A Thematic Analysis of A Farewell to Arms A Thematic Analysis of A Farewell to Arms

A Thematic Analysis of A Farewell to Arms

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  • 论文作者:LIU Li-man
  • 作者单位:School of Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • 更新时间:2020-12-06
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zwwx @overseaen.comISSN 1009 5039htp://www.overseaen.comOverseas English海外葵箭Tel:+86-551- -5690811 5690812A Thematic Analysis of A Farewell to ArmsLIULi-man(Schol of Forcign languages and Literalures, Lanzhou Univeriy, Lanzhou 70000, China)Abstract:“A Fareuell to Ams”is one of the most famous works witten by Emest Hemingway. It displays two main interwaving themesof war and love by the nrration of a young soldier' s experience and his love afairs with a beautiful nurse in the first world war. The novelrelects the author' s strong hatred of war and exposes that the war is the real roo of the couple' s tragedy in this novel and the“Lost Genera-tion" in the real society.Key words: Hemingway; themaic anlysis war love中图分类号:1106文献标识码:A文章编号 : 1009- -5039(2012)11-0183-021 Ernest Hemingway and His Classic A Farewell toalso the last part in this novel. The idylic life in Switzerland is f=Armsnally replaced by tragic ending. Catherine dies of dystocia. Henrybecomes all alone in the world. At last, war desttoys love.Emest Miller Hemningway July 21. 1899 -July 2, 1961), was.The time 6pan in this nove! is about three years. We could seeregarded as one of the most oulstanding and infuential writers inthat the developmental speed of plot in each part is diferent. Some20h century. As a rpreentative figure of the Lost Generalin, com-parts are witen roughly and skaled over while other parts are ex-fusion and osellation to life, society and world were abundant inquisitely complicated. Thus war and love themes are well-arangedhis work. The New York Times wrote in 1926 conceming Heming-and the entire novel structure is also well knit.国way' s The Sun Also Rises: “ht is a tmuly gipping story, told inalean, hard, atheic narrative prose that puts more literary English2.1 Anti-war thematic analysto sharne”心A Farewell to Armns, a semi- -autobiographical novelThe change of ideology of Hemingway can be summarized towiten by Emest Hemingway . is regarded as one of the most reprt-be a trilogy that is fanaticiem disilusion-befuddlemnent.sentative novels of the Lost Generation. In this novel HemingwayIn the first phase, lofty slogans and decepive propagandapresents a strong argument against war and tells a tragic love storymade it possible for Hemingway and his American peers yearn forat the same time.throwing themselves into the war. In their eyes, the war was a glori-The fllowing part will concretely make a thematic study onous way to show their patriotism.this classic work in war and love two aspets.In the phase of sobrety, however, the essence of war朗wellas cruelty of reality disilusioned them and forced them to turn to2 Well- -knit Themes in Novel StructureThe title of this novel is A Farewell t0 Arms. The wordponder soberly about the war.In the last phase-- befuddlement, Hemingway suffering“Arms” has a meaning of weapons but also has another mean-from physical and mental trauma and his cognilive limitations, wasing-- -lover' s arms. That is to say the theme in this novel is aboutBoberly aware that he had got lost and had no way out.war and love. Sructrally. this double- theme has its own ermphasisMany friends of Henry are klled in the gunfire. Even if Henryin each part,leaves war and pursues happy life of common people, his belovedIn the first part, Henry first meets Catherine in a field hospi-surviving in the war still dies of dystocia. His only spiriual supporttal, which bappens in the period of war. In the second part, Hen-of living is collapsed with the death of Catherine. The author’8ry's courage and patience stand the Ltest of injury. The injured Hen-war atitude implied in this novel is that war means death. Warry finds that his afections to Catherine is not a sexual firting. Bothdoes not only bring physical and mental agonies but also destroyof them fall in love shortly. In the third part. Henry relurms to the .people' s hope and confidence to life. The opening chapter of thefront. Then the ltalians are defeated and during the retreat Henrynovel is very inportant and it finst sets up a bleak and apprachingjumps into a river to escape. After going ashore, Henry cuts off thedeath mood that basically penetrates the whole work.stars in his uniform which means he severs his relation to the war.Troops went by the house and dowrn the road and the dust theyThe war theme begins to fade out. In the fourth part, Henry andaised powdered the leaves of the tee. The trunks of the tres tooCatherine meet again and flee to Switzerland. They set foot on thiswere dusty and the leaves fell earty that year and we saw the lroopsneutral state, which indicates that love defeats war. The ffth part is中国煤化工YHCNMHG收稿日期:2012-04-05修回日期:2012-05-10作者简介:刘丽曼(1988 -),女,甘肃嘉峪关人,兰州大学2011级MTI笔译方向硕士。栳目责任偏辑:杨事NU较庭N 1832012年06月Overseas Engish临外英imaching alog the road and the dust ring and leaves, sired byhe did nohing heroic. As a sldier, the highest honor i to be地the breere, flling and the soldies marching andaftervward the roadwarded for heroie acion in a btle, however, Henry wineses hiscompanion is klleld by his owm aray. How could he reeive such Bbare and white excep for the leaves."The concise description of the scenery anda close-up ofmedal at the price ofhis friend' slife.trops trudgjng render a depresive atmosphere of imminent mistor-2.2 Analysis of love themetones. The bare and white mad both symbolizes the hero’● emptyThe New York Tines' Hemingway expert Percy Hutchinsonheart and his hopelesness after losing evenything.said, " the story of the love between the English nurse and theIt is not hard to find that during Caporeto retrtet, continuous-American ambulance oficere, 田helpless as that of Romeo and Ju-ly happened ragedies deeply influence Henry' 6 mind. Aymo is liet" 4 Indeed, the characters in two works all sufer from the g0-shot by people on his own side, Bonello would rather be capiveny of losing beloved. Dferenly, in Shakepeare' B work. tragicthan making meningless sacifie. Henry serving for lalian amyfeling obains proper relief by the ending that their feuding famisays they are in more danger from Italians than Gemans. Angry sol- lies ulimately unite. However, in Hemingway' sA Farevell todicns throw away their riles and cy“Dowmn with the oficer, VivaAmus the hero does not only suffe physical lortures from the warla Pace!" (Hemingway. 56) These deseriptions both scorchinglybut alke loses his only mental support for sunival. In folowigsatirize on the war and make Henry soberly know about it. Finally, part, the author of this paper will ilustrate the love theme in Athis bodines is climaxed by the erary slaughter o batle polie.Farewelll to Amus. In a wartime stting, Henry' 8 outlook of love al-Because Henry speaks lralian with an acenl. he is naturally比。changes as his increasingly clear undenstanding of he war.ganded as a German spy to be shot. Al the eleventh hour, HenyThe period Henry and Catherine spend in Switerland is thejumps into the river lo survive.happiest in their lives. Nevertbes, shadow of the war is sill catHe decides to completely keep away from the war and wantson them.“The weather became quite warm and it was like spingtocherish his only piriual spt--he love with Caherie. How-We wished we were back in the mountins but the spring weatherever, such a simple hope is fnaly broken. The war detmoy Hen-lasted only a few days and then the cold raness of the break-ry' sdream and quenches his enthusiasm of life. Sufering from略ing-up of winer came" (Hemingway, 310) This deseripin actualonies of war, Heny' s antipathy of war reaches the acme.ly implie the domed tragie ending afher a ephemeral happy lie.Henry pricipates the war in curiosily and romanticim. TheIn the last chaper, Heningway particularty depicts Cathereal war, however, is toally diferent from that in his imagiaion.nine' ; childbirth procs. This slory employs the frst peron asHe winees seven thousand soldies die from malaria, anothernarative pespecive. As the relacer, Henry loks back this painfuldriver Pasim'。miserable deah s well s sauphered ofces.process and makes readers fully experience the misery."This is war, and the sealled honor ol war is smashed in feont ofFinlly, Catherine painfully dies of dyetocia. Hemingway' 6relity. In chapter x, there in a dalopne between Henry and Rim-description of Henry; rliectin, however, is s0 succinet.aldil:He went down the hall. I went to the door of the roomn.“How are you, baby? How do you fel? I bring you hig--”. Youcan' ↑come in now," one of the norses said.It was a botle of cogpac. The orely brought a chair and he sat* Yes Ican," Isaid.down,“and good nevs. You will be decorated. They want to get“You can' tcome in yet."you the medagia d' argento but perthaps they can get only theYou get ou," Isaid. “The other one too."ronze."But aler Ihed gou tbe out and sbut the dor and lurned of“What for?"the lightit wan' tany good. I was like saying god-by w a stat.Because you are gravely wounded. They say if you canue. Atera while 1 went out and left the hopital and wlked backprove you did any heroie act you can get the siver. Othenwise itto the hotel in the rain.(Hemingway, 330)will be the bronve. Tell me exactly what happened. Did you do aryThis ending is tally concise and dispassionate. Losing Catheheroie act?"No," Isaid. " I was blown up while we were eatingrine makes him compleely get lot. Henry epes from the warbut he will never escape from the tragic destiny. Catherinecheese."death is the summit of his spiritual tregedy. What this pprenly. Be serious. You must have done somehing heroic eitherberunfnished ending displays is a boundless sorow.fore or after. Remember carlully."3 Conclusion“I did not."As ome of the moet famous war lieany works,A Faremell toDidn' t you camy anybody on your back? Gordi says youArms is not simply a love lngedy. Ani-war theme is in this novelcrried several pepple on your back but the medical major at theGinal pont delres itis isible He had 1o sign he porsion hrogou. The tegy of Henry and Caherire resals foo veaHemingway contatively potrays bntality of war and indiridualfor the citation."“1 didn' teary anybady. I couldn' tmov." (Hemingway,happin_fects the historical rea.中国煤化工and expes pople63sonsC N M H Gment of human cviliaRinaldil, his bttle companion aks him about his herois 80. antiTHthat Henry can be rewarded a medal. It is ervident that he is very他(下转第199页)pugant to this and without any iteret. He repeatell stale that本栏目責任编辑:杨菲非184/中塑属野惩1',I,I088*.2012年06月Overseas English溶弗英语西蒙能够以理性的眼光看到问题的木质。是西蒙最初认秩序。 孩子们有组织地猎取食物.搭建草屋.并且在山上燃起识到“野兽就在我们自己身上”。他不惜生命代价说出“野兽”明火作为求救的信号。 这些都显现了孩子们身上的文明以及的真相,是因为他清楚只有让大家知道真相才能消除恐慌,从他们对重返文明社会的渴望。而组织起文明有序的社会生活。但是在陌生的孤岛上.面对恶劣的生存环境,孩子们心中西蒙代表了人性中的美德和维系文明社会关系的理性,可滋生的无助和恐惧使他们逐渐失了理性.他们只能求助于自是当西蒙说出真理时,他被疯狂的孩子们厮杀了。西蒙的死,己内心深处强大的野性力量。在恶劣的生存环境下,在无法战犹如支撑人类社会的伦理道德和理性被抽掉了,社会陷入一片胜的神秘的自然面前.孩子们逐渐抛弃了良好教养,并且不再混乱的无政府状态中。奢望回归文明,丧失掉了最初的天真与善良"。文明与理性在2.3杰克一野性的代表不可战胜的自然面前就显得无能为力。作为野性的代表,杰克有领导才能,浑身充满自然的力3.2人性深处的野蛮与邪恶的力量量。在涂料和面具的掩护下,他具有更加自信的个性。他热衷“蝇王' "即苍蝇之王,源于希伯莱语Baalzcbub。在《圣经》于猎杀和屠宰野猪,这是他的野兽本性的充分表现。他领导中“Bal"被当作"万恶之首”。在英语中,“蝇王”是污秽物之孩子们“猎野猪"和“跳狂舞"的活动有效地满足了他们野性发王.也是丑恶灵魂的同义词。在小说里,蝇王不只是象征着丑作的内在饥渴。正如戈尔丁所言:“他们醉心于享受征服的快恶的悬挂着的猪头.更代表的是人性最深层的黑暗面,是无法感与杀戮的乐趣.把自己的意志强加于人,结果其生命时感到避免的劣根性"。就像喝了一大杯美酒-样醇香”。”随 着野性的扩张,他居然把邪恶就隐藏在每个人的内心深处。恶劣的环境会唤起潜自己的同伴也转变成猎杀的对象,在他的影响下,这种暴力杀伏于内心的野性。 当孩子们受到非理性狩猎乐趣的诱感时,代戮在孩子中蔓延书散开来。他们疯狂地厮杀了西蒙,用巨石砸表文明的教育的影响逐渐衰退。人类文明的天性,-旦失去了死了猪崽,用熊熊烈火烧得拉尔夫无处藏身。法规和文明的约束,是非常脆弱的.极易变得邪恶和野蛮[4]。杰克是野性的典型代表。野性也同时潜伏于每个人内心4结束语深处.是孩子们难以抗拒的诱惑。所以在杰克的召唤下.孩子在<蝇王》里这座没有文明约束的荒岛上,天真纯洁的孩子们内心深处的野性苏醒活跃起来,一发不可收拾。杰克所代表建设文明乌托邦的努力是徒劳的。拉尔夫所代表的文明与民的野性势力逐渐扩张,最终占了统治地位。他的胜利,就是野主是有有限,不完善的;西蒙所代表的善良和理性是苍白无力蛮对文明的胜利。的;所以当杰克所代表的野蛮暴力横行时,它所向披靡,所有文3《蝇王》中文明被摧残的原因明付之- -炬。威廉.戈尔丁以寓言般的故事向人们昭示了在不小说的结尾.荒岛:有组织的制度逐渐被野蛮吞噬.整个可战胜的自然面前,在人们内心的野性的召唤下.文明是多么小岛变成火海,野蛮统治了一切。在文明与野蛮的较量中文明脆弱和不堪- -击。以失败告终。文明被摧毁首先归因于其自身脆弱的-面;另.参考文献:外,人们内心深处不可抗拒的邪恶与野蛮的力量是最终导致了[1]朱彦.从《鲁滨逊漂流记》和(蝇王》看英国荒岛文学中的现实文明毁灭的另-一重要原因。主义元素[I].常熟理T.学院学报2009().3.1恶劣环境中文明与理性的脆弱[2]威廉.戈尔T.Lord of the Flies[M].上海:上海译文出版杜.2006.孩子们刚刚来到岛上时他们身上还保存着人类社会文明[3]崔丽萍.论(蝇王)中的人性丧失(D].河北师范大学,2008.和理性的残留。他们在拉尔夫的带领下.试图维持文明的社会[4]宝新丽.浅析《蝇王》中的象征主义1]商情.2009(2).(上接第184页)[1] Hemingway,Emest.A Farewell to AmsMJ.New York:CharlesScribner' s Sons,1957.Notes:[2] Lyn,Steven.Texts and Contexts: Writing About Literature with①“Marital Tagedy" . 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