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最终报告第9部分Section9-FINAL 最终报告第9部分Section9-FINAL


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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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The proposed facilities’ main site would occupy about 35 acres, and a short onsite transmission line (approximately 3,200 ft in length) would occupy a small amount of additional land. The facilities would consume resources including coal, natural gas, water, and small quantities of process chemicals, paints, degreasers, and lubricants (Section 8). The proposed facilities would use some of the existing Stanton Energy Center’s infrastructure (e.g., roads, rail loop, rail car unloading building, and natural gas line), which would reduce duplication of facilities and infrastructure. The project would generate air emissions, liquid effluents, and solid wastes. However, no process waste streams or water treatment discharges would be released off the site. Gasification ash would be used beneficially to the extent possible and would be placed in the onsite landfill only if no beneficial use were found. Anhydrous ammonia and sulfur byproducts would be recovered and marketed.
