The Analysis of the Piano Teaching Methods The Analysis of the Piano Teaching Methods

The Analysis of the Piano Teaching Methods

  • 期刊名字:大众文艺
  • 文件大小:289kb
  • 论文作者:WU Fei-jie
  • 作者单位:Qingdao
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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医众文艺教育理论The Analysis of the Piano Teaching Methodsw Fei-jie (Qingdao Universty Qingdao China266000)Abstr act:Piano lesons are taught by a variety of diferent "methods"; study with these teachers. Take notes, have copies ofindividual teachers will have their preferences among the diferent methods. the music available to follow, and listen and learn. WeEach method has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Our goal in would strongly suggest that the auditor set up a regularpointing out both strong points and criticisms of teaching methods is time to discuss and analyze what has transpired during ato provide teachers with an overview of a given method's stengths andweek of lessons.weaknesses. All teaching methods involve compromises and not everyAnother way that a person can learn about themethod works well for every student. You should evaluate these methods different types of teaching available is to attendin light of your own needs and choose a treacher whose personal choice ofa workshops. There are various types of workshops avai lablemethod or methods is consistent with your needs, wishes, and the way . - those offered through music publi shing companies,in which you leam most eficiently. Tips for teachers on choosing a teaching music teachers' organizations, and musical organizat ionsmethod can be found in our article.such as local orchestras, schools, conservatories,Key words: piano; teaching miethod; analysisetc. Workshops organized and. run by music publishingcompanies are usually designed to advocate the use of1. Preparation for Teaching Pianothe method that they publish. If you attend this type ofIt is critical that the beginning teacher learn workshop, keep a healthy level of skepticism about thehow to teach piano. Being an accomplished player is specific methods espoused. It is the responsibility ofcertainly valuable and desirable, but it is not enough the teacher to ascertain what will or will not work wi thin an'd of itself to prepare you to teach properly. 0f each individual student; no one method is correct forcourse, probably the best training experiences can come all students.from piano pedagogy classes available to piano ma jorMost music teachers organizations hold workshops oror minors at most colleges and universities. However,educational seminars to help their membership. The morenot everyone has the opportunity to attend such classesenlightened groups open these seminars and workshopsnd to achieve degrees in Piano from colleges or .to the public, so that the educational experience isuniversities. In that event, there are other ways to available to all, usually free. After all, educatingobtain the knowledge and experience necessary to teach teachers, parents and students is one of their goals.beginning piano.Check the newspapers regularly to see if seminars 0One of the first things we would suggest would be toworkshops such as these are available to you; if not,least one year. Of course, the teachers would have to your areas and ask for a listing of their seminars.give their consent, as well as the students involved in Attending such workshops is also a good way to determine养学生的组织能力和管理能力,促进学生综合素质的全面提高。补给,帮助大学生树立正确的法制观念,把高职院校的德育建设在校园文化建设过程中,我们要在重 视娱乐性的同时强调学术与法制教育结合起来。 这不仅利于学生思想道德素质的提高,又性,重视大众化的同时 强调精品化,重视通俗性的同时提升高可塑造大学生健全的人格。西安音乐学院药家鑫、云南大学马加雅性,社团活动要组织一些有一定思想性、艺术性、知识性较强,爵等都是思想道德素质低下、人格欠缺、法律意识薄弱的表现。的高雅文化,大力倡导高雅艺术进校园,通过提高学生的艺术修我们知道只有校园文化繁荣了 社会文化才能在健康、和谐的环境养来提高学生的思想修养。组织观看爱国主义影视片,使学生中发展。 ,受到爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育:开展青年志愿者活总之,校园文化建设是学校物质文明建设与精神文明建设动,参观校企合作单位等社会实践活动,促进学生职业道德的 的最佳结合点, 良好的校园文化不仅有强大的凝聚力和吸引力,形成;要求学生在校穿校服、戴胸卡,体现集体团结一 致的精成为培自人文精神的沃土,也能较好地调节和激励学生的思想行神面貌。聘请企业家、成功人士到学校做报告,请优秀毕业生回为, 陶冶情操、培养学生个性心理、推进素质教育的全面发展。校介绍成功经验,营造良好的职业教育文化氛围,实现校园文化同时校园文化建 设更有利于大学生正确人生观、世界观、价值观的大众化。通过这一系列活动的开展,形成学 校良好的德育氛的培养 和形成。围,这对培养 学生高尚的爱国主义情操、良好的思想品德和职参考文献:业道德将起积极的作用。使校园文化建设落到实处,切实推进学[1]吕成文.加强大学校园文化建设的思路探析.江苏教育学院学报(社校精神文明建设,把学校德育教育贯穿在校园文化活动之中。3.加强与社会的联系,做到校园、社会文化共同繁荣会科学) 2010.11学校作为社会的一部分,校园文化同样也是社会文化的有机[2]曹文泽.新世纪校园文化建设的思考.中国高等教育,2001.部分,校园文化不能脱离了社会文化的大方向,社会文化是校园[3程利 知识经济时代校图吝化建设的思路和方法,华东经济管理文化的引路石,因此校园文化更重要的功能则是推动整个社会文.002.28中国煤化工化的共问繁荣与发展。作为校园上:体的大学生在不久的将来就会作者简介:fYHCNMH G走上社会,加强对大学生普法知识的宣传和教育,走进法厅旁听审判、建立法制教自基地定期进行法制讲座,通过校园周边社李颖华,女,苏州工业职业技术学院讲师,学生管理会治安的综合治理,优化学院的综合治安状况等进行法律知识的330方万数据教育理论医众文艺if you want to join that organization and to build the Choose methods that stress technique from the of contacts among other teachers that can lead Even pre-schoolers can begin to develop a strong andto student referrals.solid technique. Stress finger - equalization, where alOften, guest artists with local performing groups five fingers are developed independently and equallywill also present master classes or seminars. These well. I have seen many beginning methods where there ismaster classes are usually open to the public. If you .absolutely no mention of technique; the students end upare near a university or college and can find the time to flopping around the keyboard and have no ideatake some classes, by all means, do so! Many universities to place their hands on the keys or how to technicallyand colleges offer piano pedagogy classes; usually, you du negotiate their way around a piece of repertoire.not have to be a full time student in order to attend these Teaching the students correct musical terminology fromclasses. Check out your local colleges, universities, anthe very beginning should be an important part of anyjunior colleges to see if such classes are available. Ifmethod or approach you use.ou live in a remote area, many of these options may beAnother great method for beginners are the booksinconvenient or simply inaccessible to you. In that event, written by Louise Robyn. They inc lude Keyboard Town,you can still help prepare yourself by careful study of a great book for learning how to read notes fluentlybooks on piano both clefs. This book also has the student develop2. Choosing a Teaching Methodstrong sight reading skills after the second lesson byOne of the first things that a teacher of beginningthe use of traffic signals in the music. That is, a redstudents should recognize and always remember is that no light in the music tells the student they can look downtwo students will learn or retain the materials that you at their fingers to find their notes; for as long as thehave taught the same way. Nonetheless, it may be easier green light line is in the @usic, the student is to keepand psychologically more comforting for the beginning their eyes on the music. Another great feature of thisteacher to teach using an established” method” ratherbook is that the student is always to sing or say thethan to tailor teaching to each student. Your choice of names 。method should not be made based simply on how you were or exercises in the book. So many students deal too latetaught to play, but with some consideration of the in the game with the idea of the piano singing; havingstrengths and weaknesses of each method and how those the student sing out loud really helps wi th teachingstrengths and weaknesses mesh with your own abi litiesphrasing.and those of your potential students. We can' t tell youWe have seen and heard many students who do notwhat method is right for you, but there are some "do's know how to pedal. Their pedaling is often blurred;and don' ts" that you should consider in choosing any they pedal on the beat instead of waiting until aftermethod for teaching your prospective students.the beat, and they have no concept of the differentAfter many unfortunate experiences having to pick pedaling skills needed for the different types of music. .up the pieces and fill in the blanks left in the musicThe Robyn-Gurlitt Pedal Exercises book covers it of students who have been taught this wayOnce a student is fluent with their note reading theyexclusively, we cannot advise strongly enough to avoid can easily move into the pedal book. The books .by Louiseany method connected with position playing. These methods Robyn are published by_ the Theodore Presser Company,can get the students to crank out tunes after only a few located in Bryn Mawr, PA. They are still in print, solessons, or even minutes. But after teaching literallydon' t let your local music store tell you otherwise. .hundreds of transfer students who were initially trainedConclusionin various manifestations of position playing, I11 good teachers have a sense of involvementfind the lack of musical knowledge of such unfortunate with their students and try to develop a good personalstudents almost overwhelming and difficult to overcome. relationship with the student .As a result, one of theToo often, we have found that the students trained in most difficult things for most teachers to face is thethe position methods cannot read music. In addition,realization that clients sometines view them as merelythey can only play in a five finger position and havanother paid service provider who can be replaced "atnot made the relationship or correlation earlier on that will" with someone cheaper or nearer to home. Eventuallyfinger number 2 does not always imply that you will play one of your clients will hurt your feelings by this kindthe note right in between the thumb and finger number of callous attitude - one they would not accept from youthree. Very often, these students have no technicalas a teacher. You can minimize the impact of this kindbackground or need to have any technique, because theyof occurrence, at least.are playing exclusively five fingers in a row. One ofyour most important goals should be to turn out students be like that of love relationships -” when it' s over,who are musically functionally 1iterate. Position playing it's over' . In practical terms, what this means is thatapproaches rarely do that. A major weakness of the you have to protect yourself from losses, both financialAlfred and Bastian methods is their inherent emphasis onand emotional. A way to imit your losses from this isposition implement a refundable music and equipment deposit toPick a method that stresses intervallic reading of be paid before the student begins lessons.notes, in addition to learning the specific names ofall the notes in both clefs,. at the same time. Not only References中国煤化工should the student be able to read notes equally well in[]]Robert PacejM].Milwauke: Halboth clefs, but should also be able to see the intervalLeonard CorporatioTYHCNMHGrelationships between the notes, thereby utilizing both (21Willard A. Palmer、Morton Manus、Amanda Vick Lethco.Alfred'smethods to learn how to read and smooth1y play music. Basic Piano Prep Cours[M]. Miami: Afred Music Publishing, 2007.331
