首页 > 资料下载 > 第2卷:以利用烟煤进行碳捕获先进电力系统研发为核心的途径研究Current and Future Technologies for Gasification- Based Power Genera
第2卷:以利用烟煤进行碳捕获先进电力系统研发为核心的途径研究Current  and Future  Technologies for Gasification- Based Power Genera 第2卷:以利用烟煤进行碳捕获先进电力系统研发为核心的途径研究Current  and Future  Technologies for Gasification- Based Power Genera

第2卷:以利用烟煤进行碳捕获先进电力系统研发为核心的途径研究Current and Future Technologies for Gasification- Based Power Genera

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-15
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这份报告代表两卷路线研究的第二卷,其中有各种各样的过程。 分析了烟煤发电的结构。而第一卷 [1]着重于非碳捕获过程场景,第2卷讨论预燃烧碳 捕捉场景。每个体积开始于一个参考综合气化联合循环 (IGCC)使用常规技术的工厂,并且进行一系列工艺改进,以便 代表先进技术的商业化.每种技术对这两者的影响 评估工艺性能和成本。通过这种方式,DOE可以度量和优先排序 其研发计划对未来电力系统技术的贡献。

This report represents Volume 2 of a two-volume Pathway Study in which a variety of process configurations that produce electric power from bituminous coal are analyzed. While Volume 1 [1] focuses on non-carbon capture process scenarios, Volume 2 addresses pre-combustion carbon capture scenarios. Each volume begins with a reference integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant using conventional technology, and a series of process modifications are made to represent commercialization of advanced technologies. Impacts of each technology on both process performance and cost are evaluated. In this manner, DOE can measure and prioritize the contribution of its R&D program to future power systems technology.
