首页 > 资料下载 > 澳大利亚燃煤电厂浓缩哌嗪燃烧后捕集(2013)Concentrated Piperazine based Post-Combustion-Capture for Australian coal-fir
澳大利亚燃煤电厂浓缩哌嗪燃烧后捕集(2013)Concentrated Piperazine based Post-Combustion-Capture for Australian coal-fir 澳大利亚燃煤电厂浓缩哌嗪燃烧后捕集(2013)Concentrated Piperazine based Post-Combustion-Capture for Australian coal-fir

澳大利亚燃煤电厂浓缩哌嗪燃烧后捕集(2013)Concentrated Piperazine based Post-Combustion-Capture for Australian coal-fir

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-15
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该项目旨在评估在澳大利亚黑煤电站中浓哌嗪(PZ)在燃烧后捕集CO2(PCC)中的使用。 浓缩PZ是基于MEA的标准工艺的替代品,根据广泛的实验室研究显示出有吸引力的特性,使其具有将CO2捕集和压缩成本降低50%以上的潜力。 德州 他们的实验室研究表明:-PZ溶剂比标准溶剂更具反应性,这应导致吸收器尺寸减小,从而降低资金成本。 -PZ溶剂足够坚固,可以在高温下再生,从而导致高压下释放CO2,从而降低了压缩成本。 -溶剂再生的热能少于MEA。 -溶剂蒸气压低于MEA的蒸气压,从而降低了溶剂损失。

This project was designed to evaluate the use of concentrated piperazine (PZ) for post-combustion capture of CO2 (PCC) in black-coal fired power stations in Australia. Concentrated PZ is an alternative to the standard MEA-based processes and based on extensive laboratory based research has shown attractive attributes such that they have the potential to reduce the costs of capture and compression of CO2 by more than 50%, according to the University of Texas. Their laboratory research has shown that: - The PZ solvent is more reactive than the standard, that should lead to a reduction in absorber sizes and hence capital cost. - The PZ solvent is robust enough to allow regeneration at high temperature resulting in the release of CO2 at high pressure, thus reducing compression costs. - The thermal energy for solvent regeneration is less than for MEA. - The solvent vapour pressure is lower than that of MEA resulting in lower solvent losses.
