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Euracoal-2014年年度报告(2014年)EURACOAL-Annual-Report-2014(2014) Euracoal-2014年年度报告(2014年)EURACOAL-Annual-Report-2014(2014)


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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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2014年,煤炭再次成为欧盟(eu)发电的头号燃料,并仍是我们最经济、最安全的电力来源。随着新的、更高效的燃煤发电厂投产,取代旧的发电机组,工会的煤炭使用量略有下降。尽管全球经济危机仍在持续,尤其是对欧洲的影响,但2014年头几个月油价仍居高不下。当它最终到来的时候,石油价格的暴跌是戏剧性的。煤炭价格反映了市场状况,而天然气在2014年下半年收复了部分失地。较低的能源价格对欧洲消费者有利,但对欧洲煤矿企业不利,它们必须生存下去,直到全球各地煤矿的过剩生产得到遏制、地缘政治紧张局势得到缓解。煤炭会成为欧盟政策禁止的燃料吗?虽然这在实践中可能不正确,但这是许多欧洲共同体成员国在第十届欧洲共同体-欧洲共同体煤炭对话上所表达的看法。对他们来说,脱碳政策看起来像是一种去煤的政策,而不是一种减少排放从而创造一个低排放社会的政策。在2014年10月的欧洲理事会会议上,欧盟领导人同意了2030年的新目标:至少减少40%的国内温室气体排放(1990年,c.f.), 27%的最终能源消耗中的可再生能源,以及27%的能源效率目标——可能在2020年审查后提高到30%。

In 2014, coal was again the No. 1 fuel for power  generation in the European Union and remains our  most economic and secure source of electricity.  Coal use in the Union fell slightly as new, more  efficient coal-fired power plants came on stream,  replacing older units. Despite the on-going global  economic crisis, affecting Europe in particular, oil  prices remained stubbornly high during the first  months of 2014. When it finally came, the  collapse in oil prices was dramatic. Coal prices  have reflected market conditions, while natural  gas was able to recover some of its lost market  share in the second half of 2014. Lower energy  prices have been good for European consumers,  but not for European coal mining companies who  must survive until overproduction from mines  around the world is stemmed and geopolitical  tensions ease.

Could coal become a forbidden fuel under EU  policy? While this might not be true in practice, it  was nevertheless the perception expressed by  many EURACOAL members at the 10th EC-EURACOAL Coal Dialogue. For them, the  decarbonisation policy looks like a policy to  remove coal, not a policy to reduce emissions and  thus create a low-emission society.

At a European Council meeting in October 2014,  EU leaders agreed to new targets for 2030: at  least a 40% reduction in domestic greenhouse gas  emissions (c.f. 1990), 27% renewables in final  energy consumption and a 27% energy efficiency  target – perhaps rising to 30% after a review in  2020.
