Life Cycle Assessment of Ultra-clean Micronized Coal Oil Water Slurry Life Cycle Assessment of Ultra-clean Micronized Coal Oil Water Slurry

Life Cycle Assessment of Ultra-clean Micronized Coal Oil Water Slurry

  • 期刊名字:中国人口·资源与环境(英文版)
  • 文件大小:399kb
  • 论文作者:Ji Ming,Xu Jing
  • 作者单位:Environmental Science and Engineering Academy,Shandong Society for Environmental Sciences
  • 更新时间:2020-06-12
  • 下载次数:

ARTICLESLife cycle Assessment of Ultra-clean MicronizedCoal oil Water SlurryJi mir1. Environmental Science and Engineering Academy, Shandong University, Jinan Shandong 250013, China2. Shandong Society for Environmental Sciences, Jinan Shandong 250100, ChinaAbstract: Life cycle assessment is applied to assess the ultra- ing, packaging, transportation, consumption, recycle and finalclean micronized coal oil water slurry (UCMCoWS)with Si- disposition. The basic construction of lCa came down to fourmaPro and the environmental impact of UCMCOWS on its whole related parts: objective and range, bill analysis, impact assess-life cycle is also analyzed. The result shows that the consumption ment, result explanation by SETAC in 1993(GB/T, 1999)of energy and products are increasing along withUCMCOWS processing, UCMCOWS making and combustion are Research methodsthe two periods which have a bigger impact on eco-system and human health. as a new substitute of fuel. UCMcoWS merits to beThe research applies SimaPro to LCa to analyze theutilized more efficiently and reasonablyresources consumption and pollutant emission in the wholeKey words: ultra-clean micronized coal oil water slurry, life cycle life duration of UCMcoWS made in UCMCOWS Makingand Combustion Lab of China Mining University, recognizeItsdegree in different life periods, define the1 Introductionimpact elements, and provide more options for technologyimprovement and cleaner productionEnvironmental problems are interrelated withand resources are not only involved in energy supply, but 3.1 Confirmation of objective and rangealso ths of environmental impact( Wu et al2006). More consideration of environmental impact hasThe objective is to recognize and analyze the environmenbeen given to the end treatment of products in the past yeartal impact of UCMCOWS in its different life periods. Theand environmental load of product disposition is used to asfe cycle of UCMCOWS includes exploitation of raw coal,sess its environmental impact. The management of industrialUCMCOWS producombustion in dieselwastes pas much attention to pollution conditions during its engine and all other life activities. The system boundary inprocess while the pollution before and after is neglectedvolves all processes theoretically, but we confine the systemLife cycle assessment(LCA) is applied to assessing theoundary to exploitation of raw coal, coal cleaning, UCMimpact of the whole life cycle of the ultra-clean micronized cowS producing, combustion in diesel engine and residualcoal oil water slurry(UCMCOwS) with SimaPro in thiscoal combustion, due to lab limitation( Fu et al., 2004; 2005)article. which provides complete information for the poten- 3.2 Bill analysistial interaction of resources application and environmentalproblems. The information used in green product design is The data were collected from production report of Yanpromising in environmental protection and human healthhou Mining Group of Shandong, China Environmental Annual Report(State Statistical Bureau, 2006a)and China En-2 Conception and frame of LCAergy Annual Report(State Statistical Bureau, 2006b). Thedata of making and combustion of UCMCOWS came fromLife cycle assessment is described as a kind of analysis and lab tests and analysis. Table I is the bill analysis of makingassessment of resources and environment for the whole pro- and combustion of UCMCOWS, while the bill analysis ofcess of a product, including its collection, processing, produc- other periodsis omitted中国煤化工Corresponding author; Ji Ming jiming@sdein. gov. cTHaCNMHGChinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment 2009 VoL 7 No. 2ARTICLESTable 1 Bill analysis of making and combustion of UCMCowsMain input and outputOutput: coal It; So, 18.684 5g; dust 31.255 5g; soot 80.088 2g: Hg 0.03mg: Cd 0.6ug: Cr 8.398 3ug: Pb129 6mg: As 0. 22mg; volatile hydroxybenzene 0.04g: cyanide 1.024 6mg; COD 31.732 2g: oil 0.080 7gammonian 0.583 Ig: hazard solid 16. 163 8g; waste residue 17.996 4g: fly ash 0.971 8kg; slag 1.679 7kg; coalangue 7036kg; gangue 7.024 6kg; other waste 2.393 5kglaking of ordinary cleaner Input: raw coal 2 031 857; electricity 10972027 8 kwh; water 60 955.7ImOutput: extractive coal 650 048t; mixed washing coal 294 15It; coal mud 61 249t; gangue 189 294tCrash(dma <2mm)Input: energy 5.74kwh; cleaner coal (dma<50mm)0.574tOutput: fly ash<100mg; cleaner coal(dmax < 2mm)0.574tInput: energy 31.57kwh; water 1.339t; inhibitor [Ca(OH)] 2.87kg; dispersant(NaSiO4)0.287kg: cleaner coalFine grind(dmax<10um(dmax 2mm)0.574tOutput: coal slurry (dma<10um, c=30%)1.913tFlocculateInput: energy 5. 1lkwh; flocculate agent 3.73kg; coal slurry (dmax
