An Analysis of the obstacles in Intercultural Communication An Analysis of the obstacles in Intercultural Communication

An Analysis of the obstacles in Intercultural Communication

  • 期刊名字:科技信息
  • 文件大小:249kb
  • 论文作者:崔鹏,郭雪梅
  • 作者单位:临沂师范学院费县分校,青岛理工大学费县校区
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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科技信鬼O外语论坛0SCLENCE & TECHNOLOGY NFORMATION2009年第9期awareness to owercome these problems and cotumunicate efectively acroms to wave goodbye or hello to someone, rmise our hands and wave it fromcultures. The following are some speeific bariers to succesfulside to side, not from front to back or the fingers up and down means 'nointercultural communication.stop", or "go away"; holding hands u with the palm facing toward but2.2 Stereotypesno movement means,Stereotypes are the first barrier to efective interculturl our body and waving the fingers toward the body means‘come here";conmunication. Preconcepions and seretypes are generalizations about holding hands with the palm up with all fingers curled and repeatedsome groups of people. In slereotyping other, it is believed that all the curing and uncurling the index finger means "comne here".people of a given group share the same cheracleristics. In this ligh,Shaking a head from side to side means no. Shaking bhead u anddifferences existing between or among people of that group is minimized down means yes.or ignored. On the one hand sereospes may help reduce the threat of theIt is no polile to pick our noee or chew our fingemails in publie.unknown but unknown world predictable 韵they provide conceptual Likewise, it is not polite to pick our teeth in public.bases from which to make sense of the stranger and the stimuli or thePatting a woman is alo inappropriate, and will likely get our facesituation or context in which he or she is loeated.These sereotypes are sapped.clled negative sterotpes that interfere with a objective view of theIna word, from what we have discussed above, we can now aware ofothen.the important roles these body languages play in the croee -cultural3. How to develop Intercaltural communication communicationcompetence4. ConclusionSo far we have discussed many cases about interculturalTherefore, in order to minimize misunderstandings when wecommunication. The following are some suggestions.communicate with people from other culture, what we have to lear is to3.1 Improving leamers' ability to us communication strategiesundersland culture, communication, how culture influencesln recent years, inereasing interest in the foreign language teachingcomumuniceation between people from diferent cultures. Such knowledge isin China hasbeendirected to theommunicaiveapproach.h. Butextremely important. In fact, it is necessary if we are to comprehend fullyunfrunately, focus has been on the pudue----- what the teacher the daily events of tday's muticlurl world. It wll help us analye ourwant students to say and do with the second language, instead of on the intercultural encounters in order to delemine where misunderstandingsproces --- -how students can acquire the nules for syjing and doing occur and delermine how thee misundesandings can be minimized inthings. Just a Li Lanqing, former Chinese Vice- Premier, notes, "China's future interactions. This is important not only to decrease but also topreent situation of forein languge teaching cannot met with the make the word s safer place for all of u w live in.requirement of development in reform and opening -up in other fields.Admitedly, the election of terbooks, qulifcation of teachens andrequrenent‘[参考文献]language context all play importantl roles in foreign language teaching. (1]WIbut i is the pedagogical method that really countes." (1996)GUDYDUNSTW ,MODYB. Hndbook of Interulural and IntemnationalLanguage teaching ivolves not only pssing on new knowledge but Coumiotion Nerbuy RrLCise300alao making learmers conscious of their linguistic behavior. By leaching[2]林大津.跨文化交际能力新探[]福建师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版1996through examples and practice, teachers can make leamens more aware of[3]魏使轩.腾文化交际能力的内施[],重庆大学学报:社会科学版20061);(3):58-62.the communicative problerms they might encounter in communication, andthe importance and advantages of using various communicationrategies [4]YU x WEILER B, HAM s. InercultursI comunication and mdintion; Ato cope with various probleme.framework for analyzing the intereultornl compelence of Chinese tour guides [J]。3.2 Regaining some body languageJouraboVocation Markeing. 2001, 8(1): 75 - 87.The floinn inforation is all about the getures we have to know [5]付水钢腾文化交际语境 与路文化交际[].外语研究202,74(4); 24-32.while comumunicating with westems people. Understanding them is ofgreat help to our succee in cros . cutural conmunication. For exunple,[责任编辑:韩铭](上接第202页)体课件无法代替的地方。黑板即时表现力强,能随写[参考文献]随看随擦,可以较好地控制课堂节奏,内容也可以很方便地增删,教师(1]何百通,张学辉 .CAI课件在高数教学中的不利之处与对策[].高等数学研究,在教学时突然而至的灵感也可以马上加到板书中去,使学生来得及看206941:11-115.清楚,来得及思考.更好的接受和消化。因此,面对定理、公式的推导以[2]张颖,吴建华.高等数学多媒体辅助教学的实晚与恩考0.高等数学研究,及例题的演算过程,可使用在黑板上边推导、演算边讲解的传统的教2006.4)110-112.学方法。对于课程中那些较抽象的概念、定理使用多媒体的动画功能[3]陈笑缘.多媒体技术优化高等数学教学策略之操讨仉金华职业技术学院学加以演示;对于例题中的-些复杂的三维图形,事先做好课件,与例题报2006.61):68-70.-同在屏幕上显示;对于近似计算,函数逼近等内容可以使用相关的[4]张丽丽高等数学多媒体课堂教学探讨仍高等数学研究2007,104).20-21.[5]曾玉华.高等数学多媒体教学的现实困境与对策办兵团教有学院学报。数学软件来实现。使用多媒体进行教学只是辅助性的.而在课堂上的2043)-.7-60大部分时间里是教师在讲解,在黑板上推导.演算,是学生在思考、在[6]杨成,工智城。马水平.高等数学多媒体教学应性 t的问题价.教育与职业,练习。教师在上课时不要全用多媒体课件进行讲解,不时穿插-些板208.(2:21中国煤化工书是非常有必要的。总之,多媒体既是高等数学教学中的重要工具,也是高等数学教要从事敏:CYHC N M H G生学隗基确部教师,主学中的一个大课题,需要教师在整个教学过程中不断地研究探索,以使高等数学多媒体教学不断登上新的台阶。{责任端辑:田瑞鑫]207
