首页 > 资料下载 > 宾夕法尼亚州能源计划的Conergy海军船坞太阳能项目Philadephia County,Pennsylvania无重大影响声明FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AN
宾夕法尼亚州能源计划的Conergy海军船坞太阳能项目Philadephia County,Pennsylvania无重大影响声明FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AN 宾夕法尼亚州能源计划的Conergy海军船坞太阳能项目Philadephia County,Pennsylvania无重大影响声明FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AN

宾夕法尼亚州能源计划的Conergy海军船坞太阳能项目Philadephia County,Pennsylvania无重大影响声明FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AN

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  • 更新时间:2021-10-08
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摘要:美国能源部批准了宾夕法尼亚州能源项目Conergy海军船坞太阳能项目的最终环境评估(美国能源部/ epa -1876)。根据环境评估的分析。能源部决定,其提议的行动——允许宾夕法尼亚州联邦使用其州能源计划(SEP)的部分资金,以协助宾夕法尼亚州SEP的Conergy海军船厂太阳能项目(太阳能项目)的发展——不会造成任何重大的负面影响。能源部进一步确定,这可能会产生有益的影响,因为太阳能项目将在一个高度可见和显著的规模上展示电力的低碳生产,创造就业机会,让公众了解太阳能的好处。鼓励宾夕法尼亚州和该地区未来的可再生能源投资,减少温室气体排放,增加可再生能源发电。

SUMMARY: DOE approved the Final Environmental Assessment for the Pennsylvania State Energy Program's Conergy Navy Yard Solar Project, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania (DOE/EA-1876). Based on the analyses in the environmental assessment (EA). DOE determined that its proposed action - allowing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to use some of its State Energy Program (SEP) funds to assist in the development of the Pennsylvania SEP's Conergy Navy Yard Solar Project (Solar Project)- would not result in any significant adverse impacts. DOE further determined that there could be beneficial impacts, as the Solar Project would demonstrate the low-carbon production of electricity on a highly visible and significant scale, create jobs, educate the public on the benefits of solar energy. encourage future renewable-energy investment ir Pennsylvania and the region, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase renewable energy generation.
