首页 > 资料下载 > 碳供应成本曲线:评估天然气资本支出的财务风险Carbon supply cost curves: Evaluating fnancial risk to gas capital expenditure
碳供应成本曲线:评估天然气资本支出的财务风险Carbon supply cost curves: Evaluating fnancial risk to gas capital expenditure 碳供应成本曲线:评估天然气资本支出的财务风险Carbon supply cost curves: Evaluating fnancial risk to gas capital expenditure

碳供应成本曲线:评估天然气资本支出的财务风险Carbon supply cost curves: Evaluating fnancial risk to gas capital expenditure

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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Carbon Tracker’s fnancial research has created a new debate around climate change and investment literally reframing the debate – “the climate swerve”. Carbon Tracker started this journey by considering the stocks of carbon in coal, oil and gas in the ground and comparing them to the carbon budget necessary to keep average global temperature increase below 2C thereby achieving a high probability of avoiding, what the international community considers to be dangerous levels of warming.
