首页 > 资料下载 > 具有CO2捕获能力的先进煤炭动力系统:EPRI的未来展望Advanced Coal Power Systems with CO2 Capture: EPRI’s CoalFleet for Tomor
具有CO2捕获能力的先进煤炭动力系统:EPRI的未来展望Advanced Coal Power Systems with CO2 Capture: EPRI’s CoalFleet for Tomor 具有CO2捕获能力的先进煤炭动力系统:EPRI的未来展望Advanced Coal Power Systems with CO2 Capture: EPRI’s CoalFleet for Tomor

具有CO2捕获能力的先进煤炭动力系统:EPRI的未来展望Advanced Coal Power Systems with CO2 Capture: EPRI’s CoalFleet for Tomor

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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电力研究所(EPRI)已经审查了减少电力消耗的当前和可能的选择。 电力部门排放的温室气体。EPRI的分析显示出其意义重大。 来自具有碳捕获和储存(CCS)的先进煤炭动力系统的贡献很可能是 需要实现经济的温室气体减排。然而,CCS技术尚未商业化。 可用。

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has examined current and potential options for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the electric sector. EPRI’s analysis shows a significant contribution from advanced coal power systems with carbon capture and storage (CCS) likely will be required to achieve economical GHG reductions. However, CCS technology is not yet commercially available.
