GB/T 12938-1991已加工的摄影材料中硫代硫酸盐及其他化学残留物的测定方法.碘-直链淀粉法、亚甲蓝法和硫化银密度法Determination of thiosulphate and other related residual chemicals in processed Photographic materials-Iodine-amylose, methylene blue and silver sulphide densitometric methods GB/T 12938-1991已加工的摄影材料中硫代硫酸盐及其他化学残留物的测定方法.碘-直链淀粉法、亚甲蓝法和硫化银密度法Determination of thiosulphate and other related residual chemicals in processed Photographic materials-Iodine-amylose, methylene blue and silver sulphide densitometric methods

GB/T 12938-1991已加工的摄影材料中硫代硫酸盐及其他化学残留物的测定方法.碘-直链淀粉法、亚甲蓝法和硫化银密度法Determination of thiosulphate and other related residual chemicals in processed Photographic materials-Iodine-amylose, methylene blue and silver sulphide densitometric methods

  • 标准类别:[GB] 国家标准
  • 标准大小:
  • 标准编号:GB/T 12938-1991
  • 标准状态:现行
  • 更新时间:2022-06-05
  • 下载次数:
