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欧亚煤炭市场报告2013-2EURACOAL-Market-Report-2013-2(2013) 欧亚煤炭市场报告2013-2EURACOAL-Market-Report-2013-2(2013)


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世界煤炭市场发展——世界煤炭生产和海运贸易2012年全球煤炭产量估计约72亿t和海运无烟煤贸易大约增长了11%达到10.82亿t。世界煤炭市场价格CIF ARA的动力煤价格稳步下降2012年年初以来,达到平均价格为74.96美元/ t 2013年7月。欧洲煤炭市场经济危机和目前的煤炭供应过剩对欧盟成员国造成了许多后果:煤炭价格下跌,进口煤炭与本地生产形成竞争,煤炭取代了昂贵的天然气用于发电。波兰仍是欧洲最大的煤炭生产国和消费国,拥有大量未开发的硬煤和褐煤储量。在德国,目前仍有三个地下硬煤矿在运营,分别是普洛斯佩-哈尼尔、奥古斯特维多利亚和伊本布伦。2012年德国进口的硬煤总量几乎与2011年持平。蒸汽煤进口增加了5%,即1.7吨,焦煤进口减少了0.4吨,焦炭进口减少了1.2吨。煤是在上西里西亚煤盆地南部奥斯特拉瓦-卡维纳煤区开采的。2012年西班牙煤炭产量达到6.6吨,其中硬煤和无烟煤产量为4.26吨,亚烟煤产量为2.36吨。在英国两个深矿井必须关闭,Maltby煤矿,由于安全条件变化引起的地质和寒鸦轧机煤矿,最大的煤矿在英国和欧洲最大的矿山之一,一场大火摧毁了我后,有1400人失业。奥地利几乎没有煤炭活动,因为没有更多的本土煤炭生产。2012年进口量约为3.5吨,其中一半用于发电,一半用于钢厂。瑞典的煤炭使用量不到3吨,主要用于钢铁生产。在斯德哥尔摩,只有一家燃煤电厂将被一家使用生物燃料的新电厂取代。2013年前几个月,德国褐煤工业的产煤量保持稳定。然而,由于逐步淘汰核能和份额的增加RES电力市场的形势越来越复杂:看天风和太阳照耀时,德国不得不出口能源产生的可再生能源的一部分,它把电力价格下降。2012年波兰褐煤产量为64.2吨,2011年为62.8吨。最大的生产商是铂族元素GiEK SA / KWB Bełchatow。2012年希腊褐煤总产量为61.7 Mt,主要由PPC公司生产。看看希腊的能源组合,在2004年,52千瓦时中有32.5千瓦时是由褐煤生产的。在捷克共和国,目前有四家公司(Severočeske轻而易举地,捷克煤炭、Severni energeticka(原Litvinovska uhelna)和Sokolovska uhelna)产生褐煤表面矿山和地下矿山之一,被称为中枢。所有公司都在波西米亚西北部经营。2013年伊始,保加利亚举行了反对高电价和电力供应商的社会抗议活动。这导致了政府的辞职和新的选举。煤炭产量降至31.95吨左右,比2011年的36.9吨减少了13.5%。


WORLD COAL MARKET DEVELOPMENTS - WORLD COAL PRODUCTION AND SEABORNE  TRADE Global coal production for 2012 is estimated at about 7.2 bn t and seaborne hard  coal trade grew by approximately 11% reaching 1.082 bn t. WORLD COAL MARKET PRICES Steam coal prices CIF ARA have steadily decreased since the beginning of 2012  reaching an average price of 74.96 US$/t in July 2013. EUROPEAN COAL MARKETThe economic crisis and the current oversupply of coal have had many  consequences for EU Member States: coal prices have fallen, imported coal was  competing with local production and coal has displaced expensive gas for power  generation. HARD COAL Poland remains the biggest coal producer and consumer in Europe with huge unexploited hard coal and lignite reserves. In Germany there are currently 3 underground hard coal mines still in operation,  namely Prosper-Haniel, Auguste Victoria and Ibbenbueren. Total Hard coal imports to Germany in 2012 stayed nearly at the same level as in  2011. Steam coal imports increased by 5% or 1.7 Mt whilst coking coal imports  decreased by 0.4 Mt and coke by 1.2 Mt. In the Czech Republic, hard coal is produced by OKD. Coal is mined in the southern  part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, in the Ostrava-Karvin coal district. In Spain coal output reached 6.6 Mt in 2012 of which 4.26 Mt hard coal and  anthracite and 2.36 Mt subbituminous coal. In the United Kingdom two deep mines had to be closed, Maltby colliery, because of  safety conditions caused by a change in geology and Daw Mill colliery, the biggest  mine in the UK and one of the biggest mines in Europe, after a big fire had  devastated the mine, some 1400 jobs were lost. Austria has very little coal activities, as there is no more indigenous coal production.  Imports account for some 3.5 Mt in 2012 of which half is used for power generation  and half for steel mills. Sweden uses less than 3 Mt of coal, mostly for steel production. There is only one  single coal-fired power plant in Stockholm which will be replaced by a new plant,  using biofuels. LIGNITEOutput of the German lignite industry remained stable during the first months of 2013.  Nevertheless, due to phasing-out of nuclear and the increasing share of RES the  situation on the electricity market is getting more and more complicated: looking at  days when the wind blows and the sun shines, Germany is obliged to export part of  its energy generated by renewables, which pushes electricity prices down. Polish lignite production in 2012 reached 64.2 Mt against 62.8 Mt in 2011. The biggest  producer was PGE GiEK SA/ KWB Bełchatw. In Greece, lignite output totalled 61.7 Mt in 2012, mainly produced by PPC. Looking  at the Greek energy mix, in 2004, 32.5 TWh out of the total 52 TWh were produced  from lignite. In the Czech Republic, there are currently four companies (Severočesk doly, Czech  Coal, Severn energetick (former Litvnovsk uheln) and Sokolovsk uheln) that  produce brown coal from surface mines and from one underground mine, called  Centrum. All companies are operating in north-western Bohemia. Bulgaria started 2013 with social protests against high electricity prices and electricity  suppliers. This led to the government's resignation and new elections. Coal  production declined to about 31.95 Mt, which is 13.5% less than in 2011 (36.9 Mt).
