ABNT NBR 15776-2021Storage of flammable combustible liquids — Selection of components and installation of the aboveground fuel storage system (SAAC) ABNT NBR 15776-2021Storage of flammable combustible liquids — Selection of components and installation of the aboveground fuel storage system (SAAC)

ABNT NBR 15776-2021Storage of flammable combustible liquids — Selection of components and installation of the aboveground fuel storage system (SAAC)

  • 标准类别:[ABNT] 巴西国家标准
  • 标准大小:
  • 标准编号:ABNT NBR 15776-2021
  • 标准状态:
  • 更新时间:2022-04-06
  • 下载次数:

ABNT NBR 15776-2021Storage of flammable combustible liquids — Selection of components and installation of the aboveground fuel storage system (SAAC)
