首页 > 资料下载 > 联邦财政刺激政策,以诱导早期生产非常规液体燃料的经验Federal Financial Incentives to Induce Early Experience Producing Unconven
联邦财政刺激政策,以诱导早期生产非常规液体燃料的经验Federal Financial Incentives to Induce Early Experience Producing Unconven 联邦财政刺激政策,以诱导早期生产非常规液体燃料的经验Federal Financial Incentives to Induce Early Experience Producing Unconven

联邦财政刺激政策,以诱导早期生产非常规液体燃料的经验Federal Financial Incentives to Induce Early Experience Producing Unconven

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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Tis technical report explains an analytic way to design and assess packages of fnancial incentives that the government can use to cost-effectively promote early experience with coal-toliquids (CTL) production of liquid fuels in the face of signifcant uncertainty about the future. It provides technical support to Bartis, Camm, and Ortiz (2008), which places early CTL production experience in a broader policy context.
