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华盛顿基蒂塔斯县Ellensburg可再生能源公园Battelle纪念研究所智能电网项目的最终环境评估FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR BATTELLE MEMOR 华盛顿基蒂塔斯县Ellensburg可再生能源公园Battelle纪念研究所智能电网项目的最终环境评估FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR BATTELLE MEMOR

华盛顿基蒂塔斯县Ellensburg可再生能源公园Battelle纪念研究所智能电网项目的最终环境评估FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR BATTELLE MEMOR

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  • 更新时间:2021-10-04
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美国能源部(DOE)提议根据2009年《美国复苏与再投资法》,以合作协议的形式向巴特尔纪念研究所(Battelle Memorial Institute)提供财政援助赠款。这项协议将有助于扩大太阳能发电,并增加可再生能源公园的风力发电能力。能源部提议的行动是向巴特尔提供60万美元的财政援助,以促进太阳能发电的扩展和在华盛顿州埃伦斯堡市的可再生能源公园增加风力发电能力。该项目的估计费用为120万美元。巴特尔将购买并安装540块太阳能电池板、10个太阳能浓缩模块和8个小型风力涡轮机,使埃伦斯堡市民能够使用可再生能源发电。巴特尔提出的项目将增加85千瓦的太阳能和80千瓦的风能发电能力。该项目将建在埃伦斯堡市的可再生能源公园内,该公园位于90号州际公路东侧一块曾被干扰的农田上。公园目前正在开发中,包含192块多晶太阳能电池板和180块薄膜太阳能电池板。根据《国家环境政策法案》(42 U.S.C.第4321条等)和美国能源部的《国家环境政策法案实施条例》(10 CFR第1021部分)和程序,本EA审查了美国能源部提议的行动、巴特尔提议的项目和无行动方案的潜在环境影响。其目的是向能源部和公众通报拟议项目和替代方案的潜在环境后果。

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) proposes to award a financial assistance grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in the form of a cooperative agreement to Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle). This agreement would facilitate expansion of solar energy generation and add wind capacity at the Renewable Energy Park. DOE’s proposed action is to award a $600,000 financial assistance grant to Battelle to facilitate the expansion of solar generation and the addition of wind capacity at the City of Ellensburg’s Renewable Energy Park located in Ellensburg, Washington. The estimated cost of the project is $1.2 million. Battelle would purchase and install 540 solar panels, 10 solar concentrating modules, and 8 small wind turbines to make renewable energy generation accessible to the citizens of Ellensburg. Battelle’s proposed project would add up to an additional 85 kilowatts of solar energy and 80 kilowatts of wind energy generating capacity. The proposed project would be built within the City of Ellensburg’s Renewable Energy Park, which is on a previously disturbed agricultural field located directly east of Interstate 90. The park is currently undergoing development and contains 192 polycrystalline solar panels and 180 thin-film solar panels. In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. Section 4321 et seq.) and DOE’s National Environmental Policy Act implementing regulations (10 CFR Part 1021) and procedures, this EA examines the potential environmental impacts of DOE’s proposed action, Battelle’s proposed project, and the No-Action Alternative. Its purpose is to inform DOE and the public of the potential environmental consequences of the proposed project and the alternatives.
