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日中环境改善联合项目 中国燃煤发电效率Japan-China Joint Project for Improving the Environment and the Efficiency of Coa 日中环境改善联合项目 中国燃煤发电效率Japan-China Joint Project for Improving the Environment and the Efficiency of Coa

日中环境改善联合项目 中国燃煤发电效率Japan-China Joint Project for Improving the Environment and the Efficiency of Coa

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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JCOAL与中国电力理事会(以下简称“ CEC”)在当时的中华人民共和国总理温家宝2007年访问日本期间签署了“促进现有电厂改造的备忘录”之后,成立了日中中国提高燃煤发电效率和环境联合委员会,以促进日中两国基于商业的合作活动。同时,中国进入了当时称为“黄金十年”的快速经济增长时期,并迅速增加了其电力设施的容量和其发电量,主要集中在燃煤发电上。但是,2014年,中国政府将其经济政策转向了称为“新常态”的稳定增长之路,而中国由于处理空气污染问题的需要而开始出台更严格的环境政策,引起了全球关注,由酸雨和PM等问题引起。在本文中,我们报告了中国提高燃煤发电效率和环境的趋势以及日中联合委员会的近期活动

After JCOAL and the China Electricity Council (hereinafter referred to as “CEC”) signed a “Memorandum on Promoting the Renovation of Existing Power Plants” during the 2007 visit to Japan of Wen Jiabao, Premier of the People's Republic of China at that time, the Japan-China Joint Committee for Improving the Efficiency and the Environment of Coal-Fired Power Generation in China was formed to promote business-based cooperative activity between Japan and China. In the meantime, China had entered a period of rapid economic growth at the time called the “Golden Decade” and rapidly increased its power facilities capacity and the amount electric power it produces with a primary focus on coal-fired power. However, in 2014, the Chinese government switched its economic policy to a path of stable growth called the "New Normal" and China began hammering out a stricter environmental policy out of a need to deal with air pollution problems, which were attracting global attention, arising from issues such as acid rain and PM. In this paper, we report on trends in improving the efficiency and the environment related to coal-fired power in China as well as recent activities of the Japan-China Joint Committee
