首页 > 资料下载 > DOE/NETL对现有燃煤电厂的碳捕获研究与开发计划DOE/NETL’s Carbon Capture R&D Program for Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants
DOE/NETL对现有燃煤电厂的碳捕获研究与开发计划DOE/NETL’s Carbon Capture R&D Program for Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants DOE/NETL对现有燃煤电厂的碳捕获研究与开发计划DOE/NETL’s Carbon Capture R&D Program for Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants

DOE/NETL对现有燃煤电厂的碳捕获研究与开发计划DOE/NETL’s Carbon Capture R&D Program for Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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自1970年《洁净空气法》通过以来,燃煤电厂在减少硫和氮氧化物、颗粒物质和汞的排放方面继续取得重大进展。然而,在不久的将来,也有可能控制二氧化碳(CO2)的排放以应对气候变化。认识到当前的二氧化碳 美国能源部的国家能源技术实验室(DOE/NETL)已经发起一项 研究和开发(R&D)计划专门针对燃烧后和氧气捕获技术,这些技术可以改造成现有的燃煤电厂,并经过精心设计 种植新植物.作为现有植物、排放和捕获(EPEC)计划的一部分正在执行的DOE/NETL努力的目标是开发先进的CO2捕获 以及用于现有和新型燃煤电厂的压缩技术,当两者结合在一起时,能够以低于35%的成本增加90%的CO2捕获 电(COE)。为了开发多种能够满足成本和性能目标的CO2捕集技术方案,已经制定了积极的研发计划。 到2020年达到商业规模。

Coal-fired power plants have continued to make significant progress in reducing emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides (SOx and NOx), particulate matter, and mercury since passage of the 1970 Clean Air Act. However, there is a possibility that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions could also be regulated in the near future to address climate change. Recognizing that current CO2 capture technology is not cost-effective and has not been demonstrated at scale, the U.S Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE/NETL) has initiated a research and development (R&D) program directed specifically at post- and oxy-combustion CO2 capture technologies that can be retrofit to existing coal-fired power plants, as well designed into new plants. The goal of the DOE/NETL effort, which is being carried out as part of the Existing Plants, Emissions and Capture (EPEC) Program, is to develop advanced CO2 capture and compression technologies for both existing and new coal-fired power plants that when combined can achieve 90 percent CO2 capture at less than a 35 percent increase in cost of electricity (COE). An aggressive R&D plan has been established in order to develop multiple CO2 capture technology options, capable of meeting the cost and performance target, at a commercial scale by 2020.
