文体分析 文体分析


  • 期刊名字:青年与社会
  • 文件大小:600kb
  • 论文作者:袁萍
  • 作者单位:聊城大学
  • 更新时间:2020-09-25
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教学研究YOUNG青年与社会doi:10. 3969/j ise. 1006 -9682. 2011. 02.085文体分析袁萍(聊城大学,山东聊城252000)摘要: 这篇文章,作者将从文体分析的角度,采用语篇分析模式来对本演讲中的第一、二段内容的语音、词汇、语义、句法特征进行分析,加深对课文的理解和欣赏。关键词:文体分析;公众演讲;高級英语教学一、公众演讲特点(三)语义特征公众演讲有其独特的文体特征,比如,语音方面,各种在这篇演说中,修辞手法是其重要特点,经常使用的修语音手段的应用如压韵,节奏,重音,停顿的应用在英语演辞手段有暗喻、明喻、提喻、排比。在听众脑海中刻画了一讲中的应用十分常见。词汇方面,演说者会使用较长的词语,幅幅生动的画面,并且使语言变得生动形象,更有感染力。名词矩语也经常被使用,是公众演讲通常会使用第- - 人称代1.明喻: likea owarm of crawling locusts.把纳粹士兵比词和第二人称代词,而第三人称代词较少使用。句法方面,作蝗虫,表达了说话者对纳粹士兵的痛恨。经常使用的句型有陈述句,长句。语义方面,修辞手法是其2.暗喻: All this faedes away belore the spetale which is重要特点,经常使用的修辞手段有暗喻、明喻、类比、拟now unolding对共产党的反感在此时变得不那么重要,变得人等。退色,逐渐消失,用词十分贴切。二、对演讲的具体分析The past, with its crimes, its fllies, and诎tragedie, fa(一)语音特征shes away.闪电般迅速消失,一闪而过,表明作者此时最在1.头韵alintion: dul, diled, docile, 也叫头字母押意的已不再是对苏联的厌恶,而是对苏联人民的同情。韵,是语音中重复使用某一音而取得突出效果的- -种重要方1 see Rusian soldies standing on the threshold...把国界式。三个词以同样的音开头,更增加了话语的力量,说话者比做门槛,说明俄国此时局势严峻。的决心,及对纳粹的厌恶和痛恨,更能激起听众的同感。ht is devold of all theme and principle except apeite and伯2.拟声词: clanking, heel - clicking 中/kV音和dull,cial domination.在这里apetite比作成纳粹政权的贪婪,形象dilled, docile 中的/dV音,一方面使人联想到军被革履的碰生动刻画出苏联人民此时面临的局势,表达出作者对苏联人撞声响,另一方面使人意识到战争的冷酷无情。民生活的担忧。3.除此之外,文中还运用了排比增加文章的节奏感。此外,使用暗喻的例子还有Means of existence is wrung 80(二)词汇特征hardly from the soil..1.人称代词的使用:使听众感到亲切,更容易说服听3.提喻: Bread- winner形象,生动。众。在这篇讲话中,丘吉尔共使用第-人称代词"I, me" 16' 4.排比: 7个以“I see"开头的排比句,使原来就富有次,复数代词“we, our, us" 27次。在平时的讲话中,用第感染力的句子更加有 气势充满说服力。使句式整齐划一,易一人称复数,有时包括受话人,有时不包括受话人,有时还于吸引听众注意力。这篇演说最感人的地方莫过于丘吉尔以含有-种间接的析使命令意义。丘吉尔巧妙将这三种含义都第一人称的手法,连续在七个平行句中充满激情的词语,陈糅合在他的演讲中,使之循序渐进地起到战争动员的作用。述在俄发生的正义与邪恶的决战。2.文学词汇大量使用:使演讲更加正式,稳重,让听众(四)句法特征.感到演讲人对所讲的话题的态度是极其严肃认真的。例如,1.较多使用的句型有陈述句,演讲第部分共有13个句在表达演说者对纳粹的痛恨时,他用到了的词汇有: ppetie, 子构成, 全是陈述句。racial domnination, wichkednes, cruelty, ferocious, hideous , on-2.时态上,全为一般现在时,表达说话者的决心。laught, clanking, heel - clicking, dandifed, c∞ow down , tye3.句子都较长,每一句都超过十个词,最长的高达35个down, dul, dilled, docil, brutish, Hun soldier, locusts vilin词, 使演讲更郑重。u9中国煤化工crimes, is flies,说到苏联时,作者用了以下词汇: guard, pray, il, from and its_听众注意力的作用。time inmemorial, breaed - winner, champion, wring hardly, pi:0Hmordial, madiens, joys, laughspoken about it. But all this fedes away before the spectacle which2011. VOL. 59. NO.02 1S:YOUNG青年与社会教学研究doi;10. 3969/j issn. 1006 -9682. 2011.02.086《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中世仇的分析杜晓燕(保山学院,云南保山678000)摘要:〈罗密畋与朱丽叶>是莎士比亚的杰作,也是全世界最有名的戏剧之一。世仇是这部剧的主要主题之一,在这部刷中,世仇象征了封建主义的思想意识,最后两个家族的和解暗示了封建主义的衰落。关键词:世仇;封建主义;囊落An Analysis of Feud in Romeo and JulietDU Xiao-yan(Foreign Language Department, Baohan Cllge, Yunan, Baohan, 678000, China)Abstract: Romeo and Julie is a masterpiee written by Shakespeare, and it is one of the most faxmous plays in the world. Feud is one ofthe main themes of this play, and in this play , feud aymbolizes the ideology of feudalism , and the reconciliation between the two familiesimplies the declination of feudalism.Keywords: feud feudalism declinationIntroductionhas chosen to portay is violent and hate - flled from the very beSome critics mainly focus on pure and immortal love betweenjnning. The prologue shows the audience exactly how the feud willRomeo and Juliet. The passion i intinically destructive, paganplay a major role throughout the play by atating ”From ancientin its idealistic eroticism, and non - transcendent. ? Shakepearegrudge break to new muiny, where ciril blood makes civil handsshapes his play by emphasizing the references to love at the begin-unclean. And the continuance of their parents' rage, which, butning, fortune at the middle, and death at the end. Shakepeare intheir children' end, naught could rermove" ( Shakeapeare1998:this play rcogrizes both the prolagonists reponsibliy for the trg4). This sbhows the depth and severty of the hated between the twoic events and the awesome power of hostile cireumstance "families which accompanies with every detail of the play. From the(Kiefer1983158). " Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy of fate becausebegining, the andience is predisposed to abeorb the imagery relatedfate is an invisible rope hitches their fate. From the beginning toto the lovers and the feud that hinders their love. Tybalt makes hisend, the hero and the heroine can not escape the dictation of the feling known in the beginning of the play " What, drawn, and talkfate, although the stnuggle betwen fate and them put to an end,of peace?I hate the word As I hate the hell, all Montagues, andlove and human life pay a painful cost for it" (Li2005: 123).hee” ( Shakepeare1998: 10), these stong words reveal theThis paper will interpret feud in Romeo and Juliet by analyzing thestrength of the hatred and the seriousness of the feud.political and cultural ideas expresed in the play.Though the incidents in the play seem to suggest that the trag:I1 Analysisedy is due more t如accidents than the social contradiction becauseIn addition to immortal love, the feud between the two fami-if Friar's plans had not gone away, the lovers could still have alies is also a main theme of the play. The world that Shakespeare. chance to gain their eventual bappiness, yet to think that wayis now unfolding. / I had not the slightet doubt where our duty语语篇的独立思考能力。and our policy lay.用双重否定,无比肯定地表达了英国对其道义责任和方针政策早已胸有成竹,即全力授救苏联。参考文献三、小结[1] JonathenHope&Lstune Wnight. Styisticn: A Practical Couebook通过分析丘吉尔的演讲,我们可以更系统的了解文章中[M]. Beiing: Forig Language Teaching and Research Pese, 2010.使用的各种为达到某-文体效果而借助的手段,更全面的认: 「M教育出版社, 1989.识文体分析的作用,文体分析可以用来补充高级英语的教学,[3]中国煤化工现代企业教育, 2007文体分析用于高级英语教学中去也是符合高级英语的教学目(6).0HCNMHG标的。通过文体分析,学生可以更好的鉴赏文章,培养对英[4]刘飞工不物水大厅寸概花lm小北京:北京大学出版社。2006.156 2011. VOL. s9. NO.02
