Critical Discourse Analysis of Copywriting in Ads of Infant Products Critical Discourse Analysis of Copywriting in Ads of Infant Products

Critical Discourse Analysis of Copywriting in Ads of Infant Products

  • 期刊名字:海外英语
  • 文件大小:642kb
  • 论文作者:张妮
  • 作者单位:西安翻译学院基础课部
  • 更新时间:2020-12-06
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hwsy@overseaen.comIssN 1009- -5039htp://ww. overseaen.comOverseas English 海外英请Tel:+86- -551-5690811 5690812Critical Discourse Analysis of Copywriting in Ads of Infant Products张妮(西安翻译学院基础课部,陕西西安710105)Abstract: In this paper, the author mainly applies Fairclough's CDA and Hliday's SFG to analyze the ads of infant products. The authorexplains the concept of CDA and SFG, and then interprets how these concepts are employed in the ads of infant products to better sell thegoods or offer the services.Key words: ads of infant product; discourse analysis; systemic functional grammar中图分类号:H314文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009 -5039(2012)01- -0256- -02The advertisement is an indispensable part in the society.Transitivity includes six processes (Halliday 1985): Material pro-Copywriting conceives rich functional meanings in terns of SFGcess; Mental proce8s; Relational process; Behavioral process; Ver-and purpose of copywriting is to persuade and lead the target audi-bal process; Existential process.ence to buy their products or to accept their services. Commonly,1.1.2 Interpersonal metafunctionthe target audiences of producls and ads readers are the sameThe interpersonal function embodies all uses of language to ex-group, e.g. the cosmetics for women, razors for men. Compared withpress social and personal relations. As Fang (2005) mentioned inthese ads, ads for babies" products have the characteristics of non-her article Systemic Functional Grammar and Critical Discourseidentity of target audience. The guardian (the target audience for Analysis, interpersonal metafunction consists of five main factors:the discourse) assumes more responsibility for the baby (the targetmood, modality, modulation, appraisal system and key.audience for the product) when deciding on the purchase of theHu Zhuanglin (2001) believed, "mood shows what role speakerproduct, which makes him or her more cautious. For most of the cas-selects in the speech situation and what role he assigns to the ad-es, the sponsor of the ads must take the position of the power in or-der to persuade the ads audience to become the consumer of hisIndlcatve{ dedantre (speaker s infomant, boare s tbe informe)product. In the framework of SFG(systemic -functional grammar){ Irrouare (paker as sxatr oinf, btr器spplie ofnio,)and CDA(eritical discourse analysis), it intents to analyze how theMoodsponsor of the ads construct the relationship of the three parties andlmperntve (peaker s the corolla, heur 8 he oldn hndutvteobtain power by language, by means of which his intention of com-munication has been reached.1.1.3 Textual metafunction (not involved in this paper)1 Theoretical Framework1.2 General theory of CDAThis part introduces the theories to be used in the study, in-Critical discourse analysis (CDA) emerged in the late 1980s ascluding SFG; CDA and the relationship in between; and an impor-a programmatic development in European discourse studies spear-tant definition of "copywriting in ads".headed by Norman F airclough. Since then, it has become one of the1.1 Halliday and SFGmost infuential branches of discourse analysis. The purpose ofCDA is totional Grammar holds that "The aim (of SFC) has been to constructships of dominance, discrimination, power and control as manifest-a grammar for purposes of text analysis: one that would make it pos-ed in language." (Wodak 1995) CDA concems itself with relationssible to say sensible and useful things about any lext, spoken orof power and inequality in language.witten, in modem English." SFC has two components: systemic1.3 The relationship between SFG and CDAgrammar and functional grammar. Halliday divided the function ofSFG constructs a grammar for purposes of text analysis, and itanguage into three kinds: ideational metafunction,is more suitable for discourse analysis than any other theories. SFGmetafunction, and textual the approach proposed in the study of discourse analysis. CDA1.1.1 Ideational metafunctiontrends to incorporate social- theoretical insights into discourse anal-The ideational metafunction is to organize the speaker or writ-ysis and advocates social commitment and interventioniser's experience of the real or imaginary world and includes experi-search. CDA was established based on Halliday's SFG. Ideationalential function and logical function.Experiential function is chielly embodied by transitivity. Tran-metafunction and inlerpersonal metafunction provide an efectivesitivity is a semantic system to divide something around people intoway to make explicit the relationship of the three parties.several proccsscs involving participant and circumstantial element.1.4 Copywring中国煤化工收稿日期:2011-10-18修回 日期:2011-11-20.作者简介:张妮,女,陕西西安人,讲师,现为西安翻译学院基础课部专职英语教师,主要研究.JYHCNMH G .256缠V11!/s1128.栳睹任偏辨:崩媛嫒2012年01月Overseas English沾外其诌The copywriting mainly consists of two parts: lead-in part andpossible food for your baby. Holding your baby close is 80 importantbody paras they just left outside the room. He will not be long before theyThe lead- -in part helpe establish an image, identity, or positionwill be sleeping much more sociable hours... Johnson's Baby)for a brand or an organization and can make people keep on readingIn this ad, words of high value like "always, most often, theand be fully informned.possible, much more" are employed to ensure that the valid in-Body part tells a more complete story about the product or ser-formation and appropriateided for mothers.w ords of low value like "may, will, just" show the uncertainty of thevice.2 Analysis of the Copywriting in Ads of Infant Productsknowingness of different situations encountered in the first nighthome. The commercial adopts the imperative mood and speaks in aThe listed copywriting in infant product all come from the rele-supervisor's position. The verbs like "put, respond, speak, hold" in-vant websites and magazines. They are comparatively longer anddicate that the speaker is the dominant and controller and he re-the content can be chosen and analyzed better through careful read-ds mothers to be obligatory for their babies' growth and fllowThis studywill analyze these chosen text8" remarkable charac-what the ads said to better care for the babies.teristics and try to find the principles and pattemns used in various2.2 The body part of advertisement in infant productsadvertisements of infant products.In this part, the central role shift to products and the target au-2.1 Lead-in part in ads of infant productsdience for the product. Obviously, the role ads sponsor plays willadvertise their products with tactful strategiesshift to a seller. Ads sponsor will lose his power and keep a weak po-and conduct a lead-in part before fficially go into the body of thesition in ads. Terefore, the advert will appear less convincible andad. It is parents- -the target audience for the discourse- who buythis definitely is a barrier in the slling. What he could do is to re-their products for their babies, therefore the text of the ads try to atbuild his power and regain his dominant position. This will be em-tract parents' attention and then to satify the babies- the target au-bodied in two aspects.dience for the product. Here is an example of baby washing product2.2.1 Material processfrom Johnson & Johnson:Malerial process is a process of doing. The process usually con-From the time you are borm,①you are the center of ysists of verb, actor (logical subjecl) and goal (noun or pronoun). Theverse. You fall in love and, if you are lucky, you share a universe .."actor" of the material process is also the products. The target audi-Then you have a baby. And the center of your universe moves fromence for the product is the direct and only "bijctive". The indirectyou to your baby.. You were once the center of your universe andtarget of the discourse (parent8) will rarely appear in this part. Ex-now②your baby is (the center of your universe)③Johnson & John-amples as fllowed.son understands this and helps you make the most of the time youGive your baby something you never had as a baby. A drierspend with your baby.④We help you keep your baby happy andbottom. (Pampers Diapers)healthy.Pampers believes every baby is a lite miracle to celbrate,Sentences marked①and②are the cognitive process in tran-support and protect.sitivity. "you" and "your baby" these two items refer to "the identi-Pampers for every lttle miracle.(Pampers)fied"; "the center of your universe"- -omitted in sentence markedThe "actors" in these adverts are products. The strong verbs②, due to the grammatical reason- is a "the identifier".' "you" and"your baby" are specific "person" and "Ioken". "The center of yourtually forced to be in a negative position. In the process of using theuniverse" is quite general and known 8s "the value". The changeMaterial Process, the sponsor emphasizes the efct produced byfrom "you" (he guardian- -the target audience for the discourse) toproduct on its users and scessully rids himself of the weak status."your baby" (the target audience for the product) indicates the shit2.2.2 Changes of the subject positionof the sponsors' attention. The commercial adopts the narrativeAdvertisement is considered parasitic discourse since it can fa-mood seemly to describe the growth proce8s of the readers untileilitate different styles and be flexible. That means if it is dificult"thenyou have aa baby" in order to shift to what the commercialto maintain the dominant position of the sellers, the sponsor willI Itigsponsors want to convey"Having a baby changee everything".Itis flexibly change the ltext style to shift his subject position and con-obvious to sense the Material process a process of doing, consist-struct suitable reading position. Here is an example from Dumex:ing of verb, actor (logical subject) and goal (noun or pronoun)., The.Babies at this stage grow so quickly. They often grow out ofactor is the commercial sponsors- -Johnson & Johnson (we). Indi-the clothes before they even had a chance to wear them. By 6rect goal is the readers (you) while the direct goal is "your baby". months, babies will double their birth weight that will be around 15The verbs like "help" indicate the verbal process, positive and easyto accept.timeters every month and putting on roughly 140 -200 grams. Re-Here is another example in the aspect of interpersonal meta-menber those that every baby is different they are all individualsfunction:and all grow in different wayB. In fact, at 6 months, boys are general-.. New- -borms will sleep around 16 to 18 hours a day. Alwaysly a lttle longer and lttle heavier than girls are*. (Dumex)put your baby to sleep on their back .. At first, they may wake uThis advert employs a scientific style and offers readers con-few hours day and night. Respond to your baby quickly 88 newvincible information (e.g. the accurate numbers), The sponsor of theborns will be able to suffer themselves back down. Most often, theyad shifts his identity to a scientific information supplier to avoid theare hungry or need to be changed. Speak to your housevisitorsSloss of power. The readers are now in the negative position of infor-about breast- feeding as a bit of knowledge makes a big difference.mation receivers ar中国煤化工s.Before your milk comes in, at about 4 days of the birth, it is the bestYHCNMHG(下转第269页)栏目责任编模:澈嫒娩2012年01月Overseas English海外并语Thirdly, English native researchers tend to write more about [6] Miller C.Genre as Social Action[J.Quarterly Journal of Spech,previous study of the research topic, this is, they deecribe more1984,70:151-167.about the background detaile while the Chinese natives focus more[7] Nwogu K N.The medical research paperetructure and functionson the result explanation. But on the other hand, method move is[].English for Specific Purposes,1997,16(2):119- -138.the weakest one for most Chinese researchers. 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