完形填空练习 完形填空练习


  • 期刊名字:考试.高考英语版
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  • 论文作者:朱彩虹
  • 作者单位:河北省无极中学
  • 更新时间:2020-03-23
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选择与填空337.定语从句和先行词可连成行词替代词,因此C也错误。should talk to your father in the way,因此该40.先行词 a large flat在从句中做介词空应填 in which引导定语从句。in的宾语,因此该空应填that或 which引导38。定语从句与先行词可连成 without定语从句。my glasses I'm almost blind,因此该空应填作者简介:郝昌明,高级教师,执教于江without which引导定语从句。苏省如皋市第一中学。39.先行词 the girl在从句中做宾语,因此空档可填who/ whom/ that you're looking R责任编辑任占华for。因 look for为固定搭配,for不可被提前,因此A、B均错误。因定语从句中不能出现先ee∈∈∈ee∈ 666CCCCGEGCCCCCCEE∈ 6CC5CCCSCO∈ GC-GCCGCCCGCGCGCCCCGGC66EGEGGEGEGCGGO∈ee∈ee完形填空练习口朱彩虹Devoted Motherrate was exactly 8 she was looking forGrowing up has always been a strugglto give her boy a good 9, but it was aEver since I was a baby, my mom has been N matter of money. She had to 10 how she1 but a loving single mother.was going to pay the high 1l of such aEven before November 5, 1992 when I famous school. I distinctly remember thefirst came into this world, my mom was12 on my mom's face that I had neveralready making plaon college, N seen before. It was a 13 between confi-high school, a car, all the typical_3 that dence, hope, and a bit of worry. It wasn'twere going to come up during the course of i until recently that I 14 why my momlife.She set up a bank account to had that expression. She was taking the big-5 money for me to go to college off of a gest financial risk of her life, but she didnther 6 salary. She found Maumee Vall15. In her mind she was putting all herCountry Day School where the open-minded n chips in, in order to give her only son thelearning 7 and the advanced education best education available. She had to work歌2第》》与填空several part time jobs and 16 my momtearsearwas able to put me 19 years at13. A. separationBMaumee Valley and I graduated from the 8thC. mixD. jointgrade in 2007. Now as a young adult, I can14. A. recognized B. thoughtfinally understand the 18 that my momD. realizedmade to give me the best possible start to15. A. wantB. wishlife. My mom is the most loving and 19C. caremother in the world, and I love her for the16. A. finallyB. quicklysacrifices she had to make in order to 20C. graduallyD. carefullyme into the best man i can be17. A. through1. A. anythingB. allC. aroundC. nothingD. someone18. A. offerB. sacrifice2.AB. workingC. promiseanning19. A. loyalB. strict3. A. milestonesB. schoolsC. devotedC. difficultiesD. possessions20. A. shapegrow4. A. hersenC. theirmyKeys: 1-5 CCADC 6-10 BAABC5. A. raisemake11-15 AACDC 16-20 AABCA解析sima1.读完全文可知,这是一篇孩子赞颂自己generous的妈妈慈爱,奉献的文章。 nothing but“指完完environmentB. situation全全;只是”,而 anything but意思相反,为“根C. conditionD. location本不,一点也不”, all but是“几乎,差不多”。what2.冒号后面的内容是对前面内容的具体解释。本句译为“我还没有出生妈妈就开始B. start做计划:计划大学、高中、汽车等所有人生之C. birthD. opening旅的一个个有代表性的里程碑”。10. A. set asideB. put away3. college, high school,acar这些并不C. fitake out都是学校,不是困难,也不都是财产,他们属11. A. expensesB. education于一类“ milestones”—人生中的重要里程碑式的事物。12. A. expressionB. smile4.根据下文:“她为我的大学存钱”可知选择与填空歐《妈妈是在为我的未来做计划,而不是为她自 bit of worry是负面的情绪,妈妈的表情应该己或其他人。是三种情绪的混合。5. She set up a bank account to save14.根据句意“知道最近我才明白了为什money for me to go to college她开了个帐N么妈妈有那样的表情”。 Realize明白; recog-户,为我的大学存钱. save money存钱; raisenize辨认出;thnk想;gues猜测money募捐; make money挣钱; spend money15.本空一定要结合下一句才能理解花钱。In her mind she was putting all her chips in,6.根据下文9, but it was a matter N in order to give her only son the best educaof money以及 She had to work several part tion available.在她心中,为了给儿子最好的time jobs可知妈妈的收人不高,因此应该是身教育,她不惜孤注一掷。 putting all her chipssmall salary微薄的薪水。虽然few也是in孤注一掷。由这一句可知,妈妈冒了一生“少”的意思,但不与 salary搭配中最大的财务风险,但是她不介意。7. open-minded learning environment16. finally指最终(尤指在很长时间或经能接受新思想的,无偏见的学习环境; condi历一些困难之后)。由 She had to work sevtion做环境解时,常用复数; situation形势eral part time jobs可知,妈妈最终能够供我局面; location位置,场所。在 Maumee valley读了九年书。8.本空考查通过对长难句子的把握,理17. put sb through…使…完成了解句意。正确断句后可知 exactly8she18.下文 and I love her for the sacrificeswas looking for是表语从句,从句中缺少 look she had to make 1可得答案for的宾语,故用what。句意:那正是我妈妈为19.读完本文可得文章主题“妈妈为我奉她儿子有个好的起点而一直寻找的(学校)。献牺牲很多,很爱我”,即可知答案。 devoted9.下文18 that my mom made to give投入的,全心全意的,献身的; loyal忠诚的me the best possible start to life,与本空照应strict严格的,文章没有提及妈妈的严格;10. figure out想办法解决(问题)。本句·Ting令人厌倦的。意为“她得想办法解决怎样支付高额的学习20. shape sb into…把……塑造成…费用”。 set aside留出,拨出; put away储存;句意为:我的妈妈是最爱我的,最投入的妈take out取出,拔掉妈,为了把我塑造成我所能成为的最好的人,1. expenses费用。本题容易误选B项。·妈妈不得不做出牺牲,我爱她pay for the education而不是 pay the education作者简介:朱彩虹,高级教师,执教于河12.下文有照应。 It wasn' t until re北省无极中学,多次辅导学生获得全国英语cently~that4 why my mom had that能力竟赛奖,主编或参编图书多部,expression.13. confidence、hope是正面的情绪;a责任编辑任占华
