首页 > 资料下载 > 《全球碳捕集与封存机构—捕集电厂与电厂一体化》专题报告(2013)Special Report for the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute-
《全球碳捕集与封存机构—捕集电厂与电厂一体化》专题报告(2013)Special Report for the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute- 《全球碳捕集与封存机构—捕集电厂与电厂一体化》专题报告(2013)Special Report for the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute-

《全球碳捕集与封存机构—捕集电厂与电厂一体化》专题报告(2013)Special Report for the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute-

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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This report focuses on the integration of the existing coal-fired 1 070 MW Unit 3 of Maasvlakte Power Plant (MPP3) with the proposed new 250 MW scale carbon capture plant of the Rotterdam Opslag en Afvang Demonstratieproject (ROAD). Carbon capture technology has been the subject of considerable research to reduce the costs of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), and the subject of many publications. However, the integration with the main power plant also has important impacts on the efficiency and operability of the CCS chain, and is a significant project cost in its own right. Published information from other large-scale post-combustion capture projects linked to power plants shows the range of challenges faced and the range of possible solutions. Each project so far is unique in at least some aspects.
