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巴西风力发电政策框架研究——摘要 巴西风力发电政策框架研究——摘要


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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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中国风电行业2013年装机16089兆瓦,比2012年增加3130兆瓦,年市场增长率为24%;这是2010年以来首次出现年市场增长(见图1-1)。截至2013年底,中国累计装机容量为91413MW,年市场增长率为21%。2013年,西藏第一个超高海拔试验风电场在西藏自治区那曲投入运行。目前中国各省(区)都有风力发电厂。2013年累计装机容量最大的前4个地区分别是内蒙古(20270MW)、河北(8500MW)、甘肃(7100MW)和山东(约7000 MW)。由于新输电线的建设,2013年新增装机最多的省份是新疆,为3150兆瓦。2013年,国家能源局出台多项政策措施,发展风电行业监测和审查制度,解决风电削减问题。为理顺风电产业发展,中国水电水利规划设计总院发布的数据显示,2013年全国新增并网容量14.49GW,累计并网容量77.16GW。这些数字与安装数字不同,因为安装后的并网和发电测试周期不同。与2009年和2010年相比,正式并网容量与装机容量的差距逐步缩小。(见图1-2)。2013年,风电发电量为134.9TWh,成为中国仅次于火电和水电的第三大发电源,占中国电力的2.5%,低于欧盟的8%,但较2012年的2.0%增长了25%。2013年并网发电量最大的地区是内蒙古,其次是河北、甘肃和辽宁,均超过10TWh。其中,内蒙古西部电网发电量21.6TWh。是全国风电上网能量利用率最高的地区。内蒙古东部电网风电生产上网电量达到14TWh,河北14.1TWh,甘肃11.9TWh,辽宁10TWh。由于限购,大型风电基地建设放缓,而风速资源较低、靠近负荷中心的地区成为发展热点。许多原始设备制造商(oem)已经开发了“低速”和“高海拔”风力涡轮机,为风速低于6米/秒的地区带来了更好的经济发展潜力。大多数低风速地区位于中国中南部和西南部;但是新的风电场也建在山区地区。自2010年以来,中国的年装机容量占新发电容量的15%-16%。2013年,新的风力发电容量占新建筑总量的15%,但太阳能发电量飙升至12%,水力发电量飙升至32%,而火电厂下降至29%。2013年,中国的大多数新电力设施首次实现了可再生能源。如图1-6所示,截至2013年底,风电累计装机容量占全国装机容量的6%,高于2012年的5%;排在火电(70%)和水电(22%)之后的第三位,年市场容量为15GW,到2015年,中国将超过既定的100GW计划,到2020年轻松实现200GW的目标。鉴于可利用的风电资源、对煤炭的依赖、严峻的空气污染问题和减排的需要,中国需要加大能源结构转型力度,重新审视和提高风电和可再生能源发展目标。目前,风力发电比其他最具发展潜力的可再生能源相对便宜,技术上也更成熟。中国拥有丰富的风电资源和建设风电设备满足市场需求的能力。为了保持世界上最大的风力发电市场,中国需要改善风力发电的电网整合,加快大型海上和陆上风力发电站的建设,最大限度地发挥风力发电在清洁能源供应、烟雾控制和减排方面的作用。

The Chinese wind industry installed16,089 MW in 2013, an increase of 3,130 MW  over 2012, for annual market growth of 24%; the first time the annual market has  grown since 2010 (see Figure 1-1). At the end of 2013, the cumulative installed  capacity in China was 91,413MW, an annual market growth rate of 21%1 .  In 2013 an ultra high altitude experimental wind farm went into operation in Naqu, in  theTibet Autonomous Region, the first wind farm in Tibet. There are now wind power  plants in all Chinese provinces/regions. The top 4 regions with the largest cumulative  installed capacity in 2013 were Inner Mongolia (20270MW), Hebei (8500MW), Gansu  (7100MW) and Shandong (approx. 7000MW). Because of the construction of new  transmission lines, the top province for new installations in 2013 was Xinjiang, with  3150MW. In 2013, the National Energy Administration(NEA) issued a number of policies and  measures to develop a monitoring and review system for the wind power industry  and to solve the issue of wind curtailment. It also introduced an annual wind power  development plan to rationalize the development of the wind power industry.According to the data from the China Hydropower and Water Resources Planning  and Design General Institute, in 2013 the newly grid-connected capacity nationwide  was 14.49GW and the cumulative grid-connected capacity was 77.16GW. The figures  differs from the installation figures due to the testing period of grid connection and  power generation after the installation. Compared with 2009 and2 010, the gap  between the official grid-connected capacity and installed capacity has decreased  gradually. (see Figure 1-2). In 2013, wind power generated 134.9TWh of electricity,making wind the third largest  power generation source in China after thermal power and hydropower, providing  2.5% of China’s electricity This is less than the EU’s 8%, but an increase of 25%  from 2.0% in 2012.The region with the largest on-grid energy production in 2013 was Inner Mongolia,  followed by Hebei, Gansu and Liaoning, all exceeding 10TWh. Among them, the  Western Inner Mongolia Power Grid produced 21.6TWh of electricity. It was the top  region with the highest wind power on-grid energypenetration ratio nationwide. The  on-grid electricity produced by the wind power of production of the Eastern Inner  Mongolia Power Grid reached 14TWh, Hebei 14.1TWh, Gansu 11.9TWh and Liaoning  10TWh. Because of the curtailment, the construction of large wind power bases has slowed  down, whereas areas with lower wind speed resources, closer to load centers, have  become development hot spots. Many Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)  have developed "low speed" and "high-altitude" wind power turbines, bringing better  economic development potential to regions with wind speeds under 6m/s. Most low  windspeed sites are located in the south central and southwestern parts of China;  but new wind farms were also built in the mountainous areas. Since 2010, China's annual installations have been 15-16% of new generation  capacity. The new wind power capacity in 2013 was 15% of total new-build, but solar  surged to 12% and Hydro to 32%, while thermal plants dropped to 29%. For the first  time in 2013 the majority of new power installations in China were renewable. As seen in Figure 1-6, the cumulative installed capacity of wind power accounted for  6% of the national installed electric capacity by the end of 2013, up from 5%in 2012;  in third place behind thermal power (70%) and hydropower (22%).With a market of of 15GW per year, China will exceed the established plan of  100GW by 2015 and easily meet the target of 200GW by 2020. Given the available  wind power resources, reliance on coal, the grim air pollution problem and the need  to reduce emissions, China needs to step up its efforts in transforming its energy  structure, reviewing and increasing the targets for wind power and renewable energy  development. Wind power is at the moment relatively cheaper and technically more  mature than other renewables with the most development potential. China has rich  wind power resources and the capabilities to build wind power equipment to meet  market needs. In order to remain the world's largest wind power market, China  needs to improve wind power’s grid integration, speed up the construction of large  offshore and onshore wind power sites, and maximize the role of wind power in  terms of clean energy supply, smog control and emissions reduction.
