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资源与能源季刊2013年3月Resources and Energy Quarterly March Quarter 2013 资源与能源季刊2013年3月Resources and Energy Quarterly March Quarter 2013

资源与能源季刊2013年3月Resources and Energy Quarterly March Quarter 2013

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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This is BREE’s second five-year projection of mineral and energy production, exports and values. In addition to a five-year outlook for each of Australia’s major mineral and energy exports, an overview of the global macro-economy is provided along with three review articles and a set of detailed statistical tables from 2010–11 to 2012–13 on production, export volumes, prices and values of key resource commodities. The three reviews include contributions on: global thermal coal markets, a short history of nickel in Australia, and an overview of biofuels.
