首页 > 资料下载 > 西弗吉尼亚州能源部门的劳动力发展将社区大学教育和培训与所需技能结合起来Energy-Sector Workforce Development in West Virginia Aligning Com
西弗吉尼亚州能源部门的劳动力发展将社区大学教育和培训与所需技能结合起来Energy-Sector Workforce Development in West Virginia Aligning Com 西弗吉尼亚州能源部门的劳动力发展将社区大学教育和培训与所需技能结合起来Energy-Sector Workforce Development in West Virginia Aligning Com

西弗吉尼亚州能源部门的劳动力发展将社区大学教育和培训与所需技能结合起来Energy-Sector Workforce Development in West Virginia Aligning Com

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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Te energy sector is a fundamental component of West Virginia’s economy. In the past, West Virginia’s energy sector was dominated by coal mining and combustion for electricity and industrial uses. In recent years, however, the production of natural gas and natural gas liquids extracted from shale resources and their industrial application have increased energy-sector demand for workers. According to employment projections from WorkForce West Virginia, the oil and gas extraction industry will experience a 10-percent increase in employment in West Virginia by 2020 when compared with employment in 2010; mining, primarily coal-mining, is predicted to experience a 5 percent fall. Most of the jobs in oil and gas extraction require semiskilled workers with high school or two-year associate’s degrees. Given this potential demand, a clear challenge faced by West Virginia is how to support the system that moves these workers into the energy sector’s workforce: the workforce-development pipeline. Tis pipeline involves recruiting, training, and educating the local talent pool (both young recent high school graduates and adults already in the workforce) to fll the job and skills needs of energy-sector employers, for both the short and long terms.
