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碳捕获和存储将碳捕获和存储带到市场概况手册版本Carbon Capture and Storage Bringing Carbon Capture and Storage to Market Fact 碳捕获和存储将碳捕获和存储带到市场概况手册版本Carbon Capture and Storage Bringing Carbon Capture and Storage to Market Fact

碳捕获和存储将碳捕获和存储带到市场概况手册版本Carbon Capture and Storage Bringing Carbon Capture and Storage to Market Fact

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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二氧化碳排放量在2010年达到创纪录的高点。国际能源机构(IEA)最近说,全球平均气温是 预计到2100年,气温将上升3.5℃以上,而缓解全球变暖的机动余地正变得极其渺茫。 CCS被广泛认为是缓解气候变化的一项基本技术,在技术上是可行的。几个大型项目包括 目前每年从天然气加工厂或煤气化厂捕获23MtCO2,并将其储存在深盐水层或在 作为提高采收率(EOR)作业一部分的油藏。这相当于避免了3.8GW煤基燃料的排放。 电。业界人士坚信,CCS组件技术已经被证明在技术上是可行的,并且准备好了 在发电、水泥和钢铁生产、化工厂和炼油厂大规模示范。

CO2 emissions reached a record high in 2010. The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently said average global temperatures are on track to rise by more than 3.5°C by 2100, and the margin for maneuver to mitigate global warming is becoming dangerously slim. CCS, widely considered an essential technology to mitigate climate change, is technically viable. Several large-scale projects are currently capturing 23MtCO2 per year from natural gas processing or coal gasification plants and storing it in deep saline aquifers or in oil reservoirs as part of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations. This is equivalent to avoiding emissions of 3.8GW of coal-based electricity. Industry players are adamant that CCS component technologies have been proven technically feasible and are ready to be demonstrated on a large scale in power generation, cement and steel production, chemicals plants and refineries.
