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上限与贸易101A联邦气候政策入门Cap and Trade 101 A Federal Climate Policy Primer 上限与贸易101A联邦气候政策入门Cap and Trade 101 A Federal Climate Policy Primer

上限与贸易101A联邦气候政策入门Cap and Trade 101 A Federal Climate Policy Primer

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-20
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同样的化石燃料过山车,正在鞭策我们的经济也超负荷。 我们的大气中有碳。幸运的是,同样的行动将抑制温室效应- 气体排放也将让我们突破到清洁能源经济-一个经济 这就结束了我们对石油和其他脏化石燃料的依赖。 然而,如果我们要抓住这个机会,就需要改变:我们必须停止 把地球大气层作为污染的自由倾倒地。制作关键 污染者为排放付费是一个被称为“总量管制和交易”的系统。 系统对温室气体排放实行全经济范围的限制;制定切合实际的目标 长期减少排放;制定常识性的道路规则;以及治理 实现这些目标的市场的创造力和活力。

The same fossil-fuels roller coaster that is whiplashing our economy is also overloading our atmosphere with carbon. Fortunately, the same actions that will curb greenhouse- gas emissions will also let us break through to a clean-energy economy—an economy that ends our addiction to oil and other dirty fossil fuels. If we are to seize this opportunity, however, a change is required: We must stop treating Earth’s atmosphere as a free dumping ground for pollution. The key to making polluters pay for emissions is a system known as “cap and trade.” A cap-and-trade system enforces an economy-wide limit on greenhouse gas emissions; sets realistic goals for reducing emissions over time; sets commonsense rules of the road; and harnesses the creativity and dynamism of the market to achieve these goals.
