首页 > 资料下载 > 煤制氢电联产CO2捕集发电技术Technologies for Coal based Hydrogen and Electricity Co-production Power Plants with
煤制氢电联产CO2捕集发电技术Technologies for Coal based Hydrogen and Electricity Co-production Power Plants with 煤制氢电联产CO2捕集发电技术Technologies for Coal based Hydrogen and Electricity Co-production Power Plants with

煤制氢电联产CO2捕集发电技术Technologies for Coal based Hydrogen and Electricity Co-production Power Plants with

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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The reliable and secure operation of the power systems requires the continuous balancing of the production and consumption resources connected to the electricity network. The temporal and geographical variability of demand and supply, to a certain extent amplified by the increasing penetration of renewable intermittent resources (mainly wind) and by the development of electricity market, calls for fast-reacting and flexible energy generating units - possibly flanked by a further deployment of energy storage technologies and demand management techniques - capable to compensate for power unbalances and able to quickly react to changing market strategies.
