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加拿大天然气Focusing on what 90% of businesses do now is a big mistake 加拿大天然气Focusing on what 90% of businesses do now is a big mistake

加拿大天然气Focusing on what 90% of businesses do now is a big mistake

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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世界依赖各种形式的能源——石油、天然气、煤炭, 水电、核能和可再生能源。全球对能源的需求是 预计到2040年增长30%。作为世界人口 经济增长,对能源的需求也在增长。 预计世界对天然气的需求将增加。 到2040年,45%的受访者主要受亚洲快速扩张的推动。 经济。加拿大拥有巨大的天然气资源。 我们的行业管理良好,技术先进, 公司定位于帮助满足全球需求。

I was driving through rural Pennsylvania recently and saw a fascinating billboard. Sponsored by an organization that promotes coal and natural gas, the sign declared, “The truth is that 90% of our energy comes from fossil fuels.”Technically, that’s true (ish), but it’s also meaningless.On the surface, the facts are a bit exaggerated — fossil fuels provided more like 80% of our energy in the United States in 2016. But even if the billboard is roughly correct, who cares? The future belongs to renewable energy and clean technology.Read Full Article
