后石油时代的甲醇燃料 后石油时代的甲醇燃料


  • 期刊名字:应用化工
  • 文件大小:
  • 论文作者:吴域琦,冯向法
  • 作者单位:中国漯河石化集团控股有限公司
  • 更新时间:2020-03-17
  • 下载次数:

增刊吴域琦等:后石油时代的甲醇燃料323认识这个问题的人,早日认识这个问题。更主要地是坚定甲醇燃料开发者的信心,使之发挥我国自己的优势,早日从这个领域“牟利”,并对人类社会可持续发展和避免争夺石油的战争做出贡献。1能源与环境 问题.世界能源的大规模消耗是从化石能源,特别是石油的大规模开采应用开始的。它仅仅用了--百多年的时间,就使得亿万年的石油积累贮藏即将消耗殆尽。这种不可再生的石油消耗殆尽前后,世界就进入了后石油时代。那时,必须有替代或取代石油的新能源。这个观点是公认的。由于化石能源的大规模耗用,带来了严重的环境问题,威胁着人类的生存和发展,这个观点也是公认的。但是,当今人们对这两个公认观点的认识,在紧迫性和对策上却有较大差异。一些人轻视这两个问题的严重性,用化石能源的地质贮量或者尚能得过且过来安慰自己,用逃离环境污染重灾区来应付环境污染。岂知,化石能源的已探明贮量只是地质贮量的一小部分,可采贮量又是已探明贮量的一-小部分。特别是石油的已探明可采贮量,不管是乐观数据还是悲观数据,都已经见底,象现在这样大规模开采和消耗下去,很快就要枯竭。又岂知,化石能源造成的环境污染,已经严重威胁人类和地球生物的生存。如果个别企业不顾这些,当各国政府执行联合国的《里约宣言》《21世纪议程》《蒙特利尔议定书》和《京都议定书》等文件时,这些企业将在劫难逃。因为如果不这样,任凭保护地球的臭氧层破坏、酸雨频降疑难病丛生,人类和地球生物都难以生存。在这方面已有先例。在以前的很长时间内,汽车制造商是反对汽油中加入含氧化合物的,因为他们主要考虑的是腐蚀性问题。但是,1990年美国国会通过了“清洁空气法修正案”,强制推行“新配方清洁汽油”后,全世界纷纷响应,含氧化合物成了“新配方清洁汽油”必须添加的成分。1.1关于能源问题全世界的石油资源究竟还能维持多少时间呢?全球石油的总贮量,乐观地估算为6500亿t,悲观地估算为2700亿t,实际上已探明的可采贮量比这少得多。在21世纪开始的时候,全球已探明的石油可采贮量为10330亿桶,折合1476亿t。按2000年实际日耗7300万桶计,还能维持40年;按美国能源部预测每年油耗增加2%,只能维持25~30年。到2010年,全球石油资源的--半将消耗掉,那时就是石油的“半寿期”,那将是引起人们因能源而恐慌的一-个关键时刻!我国的石油贮量丰度低于全球的平均值,虽然预计地质贮量为940亿t,但是,当新世纪开始时,已探明的可采贮量只剩33亿t。2004年我国的油耗为2.7亿t,如果不进口或想别的办法,只能维持到2012年。平均每年进口1亿t石油,也只能维持到2019年,“半寿期”仍在2010年以前。由此看来,这个问题324应用化工2006年第35卷增刊的严重性是无法回避的。1.2关于环境污染问题从大规模使用化石燃料以来,至今已经到了地球无法承受的程度。例如,目前全球每年作为燃料耗用化石燃料折合标煤120亿t,其中,石油37亿t(折标煤53亿t)煤炭45亿t(折标煤32亿t)、天然气26300亿m'(折标煤35亿t),燃烧后共产生二氧化碳达370亿t。据瑞典气象学家B●博林估算,陆地植物每年经光合作用固定的二氧化碳为200 ~ 300亿t。上述仅 化石能源人为燃烧就产生二氧化碳370亿t,加上生命呼吸、生物体腐败及火灾等产生的二氧化碳,就严重地超过了绿色植物光合作用吸收转化二氧化碳的量,破坏了自然界的二氧化碳循环平衡,已经开始造成保护地球的臭氧层破坏和其它一些反常现象。同时,燃烧含硫的煤炭和石油产生的大量二氧化硫形成了危害很大的酸雨,致使地球植被破坏,农业减产。化石燃料燃烧产生的包括致癌物质在内的许多其它有害物质也正在造成- -些疑难病。因此, 1972年联合国召开了人类环境大会,1992年又召开了环境和发展大会,并-致通过了《里约宣言》和《21世纪议程》。围绕这个大会还缔结了《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《京都议定书》和《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》等,已经开始高度重视和防治环境污染问题。包括中国在内的所有缔约国都承担了相应的义务。中国人口众多,改革开放后经济发展迅速,一次性燃料能源以煤为主,而直接燃煤是最脏的一种燃烧方式。中国燃用石油的数量也很大,并且缺少必要的清洁措施。因此,在燃料燃烧污染方面,中国是最严重的国家之- -。联合国开发计划署在其2002年的《中国人类发展报告》中指出:“中国的环境问题,首先是外国游客到达中国一些城市走下飞机后明显感到的空气污染”,“中国城市的空气质量远低于国际标准”,“世界受污染最严重的20个城市中,有16个在中国”。这些情况已经引起中国政府的重视,中国参加了1972年联合国人类环境大会后,成立了国务院环境保护领导小组,通过了《环境保护法》,1983年开始把环境保护列为“基本国策”,1992年参加联合国环境和发展大会并签署了有关文件,1995年和2000年两次修订了中国的《大气污染防治法》。中国还建立了空气污染指标(API),它综合了二氧化硫、氮氧化合物和总悬浮颗粒在内的总体空气质量,1级、2级表示适合长期生活,3级表示短期可以接受,4级和5级表示.不适合人们居住。1999年,在335个空气受到检测的城市中,超过40%的城市只能达到4级和5级。世界银行估算了中国城市人口由于空气污染而死亡和得病的数量,如果空气污染下降到中国标准允许的水平,每年可以避免17.8万人死亡,相当于城市死亡总人数的7%。由此可见,这实在是与人们生死相关的大问题了!由于.上述能源和环境两个方面的严重问题,用清洁燃料替代或取代现有的石油以及直接燃烧煤炭势在必行。特别是,由于2010年就是石油的“半寿期”,增刊吴域琦等:后石油时代的甲醇燃料325因而在未来几年、+几年之内将受到石油供应变化的“爆炸式影响”,任何国家、企业或用户,都逃不过这场急风暴雨。综合起来,这些影响有如下几点:①2010年前后石油资源“半寿期”将引起的暴风骤雨,包括石油用量居高不下;价格暴涨不止;--些油田产量迅速减少;经济上甚至军事上争夺石油资源和运输通道的事件频繁发生;主要依靠石油能源的国家的经济安全和国家安全受到严重威胁;从各国政府到广大石油消费者的心理上受到巨大压力;一些号称可以替代石油的产品在技术上、资源数量和价格上远远不能适应形势要求,等等;②石油燃料特别是车用石油燃料造成的环境污染逐渐被发现,并受到取缔或严格限制。例如:继含铅汽油被取缔后,无铅汽油也即将被新配方清洁汽油所取代,目前发达国家正在走这一-步,中国在2008年以前起码要在北京先走这-一步。其中,氧含量增加和硫含量、苯含量、芳烃含量、烯烃含量的限制将越来越严格,最终可能不得不取缔石油成品油作为车用燃料的资格;③石油毕竟是近100多年来帮助人们创造现代文明的功臣,它除了作为.燃料之外,在石油化工上有更高的价值,例如作为化纤、橡胶塑料或其它化工产品的综合利用,一-般可以比作为燃料增值10倍以上。由于石油的短缺,可能出现以石油为原料的化工产品严重短缺,影响经济发展和人们的正常生活。因此,节约燃用石油将成为- -个不可阻挡的大趋势。2替代石油的各种能源选择替代石油的能源,目前有天然气、煤炭和可再生的生物质能、风能、水能、太阳能地热等,还有核能和取之不尽的氢能等。原则上,由于科学技术的高度发展,石油枯竭是难以阻止人类社会继续前进的步伐。可是,究竟目前谁是替代石油的最佳选择呢?这需要认真地作客观的比较。2.1太阳能、风能 、水能2.1.1太阳 能热辐射的直接利用例如:太阳 能热水器已经有了规模化应用,太阳灶也有了实际应用。太阳能光伏电池等是太阳能的- - 种高技术应用,也已经达到相当成熟的程度,正在进一步开发 和推广应用。太阳每天辐射到地面的能量多达2.2 x 1025 J,大部分反射或重新辐射返回太空后,剩下0.04%被绿色植物所吸收,仍有8. 8x 102J,如果能够利用它的一部分,即可维持人类的生存和发展。但是,太阳能利用受到天气和季节变化等多种因素影响,太阳能电池的技术和成本问题还有待于进一步解决。目前,太阳能实际能够利用的数量还很有限,只能取代很少一部分石油,特别是在车用燃料方面替代的困难更大,还不可能成为取代石油的主导能源。2.1.2风能作为--种可再生的清洁能源,中国的资源潜力位居世界前列。1997年《中国能源年鉴》表明,中国可开发的风能资源为253GW,实际上当地面以上高度从10 m上升到100 m时,还要增加2.7倍。但是,目前中国大规模、低成本的风电还在萌芽时期,小规模风电成本过高,还有地区限制。因此,也只能326 .应用化工2006年第35卷增刊取代一小部分石油。2.1.3水能在此包括江河水能和潮汐能、波浪能等,中国都有丰富的资源,正在积极进行开发利用,在我国的能源结构中,水电已占7%左右。将来,水能在中国能源结构中,将占有更可观的比例。但是,它们也受到地域的限制,数量上也难以成为取代石油的主导能源。2.2生物质能生物质能指秸秆、杂草、林木和动植物体及其排泄物等含有的能量。它们是对太阳能的贮存,是可再生能源。它们数量大、分布广、再生快。万千年来,它们-直是人类利用的主要能源。自从化石能源大量开采使用后,生物质能的利用大大减少,致使秸秆和其它农林废弃物反而成了环境污染源。可是,- -旦战争或其他因素造成化石能源紧张时,生物质能仍然是人们可以依靠的主要能源。1973年世界发生石油危机以后,人们就又开始重视生物质能的利用。生物质能的利用,有传统方法和现代化方法两种。传统方法非常简单,但是效率太低,很不便利,还污染环境,不适用于现代社会。生物质能的现代化利用,包括沼气、裂解气化、裂解液化、生物发酵制取燃料醇、油料作物直接利用和制取生物柴油等,这些都有很好的前景,并且已经有了相当深入的研究和示范性应用,将来必将是人类可以依靠的主要能源之一。但是,在技术上还有待提高,在生产成本.上还有待大大下降,目前还不可能成为替代石油的主导性能源。2.3核能、 氢能和燃料电池2.3.1核能在此主要指利用核裂变建设核电站产生的电能。这已经是在世界许多国家投人实际应用的事情。至于热核聚变产生的核能,还只能是以后的事。已经投人实际应用的核电站,虽然在世界能源中已经占有一定的地位,但是,还不可能成为替代石油的主导能源。况且,由核电变成车用燃料,还有许多工作要做。2.3.2氢能在此指氢与氧化合成水释放出来的能量。由于氢元素在地球上可以说是取之不竭,并且氢的燃烧值非常高,燃烧后只生成水,因而氢能是人类最理想、最清洁、最巨大的能源。但是,由于氢气很难压缩或液化,因而单纯氢能的利用还有很多技术问题。氢以其化合物作为载体,已经有多方面的应用,燃料电池就是- -个例子,特别是以甲醇为氢载体的燃料电池,已经在汽车上有了示范性应用,并且,若干年后就会有商业化应用。这种燃料电池汽车,实际上就是氢能的利用,是零污染的清洁汽车。但是,在相当长时间内,它的成本还太高,不会成为替代石油的主导性能源。2.4天然气和其它油气资源2.4.1天然气天然气的开采应用比石油晚--些,因而它的余量可用年限也比石油长一些。中国的天然气正在勘探和开采之中。1997 年资源量为6.43万亿m2 ,折合标煤85.5亿t;已探明1.15万亿m3 ,折合标煤15.3亿t。还增刊吴域琦等:后石油时代的甲醇燃料327有一组数字讲,我国天然气的资源量为38万亿m3 ,折合标煤505亿t;最终可采贮量可达10.5万亿m',折合标煤140亿t。由此看来,我国天然气的最终可采贮量与石油差不多,只是剩余量比石油稍微多一些 ,没有太大的可依赖性。全世界天然气的总资源量为328万亿m3,2004年以前已探明144万亿m'。2004年末,已探明贮量升至172 万亿m',折合标煤分别为4362亿t, 1915亿t,2288亿t。可能还会勘探出来- -些,但是,总的说来也是很有限的。天然气稍加净化处理,即是比石油和煤相对清洁的燃料,目前耗用量增长很快,预计在全世界总的能源消耗中,天然气在后石油时代来到之前一段时间内,将成为第一能源。目前,天然气替代石油,在发电和民用燃料方面,已经有成熟的经验。在作为车用燃料时,还有一些不同的形式待选择。例如,天然气直接液化、天然气制取甲醇作醇醚燃料或者燃料电池的氢载体等。目前天然气压缩液化,已经进人民用燃料和车用燃料的实用阶段,只是需要专门的燃料供应系统,受到管道铺设和地域限制,许多地方还不具备这样的条件。天然气制取甲醇,可以把偏远地区的天然气原料变成便于贮运的液体,这是一条更好的路子。 但是,最根本的问题还是天然气的贮量也很有限,它只不过能把车用石油燃料的危机稍微拖后--些。实际上,当石油危机出现时,各种能源用户竞相改用天然气替代,天然气可以维持的时间就会更短。因此,天然气不能成为后石油时代来到后的主导能源,并且,到那时它本身也将是被取代的对象。2.4.2其他化石能源 关于煤 、石油天然气以外的化石能源,还有油页岩、油砂及其它- -些可燃性化石 ,就现在所知,它们开采利用的难度比较大,更主要的是贮量也很有限,也不能成为替代石油的主导能源。2.5煤炭的传统利 用和现代化利用煤炭在中国的蕴藏量(地质贮量)和已探明的可采贮量,按照可以互相比较的热值计算,比石油和天然气多得多。如前所述,在本世纪开始的时候,中国石油的地质贮量为940亿t,已探明的可采贮量只剩33亿t,包括近海石油的进一步勘探,预计常规可采贮量为115亿t,折合成标煤分别为1344亿t,47亿t和164亿t。而煤的地质贮量为45000亿t,已探明的可采贮量为1886亿t,常规可采贮量可达7650亿t,折合成标煤分别为32130亿t,1347亿t和5462亿t,分别是石油的24倍,29倍和33倍。这样,煤作为石油的应急替代能源是最有现实意义的。特别是对我国而言,丰富的煤炭资源可以保证百年能源安全。在美国、澳大利亚南非等富煤国家也是如此。这个观点在中国科技界和经济界绝大多数人们中间是公认的。但是,煤的传统利用方式,无论工业应用、民用还是发电,都是采用直接燃烧。这种传统利用方式,不仅效率低、浪费大,而且对环境的污染特别严重,如前所述,已经到了全世界都不能容忍的程度。因此,这种方式不可能成为替代石油328应用化工2006年第35卷增刊的方式。煤炭的现代化利用,就是我国提出的煤净化工程,就是煤的气化利用,就是煤制甲醇及其衍生物醚类、酯类等,就是煤变油以及煤化工等。煤的气化利用,已经是成熟技术,并且有了相当规模的实际应用,但是,煤气的贮运比较困难,覆盖面有限,不可能成为替代石油的主要形式,在此不加多说。煤制甲醇及其衍生物二甲醚等配制的车用燃料、工业燃料和民用燃料,国内外已有比较成熟的技术。目前,它们总的生产成本费用,按热值计算,已经低于汽油和其它石油成品油,并且,这种高含氧燃料的实际热值是更高-些的。例如, -般对汽油的替代比可由2/1提高到3/2。这些结论是通过大量实验和实践得出来的,没有什么异议。目前还有-些异议的是甲醇燃料的动力性能、毒性、腐蚀性等三个问题。3车用 甲醇燃料3.1甲醇燃料在动力 性能上是否可以替代汽油、柴油自上世纪70年代石油危机以来,中国和美、欧、日等许多国家在这方面都做了大量的实验、示范和实际应用,主要有三种情况。3.1.13%~5%的甲醇与汽油掺烧这实际上相当于在汽油中加了一点增氧剂,在欧洲和中国都曾广泛应用,结果是不仅没有影响汽油的动力性能,而且增.加了辛烷值,减少了排气污染。3.1.2使用 80%的甲醇和20%的添加剂,或者100%的纯甲醇美国德国、日本和中国都研制成功了这样的专用汽车,结果只需在汽车的部分零件防腐和形成混合气时少用一些空气,即可正常运行并显著减少排气污染。3.1.3使用任意比例的 甲醇与汽油掺烧为了实现这样的掺烧,美、欧、日大都采用特制的灵活燃料汽车( FFV)或双燃料汽车( DFV) ,运行效果相当好,排气污染也大大减少,只是目前这种车价还比较高,燃料加注站点还远不如汽油方便,因而影响了推广使用。目前,由于中国在汽车制造技术上还比较落后,因而较多地采用了甲醇专用汽车和改造燃料配制两种办法。甲醇专用汽车比FFV、DFV汽车简单,成本也比较低,比较适合中国目前的情况,只是还需要大力发展这种汽车,并建立相应的甲醇燃料供应系统。关于改造燃料配制,中国的有关方面针对甲醇的性质,先后研制成功了一些醇油助溶剂、腐蚀抑制剂和性能改良剂等,以漯河石化集团为代表实现了甲醇与其它液态醇及醚类、酯类烃类等的复合配制,使得在不用改变现有汽车结构和不影响动力性能的情况下,就可以50%~65%大比例地使用甲醇,并实现与汽油的随机替代。总而言之,无论是上述三种情况的哪一种,在动力性能方面,甲醇燃料取代石油燃料已经没有什么问题,已经进人了有市场竞争力的实用阶段。3.2关于甲醇燃料的毒性业务管理部门的某些人对这个问题尚缺乏透彻地了解,竞争者也施放了一些混肴是非的言论,因此,必须实事求是地正确对待这种异议。我们在另- -篇论增刊吴域琦等:后石油时代的甲醇燃料329 .文《甲醇一-后 石油时代的希望之星》中,已经作了论述。毒性问题涉及到接触人群的生命安全,是人们非常关心的一一个问题。关于甲醇的毒性,除了作为一般物质早已进行测定外,当它作为燃料被开发时,有关的开发者及其国家科技、卫生、环保等部门,都更认真地作了研究和分析测试,美国和中国尤其典型。美国国家工程院院士、福特公司的Roberta Nichol S博土应我国中科院潘奎润研究员的要求,曾专门写了一篇文章,阐明福特公司“在1983年生产第- _辆甲醇汽车前,就对甲醇的毒性影响进行了详细研究”,结论是:“如果对甲醇正确对待,是不会有健康问题的”,“总的说来,甲醇是比汽油更安全的燃料”。中国在开发甲醇燃料的初期,原国家科委就委托北京医科大学,就“甲醇中毒机理”、“甲醇对人体健康的影响”等课题,做了三年的跟踪实验研究,并和不接触甲醇的人群进行了严格地对比,得出了与美国能源部及福特公司完全-致的结论,即:只要遵守操作规程,没有发现人体健康有任何异常。另外,还有许多旁证对甲醇的毒性进行了充分地说明。甲醇有毒,但是决非某些人诬称的“剧毒”,而是典型的“中等毒性”。中国石化出版社最新出版的《有害物质及其检测》一书中,列出了“毒物毒性分级”(见表1)。表1毒物毒性分级'大白鼠一次口服对人致死量毒性分级半致死量(LDso)/(mg. kg~')每千克体重剂量/g60kg体重总剂量/g剧毒小于1小于0.050.1 ~0.3高毒1 ~500.05~0.50.3 ~30.0中等毒50 ~5000.5~5.030. 0 ~250. 0低毒500 ~ 50005.0~15250. 0~ 1000微毒5000以上15以上1000以上1996年化工出版社出版的张树林等主编的《急性中毒诊断与急救》--书中,列出了常见有害物质的中毒量和致死量,其中甲醇的致死量为75mL,乘以密度0.7914 g/mL等于59.3 g, 确切地在“中等毒”范围内。乙醇也在这个范围内。该书中的数据还表明,常见的三酸两碱醋酸草酸、水杨酸、硫酸铜等都比甲醇的毒性大得多。那么,甲醇的“剧毒”说从哪里来的呢?有资料表明有人把“mL"误当“mg”,因而把甲醇的毒性扩大791倍,这样,有的人以讹传讹,有的人正好借用来攻击和污蔑甲醇燃料。在涉及替代即将枯竭的石油以保证我国经济安全和国家安全的重大问题上,希望再也不要出现这样荒唐的错误了!实际上,甲醇是一种自然界天然存在的物质,通过食用水果、蔬菜和饮料,人体平均每天每千克体重吸收0.3~1.1 mg的甲醇,一个70 kg体重的人,每天自然地吸收21~77mg的甲醇。甲醇对视神经的作用比较显著,因此,甲醇决不能330应用化工2006年第35卷增刊作为饮料饮用,在酒类生产中既不能加人甲醇,也不能使用含甲醇的工业酒精勾对酒。在假酒事件中造成致盲致命问题,就是由于大量饮用含有大量甲醇的假酒造成的,依法严惩这种假酒制造者是非常必要的。但是,不能饮用并不是不能作其它用途,世界上大多数物质都是不能作为饮食的。《食品添加剂手册》19318条明确指出[3), GB2760-1990将甲醇列为食品加工助剂,可以作为食品的萃取溶剂,其用量可以根据生产需要而不受限制。该条还指出,联合国粮农组织( FAO)和世界卫生组织( WHO)也表明了,上述观点。3.3关于甲醇燃料对环境的影响这是一个与毒性有关的问题。这个问题包括两个方面:一方面是液体甲醇贮运使用过程中的渗漏溅洒、蒸发等影响,因为甲醇能与水混溶,易被生物降解,所以即使有一些渗漏或溅洒,也易于从环境中脱除,相比之下,不溶于水的汽油、柴油等却很难脱除;另--方面是燃烧后的排气污染问题,因为甲醇有丰富的内含氧,易于完全燃烧,所以排气中CO、HC、NOx、PM等污染比汽油、柴油少得多,并且根本没有化石燃料特有的苯、芳烃、烯烃及其它致癌物质。在这方面,所有有关部门和单位都有测试证明,国际能源机构对各种汽车燃料的排放做了权威性的比较测定,详见表2。表2各种汽车燃料 常规排放平均值(单位:g/km)氢二甲醚甲醇天然气石油气柴油汽油(H2)( DME)M100(CNG)(LPG)(有净化器) (无净化器)00.120.340.400.890.241.478.96HC0.040.410. 160.670.322.64总排放量0.040.190.480. 87定性分析微量很少.较少较多最多由表2可知,甲醇的常规排放仅次于超清洁燃料氢气和二甲醚,比CNG、LPG柴油、汽油等都好得多。有人从自己设想的理论上推测,由于甲醇有内含氧,因而NOx排放的多,实践证明是错误的。各种汽车燃料排放量比较见表3。表3各种汽车燃料非 常规排放量比较氨天然气石油气.M85苯1. 50.6<,3丁二烯0.1.01.8甲醛5.8<2.0<2. 0122.543增刊吴城琦等:后石油时代的甲醇燃料331由表3可知,甲醇M100根本没有苯和丁二烯排放,所谓的甲醛污染,也比汽油、柴油少得多,汽油安装净化器时才与甲醇排放的甲醛在一个数量级上。3.4关于甲醇燃料的腐蚀性腐蚀性是汽车制造商最为关心的问题,继反对车用燃料含氧遭到拒绝之后,他们又把矛头指向最有希望取代石油燃料的甲醇燃料,不允许汽车燃油中含有甲醇,这是没有道理的。因为:①甲醇燃料的腐蚀性是由于它含有羟基0H,比较容易吸水和生成甲酸。但是,乙醇等其它含氧化合物都有这种性质,况且,这个问题世界各国都已采用添加腐蚀抑制剂或其它办法解决了,为什么要单单排斥甲醇呢?②即使醇类和其它含氧化合物有一些腐蚀性,在石油枯竭即将来临的大趋势下,除了燃料制造商采取防腐措施外,汽车制造商也应该适应形势,对有关零件采取防腐措施,而不应该因此否定甲醇燃料!③甲醇燃料在世界许多国家和地方都有了自己的标准,并已投人实际应用,并被举世公认为“清洁燃料”。例如,美国就制订了M85的国家标准,欧洲---些国家也有自己的甲醇燃料标准。2002年,我国山西省颁布了甲醇燃料的地方标准,全国其他地方颁布企业标准者已有10多家,特别是2001年漯河石化集团颁布的《车用清洁甲醇汽油》企业标准Q/LHSH001 -2001 ,已经实施四年多,指导生产销售了20多万t产品,没有出现过任何质量问题。.上述情况说明了什么呢?说明关于甲醇燃料在动力性、毒性、腐蚀性等方面的异议是应该消除的。3.5煤变油 与煤制甲醇燃料的比较煤变油有两种形式:①煤直接液化一将煤在高温高压条件下催化加氢直接液化合成液态烃类,再精制制取汽油、柴油。国际上有德国IGOR工艺、美国H-COAL工艺等,中国神华集团准备在内蒙建设-一个年产320万t油品的装置,计划2007年10月投产。这种煤变油工艺条件苛刻(高压15 ~ 30 MPa,高温440~ 550C) ,装置投资大(7000元/t油品),耗煤多(4 t煤/t油品),产品成本高,质量差;②煤间接液化合成油一将煤先气化成合 成气,通过费托工艺,转化成烃类化合物,再精制制取汽油、柴油。南非萨索尔公司拥有此项技术。去年6月份,我国有关方面与南非萨索尔公司签订了意向书,拟在陕西和宁夏建立两套煤变油装置,总投资60亿美元,规模为年产600万t油品。这套工艺比煤直接液化条件温和,油品质量也比较好,但是投资也太大(10000元/t油品),耗煤更多(5 t煤/t油品)。上述两种煤变油形式,虽然目前在我国很有一- 些热度,但是都存在很大的问题。根本的问题还在于,它既不符合市场经济的形势(当年南非是在国际制裁下被迫作出的选择,现在是否行得通,应该看它的成本费用是否在当前市场上有竞争能力),又不符合科技的新发展。这方面的科技新发展是什么呢? - -是要适应新配方清洁燃料必须含氧2%以上的要求;二是新型醇醚清洁燃料的兴起。332应用化工2006年第35卷增刊新配方清洁燃料要求必须含氧,表明以前完全不含氧的烃类燃料是不科学的,因为它燃烧不完全,既影响燃烧效率,又严重污染环境。由此看来,煤变油虽然也是清洁煤工程的一种形式,但是它已经比不上煤制甲醇清洁燃料。煤变油和煤制甲醇清洁燃料比较情况见表4。表4煤变油和煤制甲 醇清洁燃料的比较比较项目.煤变油煤制甲醇燃料备注少数国家试用或者国外制取甲醇以天然气技术应用情况许多国家普遍应用示范性应用为主要原料投资需求情况7000 ~ 10000元/t油,1000 ~3500元/t产品,国内可利用众多化肥厂总投资数10亿美元总投资大小皆可联产,节省投资油的理论热值是甲醇的耗煤情况4~5.5 Vt油1.5~1.8/t产品.2倍,实际不到1.5倍按热值计算,煤制甲醇的生产成本费用大于5000元/t油小于1400元/t产品.成本为煤变油的1/2产品质量还须添加内含氧燃料举世公认的清洁燃料煤变油与传统的汽油、柴和实用性才能达到清洁标准油近似,成分比较复杂产品的其它用途还是基本化工原料3.6甲醇燃料 与石油燃料的比较石油大规模开采应用100多年来,帮助人们创造了前所未有的现代文明。它作为燃料,不仅大规模用于发电、工业窑炉和民用炊事、取暖等,而且大规模用作各种车辆、飞机、舰船和动力机械的发动机燃料。后来,又开辟了石油化工新领域,为人类社会经济发展及生活的各个方面做出了空前的贡献。但是,石油也有严重的缺点和错误。缺点是它作为化石能源,贮量非常有限。错误是它的复杂组分和燃烧排气中有许多有害成分,严重地污染了环境和危害了人们的身体.健康。现在,我们给石油的客观评价应该是:空前的功劳即将成为过去,很快就要枯竭的缺点必须予以弥补,污染环境和危害人们健康的错误必须纠正。与天然的复杂的石油相比,人造的纯洁的甲醇,不仅作为燃料时可以以相似的性能替代石油,而且可以彻底弥补石油的缺点和纠正石油的错误。在作为化工原料和其它用途方面,凡是石油能做的事情,甲醇都能做,而且可以做得更好。即使是以石油为基料的“石油化工”,也必将为“甲醇化工”或者叫“一碳化工”所取代。在本文主要论述的燃料领域,石油燃料退出历史舞台已是大势所趋,甲醇燃料取而代之也是大势所趋。这其中的原因前面已经讲了一些,综合起来如下:①石油资源即将枯竭,尚余的石油资源最好用于有10倍效益的石油化工。甲醇燃增刊吴域琦等:后石油时代的甲醇燃料333料可以以煤、天然气或者可以再生的碳氢化合物作原料,在我国,使用贮量丰富的煤制甲醇,就可以确保百年以上的能源安全;②石油燃料造成严重的环境污染,特别是越来越多的车用石油燃料,污染环境和危害人身健康已经到了无法承受的程度。继含铅汽油被取缔之后,无铅汽油也正在进行清洁化改造。首先,在美国兴起的“新配方清洁汽油”和“欧II、欧I、欧IV标准”清洁燃料,不仅要求汽油中必须含有2%以上的氧,而且严格限制了石油中必含的硫、苯、芳烃、烯烃等有害物质的含量,如果有不含这些有害物质的车用燃料,石油成品油被彻底取代是理所当然的事情;③甲醇燃料已经具备了取代石油燃料的市场竞争能力。表5以车用汽油和车用甲醇燃料为例,对二者进行了比较。表5甲醇燃料与石油燃料的比较比较项目车用汽油车用甲醇燃料备注多碳液态轻烃混合物,最简单的饱和一元醇CH,OH,含有300多种组分,主不仅有像汽油一样的亲油烃基,化学特性要是亲油烃基化合物,还有亲水羟基,另外还有几种醚、对有机材料有溶解性酯、烃及微量添加剂,需加腐蚀抑和腐蚀性制剂抑制其腐蚀性密度0.73 kg/L,沸点35 ~密度0.79 kg/L,沸点64.7C ,低混合气热值相物理特性205C ,低热值42500 kJ/kg,热值21109 kJ/kg, 混合气热值似,后者还略高混合气热值2920 kJ/kg3080 kJ/kg辛烷值RON 112~133,燃烧界辛烷值RON 90 ~98 ,燃烧限6.0% ~36.5%。国内外台架动力性能界限1.4% ~7.6% ,现有汽车的动力参数据此设计试验和行撤实践证明,可与汽油车相当燃料本身组分中含有燃料本身组分单纯,拥有50%环保清洁有害物质和致癌物质,的内含氧,燃烧完全,排气中性能排气中CO、HC、NOx、CO、HC、NOx、PM等有害物质PM等污染严重比汽油车显著减少闪点只有6.1C ,着火.闪点129C ,着火后可以用火灾安全性后不能用水浇灭水浇灭贮运使用是贮运使用方便的液体方便性现在市场价90"以上超过现在市场价按与汽油等热值计5000元/t,并且将继续涨价,算,为汽油的68% ,并且,不受石经济性和直到无货供应,造成能源危油危机影响,价格相对稳定,可为社会影响机,威胁经济安全、国家安国家化解可能出现的石油危机,全和人民生活保证我国百年以上能源安全.334 .应用化工2006年第35卷增刊.4全世界都在高度关注后石油时代的替代能源,我们应该与世界同步,或者发挥我们的优势,先走一步,对人类做出自己的贡献由于石油枯竭的临近和环保问题的严重,全世界都在高度关注后石油时代的替代能源。美国布什政府最近出台了一份长达1300多页的能源报告,对此问题表示了空前的重视。10 月12~13日在美国休斯顿召开了第三届国际甲醇论坛会议,有近百个国家的专家学者、企业家和政府官员出席,会议也表示了对这个问题的高度重视。耗油大国美、中、日、欧等对此问题重视是理所当然的。已经宣扬多年解决了代油问题的巴西、南非等国也关注甲醇燃料,却从另一个角度说明了问题。什么问题呢?即巴西的乙醇燃料和南非的煤变油,并不能彻底解决后石油时代的代油问题,他们还必须另辟途径。我国作为仅次于美国的耗油大国,为了社会经济的可持续发展和国家安全,面对缺油少气和多煤的国情,把节油、代油和对环境友好的产业政策提到了非常重要的位置。党中央、国务院和国家领导人的内政外交,都一再突出了这个问题。胡锦涛主席最近在联合国庄严地表示:中国要大力建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会。中共中央关于第十一个五年计划的建议也正式提出了这样的国策,要求“积极开发和推广资源节约、替代和循环利用技术”。实际上,我国的石油、天然气资源远远不能满足像现在这样的消耗,依靠大量进口,不仅经济上划不来、安全上有风险,世界油气市场也供应不了。关于核电乙醇汽油以及其它办法,经过试验和深思之后,将发现它们只能作为补充,而不可能作为代油的主导能源。比较和优选的结果,必然是选择符合国情的清洁煤工程。如前所说,在清洁煤工程中,最好的路线是煤制甲醇或者说煤制醇醚清洁燃料。在当前,天然气制甲醇也行;在以后,秸秆或其它碳氢化合物制甲醇也行。当然,全世界探寻的石油替代能源,除了煤变油和乙醇汽油外,还有太阳能、风能、水能、地热氢能和燃料电池等,还有所谓的海底冰或者其它,有的现在看来只是美好的幻想。人类为了自己的生存和发展,必须是现实主义者,如果承诺担当代油重任而实际上担当不了,那将是对人类的犯罪。煤制甲醇燃料这条路线,不仅在我国是必然走的,在富煤的美国、南非及其他国家也将是必然走的。当秸秆或其它碳氢化合物制甲醇的技术问题更好解决后,所有国家都会走这条路的。我国的先辈早就指出了这条道路-“ 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧”,我们应该很好地继承这个遗产,并使之对人类做出更大的贡献。增刊吴域琦等:后石油时代的甲醇燃料参考文献:[1] 李金.有害物质及其检测[ M].北京:中国石化出版社,2002.[2]张树林. 急性中毒诊断与急救[ M].北京:化学工业出版社, 1996.[3]凌关庭. 食品添加剂手册[ M].北京:化学工业出版社, 1993.作者简介:吴域琦( 1963 - ),男,中国漯河石化集团有限公司高级工程师,博士、教授,美国檀香山大学MBA博士。中国管理科学院学术委员会研究员,世界生产力促进委员会高级顾问,中国中油能源集团有限公司董事局主席,中国漯河石化集团控股有限公司董事局主席,中国石油化工行业中小企业工作委员会常务副主席,国家醇醚燃料与醇醚清洁汽车专业委员会委员,中国氮肥工业协会甲醇专业委员会常委,中国新型能源和醇醚燃料行业著名科学家。电话:86-395 598802 , htp://www.1hshjt. com第35卷增刊应用化工Vol.352006年10月Applied Chemical IndustryOct.2006The methanol fuel of latter petroleum eraWU Yu-qi ,FENG Xiang-fa( China Luohe Petrochemical Group Holding Co, Ltd, Luohe 462000 , China)Abstract: The latter petroleum era is coming, the environmental problems is growing, the de-partment of scie-tech , energy,environmental protection in the world even the United Nationsand Govermments are highly concerned about oil clean alternative energy , all kinds of altemna-tive energy is also competing for the replacable right. In light of this situation, this articlewill elucidate the view of“Only methanol fuel is the most perfect fuel in ltter petroleum era”early with scientific data analyses, and remove the worries of energy , envirnmental protec-tion departments and the consumers.Key words:petroleum; methanol ; fuel; alternative energy ; methanol fuelEbullated-bed technologyThe latter petroleum era is coming, the environmental problems is growing, thedepartment of scie-tech , energy , environmental protection in the world even the UnitedNations and Governments are highly concerned about oil clean alternative energy , allkinds of alternative energy is also competing for the replacable right. In addition tomore objective science , the prolocutors of alternative energy is the owners and defend-ers of these energy. Compettion is very intense. Thereinto, the most promising is themost serious attacks , such as methanol fuel, power performance, toxic, corrosive ands0 on, as if this is already widely used as a basic chemical raw material , when it is beextended to be used in the fuel field, all have become unserviceable things! This iswhy? Technology group made some defence for methanol, all the books and articles a-bout methanol notes that methanol is the most basic chemical raw materials, in addi-tion,it is the typical clean fuel. However, as if also a bit shifty. -eyed. For example,most people said that coal, gas or other hydrocarbons can be made into alcohol-etherclean fuels, and then around a bend, and then noted that alcohol-ether clean fuelmeans that is major methanol and dimethyl ether. Although the notes is not imprecise,but, after all, methanol, as protagonists has been brought up. In fact, alcohol fuelsincluding methanol and methanol fuels , including its ramification, ether, esters, twoarguments are one thing.Fortunately , the“China Council for International Cooperation on Environmentand Development”report and the authority of the article and some have been clearlypointed out :“after some years , methanol fuel will overide other fuels dominant po-增刊WU Yu-qi et al:The methanol fuel of ltter petroleum era337sition until a new better fuel truly developed and the practical application of inputs" .Then , why wait until some years later? Why not in accordance with market rules fromnow on as a substitute for oil and save oil for more important things? The main reasonis related to the management of some people also do not understand the question,some of the existing oil companies and petroleum alternative fuels competitive enter-prises are opposed for their own immediate interestsHowever , who is the dominant alternative fuels in latter petroleum era? Frankly,there is no unified understanding yet now , various documents and statements in mycountry show that the administration are also hesitating, and they are not recognizethe replace right of the methanol fuel.In the light of this situation, this article will elucidate the view of“Only metha-nol fuel is the most perfect fuel in latter petroleum era”early with scientific data ana-lyses, and remove the worries of energy ,environmental protection departments andthe consumers. It is also sincerely to persuade some people who also do not under-stand the problem should be understand the question earlier. More important, firmmethanol fuel developers confidence to play their advantages ,“profit- making in thisfield early" , and make a contribution for sustainable development of human societyand avoiding a war for oil.1 How serious about the energy and environmental protection?World energy consumption began from the large-scale petrochemical energy,paticularly large-scale oil exploitation. It only took 100 years, it makes millions ofyears of accumulated oil will have been depleted storage. This non- renewable petrole-um have been depleted around the world after it entered the oil era. At that time,there must be a new altermative or substitute for oil energy. This view is recognized.As the massive consumption of petrochemical energy ,brought serious environ-mental problems that threaten human survival and development, this perspective is al-so recognized.However, there is greater urgency and differences about the two recognizedviews , some people underestimate the seriousness of the two problems, they comfortthemselves with the geological reserves of fossil energy or drift along, but the provenreserves of fossil energy is a small part of the geological reserves,the exploitation is asmall part of the proven reserves. Particularly the proven oil reserves may be taken,whether optimistic or pessimistic data, the data have been very clear , they will be de-pleted very soon if large-scale mining and consumption as now , also the environmental338应用化工2006年第35卷增刊pollution caused by fossil energy have threat the human and the Earth safe seriously.If some enterprises think scorn of these , when every nation Governments implementthe United Nations“Rio Declaration”, “Agenda 21”and the “Montreal Protocol ”and the“Kyoto Protocol”, these enterprises will there is no escape. Because if not,the Earth' s ozone will be destroyed, acid rain frequency dropped and difficult diseaseproblems, it is very difficult to subsistence to human and the Earth. There have beensamples before. A long time ago , the automobile manufacturers opposed to add the in-clusion of oxygen-containing compounds in gasoline, because the methanol is corro-sive, but in 1990, the U. S. Congress passed the“Clean Air Act Amendments ,”andspread forcibly “new formula clean gasoline" ,oxygen-containing compounds becomethe necessary component in“ new formula clean gasoline” to be added.1.1 About energyHow many years will be sustained about the world' s oil resources? The totalglobal oil reserves , estimates for 650 billion tons optimistically , estimates for the 270billion tons pessimistically, has actully proved to be a much lower rank than that. Inthe 21st century begins ,the global proven oil reserves may be taken to 1033. 0 billionbarrels, equivalent to 147. 6 billion tons. By 2000 the actual cost 73 million barrelsper day ,it can maintain 40 years ; oil Consumption by the United States Department ofEnergy forecast an annual increase of 2% ,it only maintain 25 ~ 30 years. By 2010,half of the global oil resources will be consumed off,it would be a source of energyand a key moment panic !China' s abundance of oil reserves below the global average, although it is ex-pected to 94 billion tons of geological reserves,but when the new centubegan,provenreserves are only 3.3 billion tons could be taken. China' s oil consumption is 2700million tons in 2004, only maintain to 2012. Or if not import or not look for alterna-tive fuel, only to the maintenance of 2019 if import 100 million tons of oil per year,so, the problem is unavoidable.1.2About environmental pollutionWith regard to environmental pollution , Earth has reach to the unsustainable lev-els since large -scale fossil fuels have been used , for example, the current global an-nual consumption of the fossil fuels as a fuel is equal tol2 billion tons standard coal,of which 3.7 billion tons of oil ( equal to standard coal 5.3 billion tons), 4. 5 billiontons of coal ( equal to standard 3.2 billion tons) , 2.63 tillion cubic meters of natu-ral gas ( equal to 3.5 billion tons standard coal) ,it will produce 37 bilion tons CO2增刊WU Yu-qi et al:The methanol fuel of ltter petroleum era339after burning. According to the Swedish meteorologists B●BORLIN estimates, theannual land plant photosynthesis fixed for the 200 - 300 million tons of CO2. The onlyman-made combustion of fossil energy to produce 370 million tons of CO2, plus lifebreath, organisms decompose and fires produce CO2, seriously more than greenplants absorb CO2 , have begun to cause damage the Earth' s ozone and other anoma-lies. Meanwhile, the burning of coal and oil to produce a large number of SO2, andcause to great acid rain, resulting in the destruction of Earth vegetation, agriculturalreduction of output. Fossil fuel combustion,many carcinogens including other harm-ful substances is causing some difficult diseases. Thus, in 1972, the United Nationsconvened a Human Environment Conference , and in 1992 convened a Human Envi-ronment and Development Conference ,and unanimously adopted the “Rio Declara-tion”and the“Agenda 21”. It also concluded on this “United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change" , the“Kyoto Protocol" and the“Montreal Protocol onSubstances that Deplete the Ozone Layer",has begun to pay serious attention to andcontrol environmental pollution. All parties, including China, to assume the corre-sponding obligations.There are a large population in China, rapid economic development after the re-form and opening up, take the coal as mainly one-off fuel energy, and a direct coalcombustion is the most dirty. The amount of Chinese fuel oil is very large, and thelack of the necessary clean energy measures, fuel combustion pollution in China isone of the most serious in fuel combustion. United Nations Development Departmentpointed out in 2002“China Human Development Report : China’s environmentalproblems , they felt air pollution when foreign tourists arrived at some cities in Chi-na”,“Chinese cities air quality is far below the international standards" , and“thereare 16 cities in China among the world most serious pollution 20 cities” These haveattracted the attention of the Chinese government , the State Council established Lead-ing Group for Environmental Protection after China participated in the 1972 UnitedNations Conference on Human Environment, Passed the“Environmental ProtectionLaw”,t start to take the environmental protection as“basic national policy”from the1983 , and atended to the United Nations environment and development conference in1992 and signed the relevant documents , in 1995 and 2000 , emended two times aboutChina's“Law of Atmospheric Pollution and theantipollution" . China has also set upair pollution index ( API) , which Syndicated news of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxidecompounds and total suspended particles, the overall air quality , levels 1,2 means340应用化工2006年第35卷增刊that is suitable for long term life , levels 3 means that the short-term acceptable level,4 and 5 levels that are not suitable for people to live. In 1999 , 335 cities in the air bytesting, more than 40% of the city can only reach 4 and 5 levels. The World Bankestimates China' s urban air pollution due to the number of death and disease, if airpollution down to the level permited by Chinese standards , 178 ,000 deaths could beavoided each year, equivalent to 7% of the total number of deaths cities, this showsthat this is a big problem about life and death of human !Taken together, these efects are the fllowing:[ 1 ] Oil resources“semi-lifetime”in 2010 or so,and caused the hurricane inclu-ding high oil consumption; prices rose more ; some oilfield production declined rapid-ly; frequent happen on Economically and even militarily for the oil resources and thetransport ; mainly depend on oil energy country is seriously threatened in economic se-curity and national security ;many national governments and consumers have psycho-logical pressure.[2]0il fuel, particularly automotive oil fuel, pollution is found step by step,and are banned or severely restricted, for example,the unleaded petrol will be sub-stitute by new formula as a for clean gasoline after leaded petrol was banned,Now de-veloped country have take the first step , Beijing, China. at least to this departs firststep before 2008. thereinto the increase of oxygen content and sulphur content, ben-zene content, aromatic hydrocarbon content, alkene content will increasingly strictrestrictions , eventually have to ban the use of oil as a fuel for vehicles.[3]Oil, after all, have help people to create modern nearly 100 years, besideas fuel, and It also have a higher value in the petrochemical industry field. For exam-ple, used as chemical fiber,rubber,plastics or other chemical products' utilization ,generally more 10 times value than as fuel. Because of a shortage of oil , it is possibleto occur shortage of chemical products taken oil as raw materials , and impact the eco-nomic development and people’s normal life, therefore, it will become an irresistibletrend to save oil.2 Many choices of alternative energy oilAlternative oil energy, there are natural gas , coal and renewable energy, windenergy, water energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, and nuclear energy and aninexhaustible supply of hydrogen energy. In principle , because high-speed the devel-opment of science and technology ,it is difficult to prevent the development of humansociety because the lack of oil. However, whether the current oil who is the best增刊WU Yu-qi et al:The methanol fuel of latter petoleum era341choice? This requires a careful and objective comparison.2.1 Solar energy,wind energy, water energy2.1.1 The direct use of solar thermal radiation For example , solar water heatershave scale applications ,solar energy stove also has practical applications. Solar pho-tovoltaic cells, solar energy is a high-tech applications, has been considerable matu-rity, is to further development and the applications. Energy of solar radiation to theground reach 2.2 X 10~J, 0. 04% are absorbed by green plants after be reflected orre-radiation of space return, there are still 8. 8 X 102'J,it could sustain human sur-vival and development if we can use it only parts. However, the use of solar energyeffected by a variety of factors, such as weather and seasonal changes, solar celltechnology and cost also need to be further study. At present , the use number of solarenergy is still very limited, only replace a small portion of oil, Particularly , there ismore difficult in the area of alternative fuel, it is not possible to become the leadingenergy to replace oil.2.1.2Wind energy As a renewable clean energy , resource potential in China a-mongst the highest in the world ,“China Energy Y earbook ,”in 1997 show that China’s wind energy resources can be developed is 253GW. Actually, It will add 2. 7 timeswhen above the ground surface from 10 metres to 100 metres up , however, China' scurrent large-scale, low-cost wind energy also germination, the costs of small-scalewind electricity are too high, and it is restricted in areas, therefore, it can only re-place a small portion of oil.2.1.3Water resoures China has rich water resources including hydropower in theriver hydropower and tidal energy, wave energy , is developing actively and using, e-lectricity and water accounts for 7% in our country' s energy structure. In the future,water energy will be a more substantial proportion. However, they also are restrictedby geographical constraints, the number is difficult to replace oil as the dominantsource of energy.2.2 Biomass energyBiomass energy is the energy of excretion of crop, weed, trees. They are thestorage of solar energy,is renewable energy. Quantities is large, and widely distribu-ted ,rebirth is fast. They are the mainly energy of human for a long time , the use ofbiomass energy significantly reduced since the exploitation of the use of fossil energy,resulting in straw and other agricultural waste become environmental pollution , howev-er, biomass energy is still the main energy once war tensions or other factors and the342应用化工2006年第35卷增刊lack of fossil energy, people pay attention to again biomass utilization after world oilcrisis 1973.The utilization of biomass energy ,traditional methods and moderm methods. Tra-ditional method is very simple, but eficiency is too low , but also pollute the environ- .ment, not suitable with modern society. The use of modern biomass energy, inclu-ding gas, oil gasification and liquid fuels, biological fermentation system for fuelcells, oil-bearing crops and the direct use of system to biodiesel. These are excellentprospects, and has a considerable depth research and demonstration applications, itwill be the one of mainly energy in the future. However , the technique is a need to beimproved, and the cost have yet to be declined significantly , now , it is impossible tobe the mainly energy that replace oil.2.3 Nuclear energy , hydrogen energy and fuel cells2.3.1 Nuclear energy mainly referring to the electricity energy produced throughnuclear fission , many countries in the world have gone into application, that will bedone in the future about the nuclear energy of thermonuclear fusion, only later. Al-though has a certain energy status in the world about the nuclear power plant has beenput into practical application,it can not become a leading substitute for oil-energy.Moreover , much work will be done to take the nuclear into fuel,2.3.2 Hydrogen energy meaning that release energy through the chemical combina-tion of hydrogen and synthetic. Because hydrogen elements on Earth can be used in-exhaustibly, and hydrogen combustion value is very high, after burning only producewater,s0 hydrogen is the ideal, the cleanest and most tremendous energy. However,because hydrogen is very dificult to be compressed or liquefied, It will have a bigtechnique problem if only used the hydrogen energy ,it a wide range of applications a-bout hydrogen as a carrier of its compounds , also, it will be commerce application aftera few years. Actually, it is a kind of utilization of hydrogen energy. is non-ollutionclean vehicles. However, the cost is too high, and it will not be a dominant replace-ment for oil energy for a long time.2.4 Natural gas, other oil and gas resources2.4. 1 The exploitation of natural gas is later than petroleum, so its residue can beused longer than petroleum. The natural gas is being explored and exploited. Thevolume of resources is about 6. 43 tillion m3 in 1997, equivalent to 85. 500 milliontons of coal;its proved volume is 1. 15 tillion m3 ,equivalent to 15.300 million tons .of coal. There is another group of figures represents the volume of our natural gas re-增刊WU Yu-qi et al :The methanol fuel of latter petroleum era343sources is about 38 tillion m3 , equivalent to 50. 5 billion tons of coal ; final adoptablevolume is 10.5 trillion m' , equivalent to 14 billion tons of coal. In view of this, theadoptable reserves of natural gas is almost the same with petroleum, its residue is on-ly slightly more than petroleum' s, without too much dependency.The total volume of natural gas is about 328 tillion m' all over the world, before2004 , the proved volume is 144 trillion m'. At the end of 2004, the proved reservesis 172 tillion m3 ,respective equivalent to 436.2,191.5, 228. 8 billion tons of coalequivalent. Maybe it will explore other more nature gas resources, but in general thequantity is limited.The nature gas is relatively cleaner than oil and coal fuels with slightly purifca-tion, the consumption increased rapidly currently , reckon for all consumption of ener-gy in the world, before the end of the petroleum era, nature gas would be the chiefenergy.Currently, the natural gas replace petroleum had mature experience in powergeneration and civilian fuel. When it used as vehicle fuels,there are a number of dif-ferent methods to chosen. For example, liquefied natural gas directly, producingmethanol from natural gas for methanol fuel or hydrogen fuel cell.2.4.2 The liquefied natural gas has been used in civilian fuels and vehicle fuel,but it need a special supply system for fuel, many places havent such conditions re-stricted by pipeline and geographical. In remote areas, producing methanol from na-ture gas which can change the nature gas into liquid methanol convenient for storageand transport,it is a better process. However, the most fundamental problem is thenatural gas reserves are limited, it is only able to delay the crisis of vichicle-used pe-troleum fuel slightly. In fact , when petroleum crisis coming, the users of other ener-gies switch to natural gas for replacement , the maintainable time of natural gas will beshorter. Therefore ,natural gas can not be the dominant energy after petroleum era,and, by that time the nature gas will be a replaced target itself. Except the coal, pe-troleum, natural gas etc. petrifactive energy, there are oil shale, oil sand and someother ignitable fossil , they are all very diffcult to explore and use , even more,their re-serves are limited and can not be a replacement for petroleum.2.5 The traditional use of coalIn China , coal reserves ( geological reserves) and the adoptable reserves com-pare with petroleum and nature gas in accordance with the heat value , it is much morethan petroleum and gas. As mentioned before , at the beginning of this century, there .344应用化工2006年第35卷增刊are 94 billion tons geological petroleum reserves , the reserves of adoptable petroleumis only 3. 3 billion tons , including further exploration of offshore the expected reserveswhich can be explored is about 11. 5 billion tons, equivalent to respectively 134. 4billion tons, 4.7 billion tons and 16. 4 billion tons of coal equivalent. But the geolog-ical reserves of coal are 4. 5 tillion tons ,the adoptable reserves are 188. 6 billiontons, conventional adoptable reserves are 765 billion tons , equivalent to respectively3.213 tilion tons, 134.7 bllion tons and 546. 2 bllion tons of coal equivalent, theyare respectively 24 , 29 and 33 times if petroleum. Thus, coal as a contingency alter-native energy for replacing petroleum is the most practical. Especially for our coun-try, the abundant coal resources can guarantee energy security for a hundred years.United States, Australia, South Africa and other countries which rich in coal is aswell as China. This view has been accepted among most of people in China scienceand technology domain and economic domain.Whereas , the traditional methods of using coal is burning directly whether in in- .dustrial applications ,civilian fuel or electricity generation. This traditional methodsof using not only inefficient, wasting too much, but it aslo pollute the environment,as mentioned before, the pollution has not been abided by the world. Therefore, thisapproach can not be a substitute for petroleum.The modern use is the coal purified project in our country , that is coal gasifica-tion and coal-based-methanol and is ramifcations such as ether and ester and so on.That is coal-to-oil and coal chemical industry. Coal gasifcation utilization is a maturetechnology and has been used in practical , but the coal-gas is more dificult for stor-age and transport, the popularization area is limited, so it can not be a replacementof the main process of petroleum, so we don' t said here.Coal-based-methanol and its ramifications,such as dimethyl ether blend vehiclefuels, industrial fuels and civilian fuel. Some countries have had mature technology.At present, their overall production costs has less than gasoline and other petroleumcompared according to heat value , even more,the actual heat value of the high-oxy-gen-containing fuel is higher. For example, the general replacement percentage forgasoline can increased from 2/1 to 3/2. These conclusions were adopted by a largenumber of experiments and practice, there is no objection. There are still some ob-jection that is performance of methanol fuel, the toxicity and crrosivity.增刊WU Yu-qi et al:The methanol fuel of ltter petroleum era3453 Methanol fuel for vehicles3.1 Whether methanol fuel has posibility to replace gasoline and desel inpower performance?Since the petroleum crisis in the 1970s, in this regard, China and the UnitedStates, Europe and Japan and many other countries have done a lot of experiments,demonstrations and practical application , there are three conditions mainly:3.1.1 The first ilustration is that 3% to 5% methanol mixed with gasoline ,thisprocess increased some oxygen-increasing reagents in gasoline , it has been used inEurope and China, the result is it hadnt decreased the power performance , even moreit increased the octane number and reduced exhaust pollution;3. 1.2 The second ilustration mixed 80% of methanol and 20% of additives, or100% pure methanol. This kind of special-purpose vehicles has been sucessfullymanufactured in United States , Germany, Japan and China, the results is it just nee-ded to change some anticorrosive parts of motor vehicles, lessen the air when themixed air formed, it will normal operations and significantly reduce exhaust pollu-tion ;3.1.3 The third is the use of gasoline mixed with arbitrary ratio methanol. To a-chieve this mixed fuel , the United States, Europe and Japan etc. countries are all u-sing flexible fuel vehicles (FFV), or double-fuel vehicles ( DFV), the operating re-sultls are very good, exhaust pollution is significantly reduced, but the price is stillvery high currently, and the fuel stations is a great way than petroleum stations, itlimited the promotion. Because China is drop behind in technology currently, so ituse methanol special-vehicle or alter the fuel. Methanol special-vehicle is simplerthan FFV ,DFV,its cost is lower, and it is suitable with China' s current situation,but it also need develop such vehicles energetically , and establish the correspondingmethanol fuel supply system. About the fuel transformation, according to methanolnature,Chinese authorities developed a number of alcohol solvents , corrosion inhibi-tors and performance ameliorant, take the Luohe Petrochemical Group as the dele-gate, it has carry out the liquid alcohol, ether, ester, hydrocarbon mixed together ,the content of methanol up to 50% to 65% without changing the vehicle, and it can .be use with gasoline stochastic.In a word, no matter which of the above three processes,in power performanceaspect, methanol fuel replaced fossil fuels have no problem, it has entered a practicalstage of market.346应用化工2006年第35卷增刊3.2 About the toxicity of methanol fuelSales management department are short of acknowledge for this issue. The com-petitors released non-confusing statements, and therefore, we must treated it realisti-cally. In our another article “methanol-a star after petroleum era" , we has discussedthe main points are as follows : toxicity related to the safety of contact groups, it is agreat matter which is concerned by people.On the toxicity of methanol, as a general material, it has been measurated,when it was developed as a fuel, the developer and its national science and technolo-gy department, public health, environmental and other departments have made amore careful study and analysis of the test, especially the United States and China.U. S. National Academy of Engineering, Ford' s Dr. Roberta Nichols respond toMr. Pan Guirun who is the researcher of Chinese Academy of Sciencer, wrote a articleto clarify that fort company has done particular research before the first methanol au-tomobile come out in 1983, the conclusion is : if treat methanol correct, it withouthealth afect , overall, the methanol fuel is safer than gasoline.At the beginning of developing methanol in China, the National Science Associa-tion has commissioned Beijing Medical University has done three years of research fortracking experiments on“methanol poisoning mechanisms”,“methanol affects on hu-man health," and other topics , and compared with non-contact groups , they got asame conclusion with Energy Department of American and Ford Company, that is: ifonly obey the handle rules, it will not affect the human health.Methanol is toxic, but not“virulent toxic", it is typical “middling-drugs". itlisted the toxic classification as table 1.Table 1 Toxic classificationLethal dose for humanOnce oral semi-lethal doseToxic, cassficationdose/g pertotal dose/g forfor white ro(LD50)/(mg* kg"')avoirdupois/kg60 kg avoirdupoisVirulent toxicLess than 1Less than 0.050.1 -03.Highly toxic1 ~500.05 ~0.50.3~30.0Middling toxic50 ~ 5000.5~5.030. 0 ~250.0Low toxic500 ~ 50005.0~1.5250.0 ~ 1000Slightly toxicMore than 5000More than 15More than 1000“Acute poisoning and first aid diagnosis" , which is edited by Zhang Shulin and增刊WU Yu-qi et al!:The methanol fuel of ltter petroleum era347published by China Chemical Press in 1996 , it identifies “the poisoning and lethaldose of commonly hazardous substances" , the lethal dose of methanol is 75 ml, multi-plied by the density 0. 7914g/ml amount to 59.3 g,it is in the“Middling toxic" ac-curately. Ethanol is also“Middling toxic" . The data in this book has also showed thatthree kinds of common acid and two kinds of alkali , such as acetic acid, oxalic acid ,salicylic acid, bluestone ,their toxicity are much higher than methanol. Then , wheredoes“ toxic" of methanol come from? Some data mistake“ml" to“mg" , thus expan-ding the methanol toxicity of 791 times ,so that some people incorrectly relay an erro-neous message ,some people use it to attack and slander methanol fuel. In the case ofimminent depletion of petroleum to ensure that economic security and national securi-ty of our country , we wish these absurd mistakes will not come out in the future !In fact, methanol is a natural presence of the nature , the human body adsorb themethanol for 0.3 to 1. 1mg per kg avoirdupois through consumption of fruit, vegeta-bles and beverages, a person with 70 kg weight would absorb methanol for 21 ~77mg. Methanol effect the optic nerve very prominent, therefore methanol cant drinkas belly-wash , it can not add into wine , the industry alcohol with methanol can not beadd into wine. The blinding and fatal problem which caused by fake wine, that wasadded methanol into the wine, it is very necessary to punish the perpetrators of fakemanufacturer. However , methanol can't be drank ,but it has some other uses, mostof the material in the world cant be drank.There is a significant circumstantial evidence,“ food additives manual”whichwas published by Chemical Industry Press in June 1993, its 19318 terms GB2760-1990 indicate that methanol can be used as food additive, its dosage can be decidedby producing needs without limitation. This book is also indicate that FAO and WHOhas indicated this viewpoint.3.3 The environmental impact on methanol fuelThis is a toxic-related issues , which has two aspects : the first one is the leakage,splash,vaporize etc. in the storage and transport processing of liquid methanol.Methanol can mixed with water, it can be biodegraded easily, so it can be taken offfrom environment even if some leakage or splash appeared, by contrast, the gasolineand diesel is not mixed with water, and it is also very difficult to be taken off. The .other aspect, the combustion exhaust pollution. because methanol is rich in oxygen inits content, it is easy to combustion completely, so the exhaust gas such as CO, HC,NOx, PM is less than gasoline and diesel ,and it without benzene, aromatic hydro-348应用化工2006年第35卷增刊carbon, alkene and other carcinogenic materials such as in fossil fuels. In this re-gard, all relevant departments and units have proved. The International Energy Agen-cy has compared and determined for all kinds of vehicle-fuels, as table 2.Table 2 Normal exhaust average for each kindof vehicle-fuel (unit: g/km)LiquidHydrogenMethanol NatureGasolineDMEpetroleumDieselProject(H2)M100 gas( CNG)( with purifier) ( without purifier)gas( LPG)00.12 0.34 .0.400.890.24.1.478.96.CO0.04 0. 040.410. 0.03 0. 0.19 0.480.941.171.011.8812. 87Total exhaustminimfewA fewmoremostanalysesFrom the table which is provided by the International Energy Agency, it showsthat the emission of methanol fuel is just inferior to ultra-clean hydrogen and dimethylether ,it is much better than CNG, LPG, diesel, petrol ,etc. Some body conclude theemission of methanol fuel with more NOx because of its oxygen content , the practiceproved that they are wrong.Table 3 Unnormal exhaust average for each kindof vehicle-fuel ( unit:g/km )Hydroc Methanol MethanolNaturepetroleum Diesel( with( withoutarbon( H2)M100M85gas( CNG)purifier) purifier)Benzene0.11.50.6<0.54.7551.3 Butadiene :<0. 51.01.8Formaldehyde5.8<2. 01:2.543The table shows that methanol M100 has no benzene and butadiene emissions,the formaldehyde pollution is less than gasoline and diesel ,when the gasoline withpurifier, the formaldehyde emission is the same grade with methanol fuel.3.4 The corrosive of methanol fuelCorrosive is most concerned issue for vehicle manufacturers, after being refusedof the opposition of oxygen-containing vehicle-fuel ,they turned its spearhead againstthe most promising alternative fuel-methanol fuel , and does not allow motor fuel con-tains methanol, which is not justified, because :(1) Methanol fuel corrosive because增刊WU Yu-qi et al:The methanol fuel of ltter petroleum era349it contains hydroxy OH, it is easy to absorb water and combined to formic acid ,whereas , ethanol and other oxygen-containing compounds are all of this nature. Inaddition, all the countries have adopted adding some corrosion inhibitors or some oth-er method to solve this problem, why do we exclude methanol alone? (2) Even if thealcohol and other oxygen compounds have some corrosiveness, under the comingtendency of drying up for petroleum, besides fuel manufacture adopt anticorrosionmeasure, the automobile manufacturer also should adapt the situation,adopt anticor-rosion measure for related components, should not negative methanol fuel! (3 ) The .methanol fuel had own standard in many countries and district of the world,and hasstarted to practical application, and is been recognized“the clean fuel" all over theworld. For exarmple, US drew up the M85 national standard , some countries in Euro-pean also had own methanol fuel standard. Shanxi Province in our country in 2002promulgated the methanol fuel district standard ,and other district has promulgatedthe enterprise standard more than 10 , Specially Luohe Petrochemical Group Co. ,Ltdin 2001 promulgates vehicle clean methanol gasoline enterprise standard Q/LH-SH001 -2001 , already implemented for more than 4 years , the instruction productionhas sold more than 200 ,000 tons products , has not any quality problem.What did the above situation show? It explains the demurral about methanol fuelin power capacity, toxicity ,corrosivenes, is should eliminated.3.5 Compare with coal to oil and coal to methanol fuelCoal to oil has two kinds of form :One is coal direct liquefaction: the coal underthe high temperature high pressure condition catalyze add hydrocarbon, the direct liq-uefied synthesis liquid state hydrocarbon compound, then purifies prepare gasolineand diesel oil. It has German IGOR craft, American H-the COAL craft and so on in-ternationally , China Shenhua Group prepares to build 3. 2 million tons oil qualitiesthe installments for one year in Mongolia, produce in October ,2007. This kind of coalto oil craft condition harshly ( high-pressured 15 ~ 30 MPa, high temperature 440 ~550C),the installment in a big way invests (7 ,000 yuan/ton oil qualities), thecoal consumption many (4 tons coals/ton oil quality), the product cost high, thequality is bad. The other is coal indirect liquefaction synthetic oil-first coal gasifiessynthetic gas,through the expense craft , transforms the hydrocarbon compound, thenpurifies prepare gasoline and diesel oil. The South African Sasol Company has thistechnology. Last June , our country and South African Sasol company have signed theintention statement, draws up establishes two sets of coals in Shaanxi and Ningxia to350应用化工2006年第35卷增刊change the oil installment, total investment is 6 billion US dollars, the scale is 6 mil-lion tons oil qualities per year. This set of craft compared to coal direct liqueficationcondition temperate, oil quality also quite good, but it is a big investment ( 10 ,000yuan/ton oil qualities ),the coal consumption are excessive ( 5 tons coals/ton oilquality). .The above two kinds of form in coal to oil , although at present it is hot in ourcountry ,but it has very problem. The basic problem also lies in, it neither conformsto the market economy situation ( the same year South Africa is choice which wascompelled under international sanction to make , now whether accepted , should lookwhether its cost expense did have competitive ability in current market) , and nor con-forms to science and technology recent development. What this aspect science andtechnology recent development is? First, adapt the new formula clean fuel that mustcontain above 2% oxygen , second, spring up the new alcohol ether clean fuel. Thenew formula clean fuel request must contain the oxygen, it indicated that the hydro-carbon fuel completely does not contain the oxygen is unscientific ,because it burnsincompletely , both influence combustion efficiency , and seriously pollutes the environ-ment.Therefore that , although coal to oil also is one form of the clean coal project , butit already did not compare coal to methanol clean fuel. Table 4 is the comparison inthese.Table 4 Comparison both coal to oil and coal to methanol clean fuelComparison of itemCoal to oilCoal to methanol fuelRemarksTechnologyFew country applyGeneral apply in manyNatural gas as material to .countrymethanol in foreign countryCoal consume4 ~5.5ton/ton oil1.5 ~1.8ton/tonOil value is two times of methanol ,productionactually is not 1.5 timesProduce costsMore than 5000Less than 1400 yuan/tonThe cost of Coal to methanolyuan/ton oilis 1/2 of coal to oil by valueProduce qualityshould add fuel canClean fuelCoal to oil are similar gasoline andand practicabilityreach clean standarddiesel oil, compound is complexOther produce usesAlso is basic chemicalmaterial3.6 Comparison between methanol fuel and petroleum fuelLarge-scale oil exploitation applications for more than 100 years , helping people增刊WU Yu-qi et al:The methanol fuel of latter petroleum era351to create an unprecedented modern civilization. As fuel, not only for large-scale pow-er generation, industrial wastes and civilian cooking, heating, but also various large-scale vehicles, aircraft, ships and power machinery engine fuel. Subsequently, andopen up new areas of petrochemical, for human life and the various aspects of socio-economic development, and made an unprecedented contribution. However ,petrole-um has serious disadvantage and errors. The disadvantage is, as fossil energy, thetankage is very limited. The error is, its complex cluster and combustion exhaustmany harmful ingredients , seriously polluted the environment and endanger people ’shealth. Now, we give an objective assessment of oil : unprecedented effort will past,will soon be depleted shortcomings must be flled, pollute the environment and mis-takes of endangering people’s health must be rectified.And compare to the complex natural oil , artificial pure methanol, not only as fu-el, a similar performance could substitute oil, and oil can be completely offset thedisadvantages and correct mistakes of oil. As a chemical raw material and other uses ,where oil can do things , methanol can do, but can do better. Even in oil-based mate-rials “petrochemical”and will be also replaced by “methanol chemical" or called“carbon chemical".The main areas covered in the fuel , fuel oil from this text is a general trend andit is the general trend methanol fuel. These reasons have already made some, com-bined as fllows:①0il resources will be depleted ,the remaining oil resources arebest for the petrochemical 10 times. Methanol fuel can take coal, gas or renewablehydrocarbons as raw materials. In China, using the rich coal reserves coal to metha-nol , can ensure energy security for hundred years. ②Petroleum fuel cause serious en-vironmental pollution, particularly more and more vehicle petroleum fuel, pollutingthe environment and endangering human health, had reached unsustainable levels.After leaded gasoline has been banned, unleaded gasoline is been carrying cleantransformation. First, in the. United States, the “ new formula clean gasoline”and“Europe II, Europe II, Europe IV standard" clean fuel, not only require gasolinemust contain above 2% oxygen, and strictly limit the content of sulphur, benzene ,aromatic hydrocarbon, alkene,and other harmful substances in petroleum, if there isnot such harmful substances vehicle fuels ,it is a natural thing that petroleum productoil have been replaced. ③Methanol fuel has been have the market competitiveness ofreplacing petroleum fuel. Table s take the vehicle gasoline and vehicle methanol fuelas example, compare with each other.352应用化工2006年第35卷增刊Table 5Comparison of methanol fuel and fuel oilComparison of itemVehicle gasolineVehicle clean fuelRemarksChemicalLiquid hydrocarbon admixture,The most easy saturated monohydriccharacteristiccontains more than 300alcohol CH,OH , has hydrophileconstituent. , has causticityhydroxy , also have ether , ester,additive , should add cankerhydrocarbon and minim depressorcontrol causticityPhysicscharacDensity is 0. 73 kg/], boilingDensity is 0. 79kg/l, boilingThe latterpoint is 35 ~ 2059C , low valuepoint is 64. 7C ,low valueis higheris 42500 kJ/kg, gasis 1109kJ/kg, gasmixture is 2920kJ/kgmixture is 3080kJ/kgDrive capabilityOctane number is 90 ~98,Octane number is 112 ~ 133,limit of inflame ability islimit of infame ability is1.4 ~7.6% , recent drive6.0~36.5% ,parameter refer tocorrespond autoit to designEnvironmentContains deleterious50% oxygen, fireprotection cleancomponent and canersafety ,CO、HC、NOx、capabilitysubstance, CO、HC、PM is less than autoNOx、PM is muchFire safe capabilityFlash point is only 19C,Flash point is 12C,not using water after firingusing water after firingReserve usingReserve using expedienceexpedienceis liquidEconomical efficiencyThe price of 90# isThe market price is 68% ofand social influence 5000yuan/ ton , and increasinggasoline , and not causesceaselessly , until no goods,energy crisis , price is steady ,causes energy crisis , threatencan reduce energy crisiseconomic safe and human life增刊WU Yu-qi et al:The methanol fuel of Jtter petroleum era3534 Itisa focus that alternative energy is highly concerned all over the world,we should simultaneously with the world , or exert our advantage , take one stepahead of others , and make our own contribution to humanity.Due to the coming of petroleum' s depletion and the serious environmental prob-lems , the post-oil era alternative energy is highly concerned all over the world. The U-nited Stated Bush Administration has recently announced a energy report for morethan 1 ,300 pages on this problem , and has a unprecedented attention. October 12thand 13th, it held the third intermational methanol forum in Houston , United States , ex-perts and scholars , entrepreneurs and government officials from nearly 100 countriesattended , the meeting also expressed on the issue of high importance.Power consumption country ,U. s. ,China ,Japan , Europe concerning this issue isconsequent. Brazil, South Africa and other countries that has advocated for manyyears. Brazil' s ethanol fuel and coal into oil in South Africa, after the oil era will notsolve the problem on behalf of the oil , they also need to create new way.Our country as the big country of consuming petroleum inferior to United Stated,for sustainable development of socio-economic and state security, in the face of lessgas ,it takes a highly position for saving and replacing oil. The CPC Central Committeeand the State Council in the internal affairs of diplomacy and national leaders have re-peatedly highlighted the problem. President Hu Jintao recently in the UN solemnlysaid:China must vigorously construction resources saving , environmental-friendly soci-ety. CPC Central Committe on the 11th Five-Year Plan of a formal proposal madethis policy to“actively develop and promote resource conservation , substitution andrecycling technology"Indeed , oil and gas resources not to meet the recent consume, rely on massiveimports ,not only economic have no benefit , and also have security risks , the world oilmarket can not supply. About nuclear power , ethanol gasoline and other means , aftertesting and pondering deeply over , they will find it only as a supplement, not as thedominant energy generation oil. Comparison and preferred outcome is the inevitablechoice of the national conditions of clean coal projects. As I mentioned in front page,in clean coal projects , the best route is coal to methanol or coal to alcohol ether cleanfuel. Recenly ,natural gas to methanol is 0K; in the future , straw or other hydrocar-bons to methanol is also 0K.Of course ,exploring oil alternative energy of the world , in addition coal to oil andethanol gasoline ,as also solar, wind , hydropower , geothermal , hydrogen energy and fu-354应用化工2006年第35卷增刊fuel cells , and submarine ice or other things , comparison in front page , some seem justa beautiful illusion. For human' s survival and development ,we must be realists. Ifnot come true this heavy burden for replacing energy ,it would be a crime for humani-y.Coal to methanol fuel, not only in our country is an inevitable way,in America ,South Africa and other countries of rich coal will also be the inevitable way. After sol-ving technical issues of straw or other hydrocarbons system methanol , all countries willfollow this way. We should inherited this legacy , and make greater contribution to hu-manity.
