首页 > 标准下载>GY/T 326-2019 监视器亮度和对比度校准用PLUGE测试信号规范及校准步骤 Specifications of PLUGE test signals and alignment procedures for setting of brightness and contrast of monitors免费下载
GY/T 326-2019 监视器亮度和对比度校准用PLUGE测试信号规范及校准步骤 Specifications of PLUGE test signals and alignment procedures for setting of brightness and contrast of monitors GY/T 326-2019 监视器亮度和对比度校准用PLUGE测试信号规范及校准步骤 Specifications of PLUGE test signals and alignment procedures for setting of brightness and contrast of monitors

GY/T 326-2019 监视器亮度和对比度校准用PLUGE测试信号规范及校准步骤 Specifications of PLUGE test signals and alignment procedures for setting of brightness and contrast of monitors

  • 标准类别:[GY] 广播电影电视行业标准
  • 标准大小:
  • 标准编号:GY/T 326-2019
  • 标准状态:现行
  • 更新时间:2023-08-22
  • 下载次数:

本标准适用于广播电视行业用超高清晰度、高清晰度和标准清晰度监视器的研发、生产、测试和运行维护。准 GY/T 326-2019 监 视 器 亮 度 和 对 比 度 校 准 用PLUGE测 试     信号规范及校准步骤 Specifications of PLUGE test signals and alignment procedures for setting of         brightness and contrast of monitors -1 ITU-R BT. 814-4:2018, Specifications of PLUGE test signals and alignment procedures for setting of brightness and contrast of displays,MOD) 2019-10-11发 布 2019-10-11实 施 国 家 广 播 电 视 总 局 发 布 GY/T 326-2019 目 次 前
