有节奏地朗读。读出气势、韵昧和技巧,直到悟出语育内涵和文章气因此,老师应有目的、有计划地多开展有益于表达性语感培养的势.领会其布局谋篇,遭词造句之精妙,才能潜移默化,在读中受到感各项话 动,让学生在兴趣盎然的活动中增长知识,开拓视野,陶冶情染和熏陶。对一篇好文章的感悟不是靠空洞抽象的推理和分析得来操 ,提高表达性语感能力。如开展演讲比赛,组织小广播站等,在活动的。有的语言往往只能意会,不能言传。因此,读对培养语感具有独特中体 验语感敏锐反应的程度和语言的表达能力。还可以组织引导学生的作用。办班刊、队刊、校刊、编小报,组织小文学杜,开展邇讯活动等,让学生读的指导有范读、自读、领读导读、分角色读等多种形式。一般来有施展才 华的天地,把对敏锐信息的培养和生活实贱囊紧结合在一说,要求把文章读正确.清楚.采用自由读、轻声读等方法。在读正确的起。基础上,为了帮助学生准确理解课文重点,深人体会文章所表达的思此外,敏锐语感的培养还要注意平时积累材料,引导学生多读课想感情,用导读,领读、范读等。如学习《长征》- -课时,可以通过反复诵外 书,多观察周围的世界,多思考.搜集素材。“好记忆不如烂笔头",无读.凭借语盲文字展开想象.使课文描述的人、事、景、物在学生头脑中论是读到的 ,看到的.听到的,想到的,随手摘抄或记载,或长或短,写浮现出来,产生真切的感受,进而感知课文的思想内容。正如朱赢所说成片 段的资料,建立小材料库.做生活的有心人。正如叶老说的“单菲的“大抵观书须先熟读,使其言谐若出于吾口、继面精思.使其意皆出翻查字 典.是得不到什么深切的语感,唯有从生活方面去体验,把生活于吾之心,然后可以有得耳。"所得一点一点积聚起来,积聚越多,了解越见深切。总之,语感的培养要坚持整体性感知的审美原则加强实贱活动。2创设情境,境中感悟把生活经验联系到语言文字上去,并让重积累。随着时间的推移,由量这种方法是通过创设- -定 的情境,让学生把储存的信息和情境体变到质变 ,敏锐的语感才能培养起来。帮验结合起来,,喚起情感,产生共鸣,然后去感知和理解作品的语言文[责任编辑:王静]●(上接第281页)is witen as“fore", and so on.quality of their own culture, should maintain and develop the fintraditions of their owm nation. Only in this way, the political, economic4 Conclusionand eultural status of black language and blacks can be improved andFrom the perspective of linguistics, the formation of African- enhanced. 科American Engish is caused by a variety of factors, such a,time,geographic, ethnic, social and community groupe and other factorns.[参考文献]Language is one miror, therefore, the social, political and economic[1]秦秀自中国煤化工1-.1918status determine the status of language. So when African Americans[2]侯维瑞[3]王来炎G发.1993.resolved the issue of national languages, the main task should be to strive[4]王文昌:YHCNMH G教育出版社 improve their social, economic and political status, also should absorbthe excellent results of other ethnic groups, and continuously improve the[责任编辑:曹朋明]285 .
