首页 > 资料下载 > 国际能源机构生物能源任务32 可交付的4 生物质共烧技术现状2009IEA Bioenergy Task 32 Deliverable 4 Technical status of biomass
国际能源机构生物能源任务32 可交付的4 生物质共烧技术现状2009IEA Bioenergy Task 32  Deliverable 4  Technical status of biomass 国际能源机构生物能源任务32 可交付的4 生物质共烧技术现状2009IEA Bioenergy Task 32  Deliverable 4  Technical status of biomass

国际能源机构生物能源任务32 可交付的4 生物质共烧技术现状2009IEA Bioenergy Task 32 Deliverable 4 Technical status of biomass

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-14
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电力和热能的最大份额仍然是由化石燃料的燃烧产生的。 今天煤、石油和天然气。然而,可再生能源在生产中变得越来越重要。 电和热遍布世界各地。可能是最快和最简单的替代大的方法 用可持续的电力来发电的化石燃料是用来取代燃烧的。 生物质燃烧化石燃料。生物质燃料在主要燃煤机组中的混合燃烧 取代部分煤炭,已被世界各地采用了近十年。这是 被视为一种短期的解决办法来交换传统的化石燃料如煤和燃料油, 可持续发展的大型固体和液体生物质类型,如木质颗粒或棕榈油, 为了达到环境激励。

The biggest share of electricity and heat is still generated by combustion of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas today. However, renewables become more important in the production of electricity and heat all over the world. Probably the fastest and easiest way to replace large amounts of fossil fuel based electricity by sustainable electricity is to replace the combusted fossil fuels by biomass. Co-firing of biomass fuels in mainly coal-fired units, and thereby replacing part of the coal, has been adopted all over the world the last decennium. This is seen as a short-term solution to exchange traditional fossil fuels such as coal and fuel oil, with a sustainable large scale of solid and liquid biomass types, like wood pellets or palm oil, in order to reach environmental incentives.
