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计算能源使用产生的二氧化碳排放量的方法Methodology for calculating CO2 emissions from energy use 计算能源使用产生的二氧化碳排放量的方法Methodology for calculating CO2 emissions from energy use

计算能源使用产生的二氧化碳排放量的方法Methodology for calculating CO2 emissions from energy use

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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用于估算能源消耗碳排放量的方法已修订为2016年版的统计审查。 以前的计算CO2排放的方法是通过将单个排放因子应用于石油、天然气和煤中的每一个而构建的,正如表二氧化碳排放量的脚注所示。这些排放系数是以平均碳含量为基础编制的标准全球平均换算系数为基础的:石油为73300千克二氧化碳/吨(相当于每吨石油3.07吨);天然气为56100千克二氧化碳/吨(相当于每吨石油2.35吨);煤炭为94,每吨600千克二氧化碳(相当于每吨油3.96吨)。 以前的方法也没有考虑到用于非燃烧目的的燃料消耗。 修订后的方法在两个主要方面有所不同。 首先,修订后的估计数使用了气专委排放系数清单1中每种能源产品类型的默认燃烧二氧化碳排放系数。生物燃料被认为是不排放二氧化碳的,这与国际能源机构的做法是一致的。 第二,修订后的方法考虑了用于非燃烧目的的燃料消耗,例如在石油化工行业使用天然气或石油生产道路建设用沥青。在应用相关排放系数之前,从化石燃料总消耗量中减去从国际能源机构能源平衡中获得的非燃烧化石燃料份额的估计数2。 将旧方法应用于2016年版《统计评论》(采用新方法的年份)中报告的燃料消耗量,将导致二氧化碳排放量比新方法的排放量高出约8%。这两种方法的二氧化碳排放量增长率变化很小,在过去25年中变化范围从0.2%到-0.3%,在此期间的平均差异小于0.1%。

The method used to estimate carbon emissions from energy consumption was revised for the 2016 edition of the Statistical Review. The previous method for calculating CO2 emissions was constructed by applying a single emission factor to each of oil, gas and coal, as reported in the footnote of the table ‘Carbon Dioxide Emissions’. Those emission factors were based on standard global average conversion factors compiled on the basis of average carbon content: oil at 73,300 kg CO2 per TJ (3.07 tonnes per tonne of oil equivalent); natural gas at 56,100 kg CO2 per TJ (2.35 tonnes per tonne of oil equivalent); and coal at 94,600 kg CO2 per TJ (3.96 tonnes per tonne of oil equivalent). The previous method also took no account of fuel consumption used for non-combustion purposes. The revised method differs in two main respects. First, the revised estimates use the Default CO2 Emission Factors for Combustion for each energy product type from the list of IPCC emission factors1. Biofuels are considered as non-emitting CO2, consistent with the practice of the IEA. Second, the revised method takes account of fuel consumption used for non-combustion purposes, such as the use of natural gas in the petrochemicals industry or of oil to produce bitumen for road construction. Estimates of the share of non-combusted fossil fuels taken from the IEA’s energy balances2 are subtracted from the total consumption of fossil fuels before applying the relevant emission factors. Applying the old methodology to the fuel consumption numbers reported in the 2016 edition of the Statistical Review (the year in which the new methodology was adopted) would result in CO2 emissions about 8% higher than those derived from the new method. The change in the growth rate of CO2 emissions between the two methods is minimal, ranging from 0.2%to - 0.3% over the last 25 years, with the difference over this period averaging less than 0.1%.
