首页 > 资料下载 > 不可燃碳:巴西是不是在避免碳泡沫?Unburnable Carbon: Is Brazil avoiding the carbon bubble?
不可燃碳:巴西是不是在避免碳泡沫?Unburnable Carbon: Is Brazil avoiding the carbon bubble? 不可燃碳:巴西是不是在避免碳泡沫?Unburnable Carbon: Is Brazil avoiding the carbon bubble?

不可燃碳:巴西是不是在避免碳泡沫?Unburnable Carbon: Is Brazil avoiding the carbon bubble?

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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Analysis by Carbon Tracker has indicated that 60-80% of the world’s coal, oil and gas reserves cannot be burnt in the next few decades if we are to have a reasonable chance of achieving climate change targets. This raises questions about whether companies are creating stranded assets or wasting capital on developing reserves that may not have a market in the future.
